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Everything posted by Gumper

  1. I managed to do that rails mission first time. Kinda got a fright when the cop jumped onto the hood though Maybe its just cause im so used to playing PS2 FPS I dont have much of a problem with the aiming...at least not at that part...it can still take me a while to line up the perfect headshot using the analogue sticks. Now ive seen that cheating marks your game I might have to go back a few missions then to my original save.......doh...already saved over it. A friend of mine came round and wanted me to cheat to spawn a Rhino tank, have a pedestrian riot...which is just scary as old ladies suddenly have RPGs and fire them at anyone and anything. Anyways, after he got bored of that he saved did a few missions and saved the game to a different slot so he could do whatever he wanted...after watching him do some of those missions though I just carried on from his game and saved over my own...wish I hadnt now as I didnt know about the cheating marking the game down a bit....humbug!
  2. the game crashed on me for the first time ever. bit of a small spoiler here. I was on a mission where I have to drive around with Catalina on a quad and kill some cowboys who robbed a liquor store before I could....drove half away around the bloody world! and then had to get back to my hideout...on a quad!!!! So, was almost there when the game just froze...music kept playing, sfx were still going...but nothing else Dont know what to play now as Im so annoyed at it
  3. has anyone found out a way to make any money apart from gambling? I mean I dont mind making the occasional bet but doing the betting with my lowrider is getting tiring...only so many times I can follow a beat on screen. Dont wanna lose my lowrider either as its modded to hell and those damned Balla guys shoot me on sight Ive been playing GTA3 and GTA:VC on the XBox since I bought the double pack...and is it just me or are the graphics on the PS2 utterly pants compared to VC and GTA3 on the XBox...made me wanna cry for a bit...not being able to lock my camera where I want it while in a car annoys the hell outta me a bit as well. The swearing doesnt bother me...and I rarely ever swear in real life.
  4. I gave in and bought the Silver Edition from Steam as well. Been playing Counter geek: Source and actually finishing top on some servers The physics are really cool as well, hit a tire at the top of a hill and it will roll down watch a bottle roll along the floor if its windy Looks great to Names GumperPile on steam if anyone ever wants to play.
  5. exactly...why go to a sports bar if your not there to watch sports on the TV.... And as for the bartender ruining the night by switching the TV on, its his bar, he can do whatever he likes
  6. I played it for about 6-9 months when it first came out...but theres only so many times I can attack the same bases etc etc. And the Vanu had to powerful weapons. Tried it again not to long ago but was just bored with it. Still got the lagspikes as well, which sucks.
  7. I have XBox live, over here in the UK. Think my gamer tag is GforceUK (my brothers online name) Dont have that many games, ive got CounterStrike, Full Spectrum Warrior, MotoGP, Project Gotham 2, thats all my online games. Ive had it for about 3 months and only used it for like 2 weeks. Waiting for Halo 2 to come out really...that and the extension on my house to get started and finished so I can set my room out properly, as there will be more space with my brother FINALLY getting his own room after 21 years sharing a room... Damn expensive houses!!
  8. the demo is awesome, I have to say I loved it. The single player has a bit of a surprise in the first mission...needless to say it cost a friend of mine nearly 8 dreadnoughts... I just wish there was a relic in the skirmish maps...I want a Land Raider and a squad of Terminators damn it!!!! Comes out in 4 days over here, same day as Star Wars DVDs....thank god I get paid on friday
  9. are they really that bad?
  10. didnt realise you was from the UK Graham Where abouts in the UK? Im from Cumbria I remember all of the cartoons mentioned here and Im only 21
  11. there is one scene in the movie, when Ultra Magnus, Springer etc are on the planet of Junk, on one of the TV screens you see a girl that looks just like Minmei...thats the only thing I can think of as being the easter egg...may be wrong though.
  12. my PC is: AMD Ahtlon XP "Barton" 2600 at 2.04GHz 1.25GB of RAM (long story...) Gforce4 TI4400 only thing I would want to upgrade is my graphics card and next month im doing a lot of overtime in my job, so will hopefully do it then...playing CoD is hard to do with all settings turned down from Max
  13. i remember it being talked about in the days of the old forum. But cant remember anything being done...a Blue + White scheme with MW logo does seem familiar though.
  14. nooooo....they killed Chloe....shes the only one I think is really good looking on the show....Pete just doesnt do it for me
  15. got it...took me a few tries...about 5 minutes. My twin brother got it after 2 rolls Ah well...guess twins arent all the same its so simple once you get it
  16. that SV-51 trainer is pretty cool.
  17. i went to the site where the actual pictures were hosted and managed to see quite a few of them. Never saw any of the ones posted above though, exceopt for the General Grievous one. The clone troopers look pretty cool now...although I hope that none of the "squad markings" schemes are used.
  18. sorry guys, no idea about my lat or longitude. Location Scotland. Town, East Kilbride a little SW of Glasgow. here we go latitude 55.7536 55° 45' 12" longitude -4.2278 -4° 13' 40" thx for the lat/long link
  19. my birthday was the 28th february as well I was 21...maybe Im a younger version of Kawamori sent back to save the future...or something...
  20. Gumper


    update. Epicheroes now has a lot more 1/48 stock for sale. No low viz's im afraid, but they do have the Roy VF-1S and the Hikaru VF-1S as well as the new Max and Myria valks for preorder. Also for the 1/60 Armoured Valk for order as well.
  21. Im not complaining that Ill never see them, as they are on Toonami over here in the UK, its just that I cant watch all the chapters one after another on that site because I aint an american resident Woe is me.
  22. what a loada crap. Only available to residents of the United States.
  23. with the open Beta we could create an army of MacrossWorld fanatics, that worship Crom on the side.
  24. you should have asked one of us, we would have done your moms taxes for her so we could see more of the build up. lol.
  25. when I said crap, I just meant that I didnt like it much. Was different to other stuff at the time thats all.
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