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Everything posted by barurutor

  1. that rear looks a bit gappy to me (never mind the incomplete transformation of the left leg). here's the arcadia yf-19 for comparison (angle slightly different): ARCADIA YF-19 ファイター 高速飛行形態 by B_A_T_, on Flickr
  2. Finally got shipping notice (SAL registered) from N-Y.
  3. Color scheme looks nice, better IMHO than the ozma (ducks and runs). Does this have the 2 swivelling cannons as well? I prefer the battroid without the 2 cannons deployed.
  4. Got a reply from N-Y customer support, 25S shipping will start Monday. I suppose they'll drop off the actual packages at Japan Post that day even though the shipments have been entered in JP's system today (for those of you who've received shipping emails).
  5. Just checked my paid pre-order (no status change since payment last August) and raised a ticket asking WTF happened to it. How early did you pre-order yours?
  6. Kinda disappointed that the visor is white instead of grey. Looks like the older grey goggle 1J will become even more expensive.
  7. Can anybody confirm that the pinky moves independently from the middle/ring fingers? That's pretty cool! Now waiting for HLJ Black Friday sale on this *fingers crossed*.
  8. there's a pic of the rainbow canopy peeling off here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=26947&page=25
  9. So when will the 25S ship out? I paid for mine on N-Y back during the pre-order madness (had funds at the time).
  10. hope the ball joints on the hips, shoulders and ankles stay tight. wonder what plane/gerwalk mode looks like though. battroid mode seems like it might be narrower-chested than the arcadia yf-19 if viewed head-on. also hope this is a web exclusive as well.
  11. Nope, this is still the same mold as the Yamato VF-19Kai, but with gold trim instead of yellow and Fire Bomber figures thrown in AFAIK.
  12. OT: Flickr had a bulk uploader application (Uploadr) years ago, you can still use it to do bulk uploads. https://www.flickr.com/help/forum/en-us/72157645005486178/ https://www.flickr.com/help/forum/en-us/72157643429983504/ https://www.flickr.com/help/forum/en-us/72157644338150014/ the app itself is available at http://flickr-uploadr.en.softonic.com/
  13. that looks pretty detailed and solidly made. is it possible to get pictures with a ruler for some sense of scale?
  14. Already overpaid for mine at N-Y during the pre-order madness. Thanks, Bandai
  15. IMHO getting the assembly kit just for 2 shoulders is overkill unless you really plan to use the rest of the kit for modding/repair. A pair of shoulders on shapeways costs USD15-USD30 (including shipping, cost depending on where it's shipped).
  16. So this reissue would have 2 sets of chest side covers (white and grey)?
  17. I think I'd be willing to buy the armor off those who want this set for the 1J only. I wonder if they'll bundle in the pilot seat (as seen below) from the option parts in this release?
  18. it's not as simple as sunlight/no-sunlight. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41472#entry1140053 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=39370&hl=yellowing#entry1051866 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38976#entry1037803 I've had my Arcadia Hikaru DYRL 1S next to my Yamato Roy TV 1S, couldn't discern a major difference in the whiteness of the plastic under sunlight FWIW.
  19. Excellent review jenius! I like how you took side/rear photos of battroid (which look ridiculous IMHO).
  20. The last 2 days worth of picture posts in this thread have been awesome, now I wish I hadn't passed up pre-ordering this.
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