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Everything posted by barurutor

  1. new picture from Arcadia https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=636459196398372&set=a.517469641630662.121870.510346885676271&type=1&theater
  2. barurutor

    Display Case

    There's a bunch of discussions online regarding dustproofing the detolf relatively cheaply using weather stripping or clear plastic tubing sliced along the length.
  3. They really should reissue Ozma and Michael...
  4. probably just US shipping. erikos, could you please calculate Singapore shipping with your preferred shipper? I'd like 1 1/60 set for my TV Max
  5. Damn it, now I want a VF-1S Max!! LOL
  6. I first saw some old episodes of Robotech on Betamax in the early 80's in the Philippines, and caught the Philippine English dub as well. I've been hooked ever since.
  7. Cdjapan has the 25a at 15820 yen shipped to Singapore via registered SAL, 17800 yen via EMS. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/goods_detail.html?KEY=NEOGDS-90706 There's a 25a on ebay.sg right now at 220SGD Buy It Now, essentially 17800 yen. http://www.ebay.com.sg/itm/290999146965?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  8. DX Chogokin Macross Quarter for ~10k yen, is this a steal if it's legit? http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/surugaya-a-too/item/2257339-1/
  9. for the optional parts alone it's a good price, not to mention replacement/mod parts for your painted valks.
  10. That 25A is looking better and better every time i see new pictures. Aaarggh. Must resist.
  11. No pics yet, but I recently got: A VF-25F renewal+Super+Armor parts (got a really good price for the set) Yamato v2 VF-1A Max/Kakizaki TV (thanks close313) 4 Action Base 00 stands (grey) from the recent Gundam Expo in Singapore 4 B2Y Action Base 00-Yamato stand adapters from Shapeways Edit: added pic
  12. I paid approximately USD55 for the last released VF-1 Super/Strike parts here in SG (pre-order price at a local store). So maybe between USD40-50?
  13. http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/auc-terraformer/item/200000039234/ Roy v2 VF-1S TV with option parts
  14. interested, hope it costs around the VF-1 super/strike parts SRP or less...
  15. is it wearable in gerwalk mode?
  16. http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1263264.html another VE-1
  17. Nope, I got my GBP-1S with 1J from ebay SG last year. The web exclusive GBP-1S looks interesting though.,.
  18. I bought the shapeways replacement shoulders for my 1st release v2 Roy 1S w/SSP and 1st release v2 Hikaru 1J last year, they're well worth the cost. I will eventually have to pick up one more set for my GBP-1S w/1J though.
  19. If it's the box similar to this one: http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1281165.html ...you may have to order replacement shoulders from shapeway. http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-247338.html really good price for v2 elintseeker
  20. http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/yellowsubmarine/item/4543112814173/?s-id=borderless_browsehist_en 20% off if anybody's interested. You can contact the shop for shipping rates (EMS) to your country.
  21. http://www.shapeways.com/model/463232/kanzen-henkei-1-60-scale-fighter-variable-hinge.html?li=shop-results&materialId=6 Veef's shapeways link for the VF-1 shoulder hinges.
  22. Thanks for the search tips, I'm seeing a lot more valks now in the search results! these terms seems to be useful as well: 完全変形 (Kanzen henkei/Complete Transformation) コンプTOY (Comp Toy?)
  23. how do you guys search on mandarake? do you enter the katakana for macross or just macross in english?
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