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    Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

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  1. If the the Macross Chronicles manages to score an interview with Shōji Kawamori then maybe I will subscribe. Is the the Macross Chronicles Available in English?
  2. Very good article Dreamweaver13 you basically put the issue at least for me to rest. I know since I am a guy those three characters Hikaru Ichijyo, Misa Hayase and Lynn Minmay would always be in my heart. If Shoji Kawamori ever releases a story featuring the Triangler I know it would be a hit and we the fans of Macross would watch it.
  3. You got that right because of Harmony Gold we might never see a English Dub Version of Macross Do You Remember Love, Macross 7, Macross Dynamite Seven, Macross 7 the Movie, Macross Zero and finally Macross Frontier. If you ask me Harmony Gold did more harm to the Macross Franchise. I always wonder what Shōji Kawamori thinks of Harmony Gold and if he knows that he has Fans in North America, Europe, Mexico, South America, China? Well I am from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Harmony Gold is the Ultimate Villian of the Macross Franchise.
  4. I grew up watching Robotech too The Macross Saga was my favourite. After watching Super Dimension Fortress Macross I can see why Carl Macek changed the storyline, trimmed down the violence and the profanity. Do not get me wrong I love Macross but if a cartoon was going to air in North America in the eighties, Macross would not have aired at all. Instead we got the horrible Robotech version. Recently after watching Super Dimension Fortress Macross with scenes that were cut in Robotech. It had profanity and mature themes and awesome action for a anime cartoon from the eighties. I do not regent buying Super Dimension Fortress Macross DVD Set.
  5. Thanks Lebhead for Article the Difference Between Macross and Robotech. I only hope that Macross Do You Remember Love will finally be released in North America. For Carl Macek if he did not put all three series together I would have never known Robotech opps I mean MACROSS. Do not get me wrong I am in love with Macross its a superior product it took awhile for me to notice the difference between the two.
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