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Everything posted by khyronic

  1. It looks like i'll be watching it next after I finish Stargate. Stargate even had a episode that referenced Farscape. Soon I will understand that episode more.
  2. Just wondering. I am just finishing watching Stargate SG1 and some of the actors were on Farscape. I remember seeing puppets on it which through me off. The basic concept as I understood it reminded me of Buck Rogers. Anyway it is one of the few longer running sci-fi shows of the last decade or so that I never really even attempted to watch and am just curious if it was a decent show. Thoughts?
  3. I'm just looking at the new anime dvds available at my local library and am looking for any comments from anyone who has seen any of the following. I hear Black Cat is really good. Tanx! Black Cat Big Windup Ghost Slayers Ayashi Heroic Age Nana
  4. watching black lagoon (second barrage)...once i'm done it will be Desert Punk. Also watching Dragon Drive(in English) and Southern Cross/Mospeada on the side to fill my "retro need"
  5. i actually downloaded the 4GB copy from the torrent...was going to try to put on my psp(i don't have a ps3) but do not have a large enough memory card. Anyway i have a mp4 player on my computer and watched it. Quite good, though i really feel i should wait until part 2 before giving an overall comment. I do prefer the series as the movie seems to just jump into many aspects of the plot that took episodes to get into in the series. Anyway i hope part 2 is posted as soon as it comes out. The animation is amazing though, absolutely amazing!
  6. "It's never as good as the first time". Though I really like Frontier, it seems to be drawing on all the previous incarnations(Macross Plus, Macross 7, Macross etc) to the point that I don't really find it carving its own identity. NOT that that's a critcism, it's just my opinion. It certainly has the best mech battles(but they're too sparse and short). #1 Macross original (the one that de-flowered me) #2 Macross Plus #3 Macross Zero #4 Macross II #5 Macross 7 (notice the spacing distance between the others. I did like the music in it and it is not as bad as many on this site say it is) DYRL I consider part of original Macross
  7. Just finished watching episode 23 of Macross Froniter(just 2 more to go!!)and was wondering if there were any websites where I could watch the movie, False Diva online. Tanx!
  8. dead, but still alive

  9. Thank you. Robotech Battlecry, though not great either, seems much better than this, so far. Cyclone riding is neat though akward...
  10. It's not so much that I'm lost, it's that I am visually challenged...and this game, you must admit, is not the most user friendly...This guide has screen shots which help me figure out where I am and where I should be.
  11. Thank You Seto. I'm only on Chapter 4, so that archive site will help me get further.
  12. Simply looking for any info on an online(or any kind of really) guide for Robotech Invasion game. I really suck at games and was using a guide on http://www.robotechresearch.com/ but the domain has been (temporarily) removed. Any info would be hot. I've tried all the major sites I would usually find info(gamefaqs,ign etc) so I'm hoping there might some obscure site with details.
  13. My friend is letting me borrow Fringe Season 1 for the holidays. I like JJ Abrams' other shows like Alias and Lost, and have heard many compare Fringe to X-Files (X-files is one of my all-time fav shows btw). Anyway just wanted some thoughts from those who watch it regularly. Am I going to be rushing to watch Season 2 before Season 3 starts in the fall? Is Season 2 better than Season 1? In other words, is the show getting better as it goes along unlike others(ie Heroes)? Any thoughts would be grand...
  14. I have Season 1 of tv show Heroes. I have never watched it but have been told that Season 1 was really good, BUT ultimately the only good season of the show. For those who have watched more of the show, my question is: Is Season 1 really that good? How bad were the other seasons? Did the final season end with any closure or was it just a typical season ending episode? YES, I will eventually, through the passage of time watch the whole show, but going through 4 seasons of a show that only its 1st season is really good, is not a thing I want to do right now, considering how much Anime I have to watch too. Any info would be nice!!
  15. About 6 or 7 yrs ago (when I was just starting my anime collection) eBay had listings of a HK Boot dvd set of Mospeada that actually included the "Live Love Alive "episode". I eventually got the ADV Version, which did not include it. I have never seen it and was wondering if there was any website that might have it. I am also looking for Macross Flashback on dvd
  16. Agreed Seto. When I use the word "quality" I do not mean visuals or voice acting or anything specific. I mean in terms of the overall presentation. Yes, most shows have the odd "off the mark" episode(s) and that is entirely understandable. To me, by episode 4 or 5, in most cases, I know whether I am watching a good show or not, regardless of its length (though I offer that I watch all shows all the way through, regardless of whether I'm really into or just watching because I started it). That being said, when someone mentions to me that a certain show is really good, I tend to watch it more closely but I am my own judge. I have enough anime with me that I have not seen, to last me several months. Bleach has taken up all my show watching and I'm taking a break from it and watching a show called Jing: King of Bandits. It is only 13 eps so by this week I'll be starting something new... ...I'm leaning toward Gungrave...
  17. To Gubaba okay, well somebody does not like (Macross) Frontier...okay... To Seto Kaiba I have a few friends that have greater access to attaining anime, so whatever they have(as they are not really into anime), they let me take. To anyone that can answer So what is the problem with Macross Frontier? I must offer that I am one of those that does not mind Macross 7 ( I remember earlier days on this Forum where there was heated debates on the quality of that show) so I would not mind if the show had good fight scenes and a reasonable attempt at story and linking it to Macross.
  18. I have just got my hands on a few anime series that I have not watched yet and was interested in comments on which ones are really good or not, so I know which to watch first. I watch all types of anime so I am interested in talk about the quality of the shows more than anything. So, tell me about the following(ONLY IF YOU'VE SEEN THEM) Macross Frontier Claymore Desert Punk Gungrave Ah! My Goddess tanx in advance!!!
  19. anyone know where one could get a "decent sub" of Live Love Alive on dvd?. Just wonderin'
  20. ABC is hoping that it will be the "new Lost", as that show ends next year...I hope it's good and taken seriously by the producers. B Galactica showed reinvention CAN work...Please be good. I loved the original (mini-series especially).
  21. Considering how long the book was, I was surprised at how short it was. Immense chunks of the story were taken out and I must say, compared to the others, it was not that good, but still better than most summer movies. The order(no pun intended) that I would I would rank the 5 movies, from best to "worst" would be: 1. Prisoner Of Azkaban 2. Chamber Of Secrets 3. Goblet Of Fire 4. Philosopher's Stone 5. Order Of Phoenix
  22. Can anyone mention a good website to get dvd easter egg info? All the ones I know barely update once a year. Tanx Also it would be great if there was one for anime dvds too...
  23. Does anyone have the track listings in English or Japanese for Super Dimension Fortress Macross - The Movie Original Soundtrack. There are 14 tracks. I got it from a friend and would prefer English translations if possible. Tanx in advance!
  24. Just needing some feedback on the following shows: Gundam: I hear that SD Gundam Force is garbage but my library has Gundam Wing and Gundam Seed too. I hear those 2 are good. I know nothing of the Gundam show so was wondering if it is important to watch them in a particular order.... Cromartie High School. Anyone seen it? Should I watch it?
  25. t h a n k y o u !
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