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Everything posted by barurutor

  1. guess i'll wait for HLJ and N-Y
  2. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    Part and parcel of being a variety show host.
  3. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    IMHO the HM-Rs are more playable than the Yamarcadia 1/60s, especially with the enemy mecha. But, if you hate partsforming then 1/60 wins hands down.
  4. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    katakana in the poster says april fools. done by Exo
  5. Anyway, I just started re-watching the original 1998 movie and it really could use the sidebars/footnotes from the manga during playback. A direct translation of that story to live-action film would be a critical/financial disaster IMHO.
  6. Saw it a few hours ago as well. Liked the homage scenes to the original film and the Robocop storyline was decent enough, though dialogue was a bit 'meh'. Not sure if worth watching again on IMAX 3D though.
  7. seti88 got it. Fans with constrained budgets are more likely to entertain the notion of maximizing their money's worth on cheaply priced KOs vs. Arcadia releases, all other things relatively equal. I'm sure most members here and on other like-minded forums/groups reading threads like these would probably think twice about getting KOs, but there are probably a lot more people dabbling in these toys than we realize who'd pick up cheap KOs in a heartbeat.
  8. Not everyone can afford KOs *and* new releases at the same time, so even if OOP valks are being KO'd and sold for cheap then that's less chance of Arcadia getting collector dollars.
  9. ^ considering how much effort you put into reviewing these things, does youtube/google adsense pay the effort/hosting/toy bills or anymoon is more a labor of love?
  10. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    Picked up 2 from amiami. got 2 spartans on PO as well.
  11. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    I hope milia 1J ships soon.
  12. I just checked the tampo on my copy here at the office. peeled the plastic off with no issues. color scheme is striking, love the detailed tampo markings all over.
  13. I normally just post in the toys section but the creativity in all the builds here is inspiring. great work guys!
  14. Man, between requests like this and bootleg valk reactions (eager/expected/they deserved it) it's like people want Arcadia to fail.
  15. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    wouldn't the phalanx be less popular than the defender?
  16. Tampo not tampons. Personally I think HG is to blame for all of this. If Macross could be marketed/licensed/sold globally then toy makers like Arcadia/Bandai could probably get their merchandise priced cheaper due to a larger target market.
  17. *sigh* gotta wait for my paypal wallet to top up before i can PO the accessories.
  18. if you absolutely need it brand new, N-Y has it as well for 25k yen. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/18150-macross-delta-dx-chogokin-vf-31j-siegfried-hayate-immelman-custom.html
  19. I wonder if the transformation process came to be due to the practice of Lego prototyping by Kawamori, or the other way around (transformation process already fleshed out, just using Lego to test the idea if feasible).
  20. "news" from the weird side of WW fandom: http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2017/03/15/were_gal_gadot_s_armpits_digitally_bleached_in_the_wonder_woman_trailer.html
  21. winner names, noeljm
  22. There were a few DX chogokin frontier valks listed on mandarake without the big west sticker recently.
  23. Taobao (I think) lists KO Macross items...
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