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Everything posted by barurutor

  1. yes there is: http://www.mech9.com/blog/2009/09/how-to-disengage-the-hip-joint-of-your-160-yamato-vf-1/
  2. Whoever makes a Timber Wolf as poseable as Yamato's destroids would probably make a killing.
  3. Hi TCracker, where'd you get yours from? Great pics as always even if I'm not a fan of the YF-29.
  4. You usually have to register the new cable modem's MAC address with Cox first before you plug it in.
  5. mine arrived yesterday, don't have time to take it out yet.
  6. scratch/dent VF-1S Roy on HLJ: http://www.hlj.com/product/DMG-1-ACA82018/Sci
  7. Nice.those are 1/48 right?
  8. ++ to this. I didn't realize how much stuff I already had until I typed it all up on Google Drive.
  9. I don't think enough MWers have received theirs to start forming a consensus that the skull is indeed crooked on this release.
  10. So the promo shots showing SDF-1 on the vertical stabilizers don't apply to the toys? That sucks.
  11. Looks like I need to pick up a sheryl/basura figure for my 19kai
  12. That's awesome! What figure is basara's guitar from?
  13. For Yamato SDF:M valks I recently decided to shift away from the hero valks & get the oddball ones instead. For Macross Frontier I'm still trying to complete the Skull Squadron+super parts but, unless they reissue the VF-25S, will probably never do so.
  14. thread resurrection! Do the VF-1A/J/S weathering valks have more tampo printing (similar to the CF TV 1A) compared to the regular versions?
  15. You can buy the currently available Yamato V2 FP/strike packs, they will work with the Arcadia valks.
  16. /me looks at hazray's sig dude, your collection is quite impressive!
  17. Seller set an absurdly high reserve price for that. Its been relisted a few times already.
  18. ...and one's listed on yja already. Thanks for the comparison pics Falcon18. What brand/scale are the tiny fighters?
  19. wrong thread? sorry to hear about that though.
  20. That sucks. How are the VF-19s on the old Yamato launch arm stands?
  21. They really should sell the stand separately, they'd probably make a killing on all Yamato owners looking for nice stands.
  22. After one of the local hobby stores here in SG failed to secure the renewal VF-25G thru pre-orders I turned to online sources for Macross toys. Cheaper plus wider selection as well, plus I know where my money's going. After pre-ordering the YF-19 I laugh at the inflated prices charged by local stores for the same thing.
  23. Haven't received notice for mine (amiami) yet. but my order shows status as In-stock. Maybe I'll get the payment request tomorrow.
  24. cool lego armor stand! can you post instructions/parts list for it?
  25. Was it listed on YJA? I almost got drawn into a bidding war over one a few days back...
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