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Everything posted by barurutor

  1. It's still the same one used in all the earlier photos.
  2. http://ameblo.jp/digitamin/entry-11713774099.html New blog entry with new(?) pictures of the prototype. It has a lot of close-ups!
  3. Sounds like okinawaHAI got a V1. Plane mode's not bad, but that's about it. The V2s are light-years better.
  4. CDJapan has the VF-27 & RVF-25 at 30% off! http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/list.html?ct_id=1011402
  5. On sale at CDJapan, 50% Off! http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/list.html?ct_id=1011402
  6. On sale at CDJapan, 14000Y! http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/list.html?ct_id=1011402
  7. Impulse-bought a set of Robot Spirits figures which arrived yesterday: VF-25F+Super Parts VF-25G+Super Parts Queadlunn-Rea Klan Klan custom 2xPixie Squad Queadlunn-Rea There were some "missing parts" in the Pixie Squad Queadlunn-Rea's, will have to check later.
  8. You can still find reasonably priced 2nd hand ones on Mandarake, Yahoo Japan Auctions, Rakuten, and Amazon Japan.
  9. It's available again at HLJ, with further discount: http://www.hlj.com/product/ACA82019/Sci
  10. Cancelled my earlier order with HLJ. Thanks for spotting this! I have 1 more order with Amiami just in case they don't honor the price adjustment.
  11. Thanks Mommar for the pic of the blue valks together! I'd requested that sometime back. Oddly enough I prefer the glossy blue color over the more realistic matte 1J. The darker blue shade looks gorgeous as well.
  12. Just arrived yesterday. There's a small tear on the upper left corner of the box. Everything else inside is pretty clean, no cracks on the shoulders. 3 tiny stickers applied, no big deal. The extra tampo detail is nice!
  13. the base looks like tomica road sets
  14. Don't the fixed pose hands look different from the old Yamato ones?
  15. Nice photos! Wish I had the skill & patience to decal up my valks like yours.
  16. http://www.ebay.com.sg/itm/MISB-Yamato-1-60-Macross-VT-1-Super-Ostrich-/251382881783?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_216&hash=item3a87965df7 Someone finally picked this up. Been on my watchlist for some time now but the asking price was too high for me.
  17. The super/armored parts are not so easy to find now, good score on those.
  18. HKCollectibles has it for a really good price.
  19. Back from HK, here's what I found after a quick pass (~1 hour) of Sino Centre and CTMA Centre:
  20. That EX-gear looks pretty cool!
  21. Thanks! I got that from Rakuten Terraformer shop almost a month ago. Its a "used" TV-1S with option parts (used but virtually new, didn't appear to be taken out of box at all). The TV super parts are from my 1J.
  22. Yes. The VF-1J is using the straight adapter while the Max 1A is using the banked left one. I have a banked right adapter and some more unassembled action bases. I need to rotate toys in/out of display more often.
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