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Everything posted by barurutor

  1. Just a theory, maybe Arcadia saw poor sales of the anniversary 1J and incorrectly concluded that fans didn't want OMG tampo overkill and waterslide decals, nevermind that the anniversary color scheme was silly.
  2. Took some pics of Kurisama's hands on my 1J (clicking on them goes to my photobucket) they look quite good, though some sanding of the wrist shaft may be advisable. Thanks Kurisama!
  3. Shin VF-0A Aug 2015 VF-0S Dec 2015
  4. picked up a bunch of VF-1 hands and shoulder hinges during the last Shapeways sale.
  5. very nice comparison pics between the 2 19s.
  6. The sale is until Monday afternoon for people in Asia/Australia...
  7. Thanks for the heads up, ordered some upgrades and shoulder hinges!
  8. pretty good comparison pictures. i suppose you can get them to match height if the bandai vf-19 doesn't do the michael-jackson style pants (fully lowered ankles)?
  9. edit: gerwalk mode pics only not fighter http://www.google.com.sg/imgres?imgurl=http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/zgmf2/imgs/f/f/ff5065a6-s.jpg&imgrefurl=http://blog.livedoor.jp/zgmf2/archives/52420750.html&h=360&w=640&tbnid=c3e-HRFxqZt0gM:&zoom=1&docid=6eRHITM-iR4V5M&ei=gIuTVbD9OY6VuQSb8puoBQ&tbm=isch&ved=0CHoQMyhVMFU
  10. IMHO The whole collection of v1 Macross F valkyries begs to differ.
  11. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    VF-1S Hikaru Strike Valkyrie PO page: Hobbysearch http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10334507 PO starts in ~12 hours!
  12. during preorder back in 2013 the Arcadia YF-19 was priced at 28,980 JPY - amiami 29,520 JPY - HLJ (went down to 26,568 during Black Friday, good times) upon release (end March 2014) it was priced around USD$270 before shipping at HLJ.com and USD$285 at amiami. FYI nowadays on Mandarake or Yahoo Japan it'll be minimum 30k-32k yen for opened/displayed condition...
  13. fellow MW member is selling the Arcadia YF-19 (amongst other cool valks), see http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=42688&hl=
  14. rakuten also has a couple of listings cheaper than what's listed above; http://global.rakuten.com/en/search/?tl=101164&k=vf-19+advance&l-id=keyword_suggest
  15. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    PO is usually 4PM JST if I remember correctly.
  16. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    looks pretty good for 1/100ish scale, I suppose pre-orders for the 1S were pretty good.
  17. No stand for the Arcadia. Both versions of the Yamato came in the same box, unfortunately. You have to check the armor tampo to see what version is inside.
  18. ^ Depends which release of the Yamato you got. Did you get the one with the '1' tampoed on the chest missile cover and crack-prone shoulders or the later release with fixed shoulders and no '1' tampo on the chest (and some other minor markings as well)? The Arcadia armor matches the later Yamato release. The Arcadia 1J has a tendency to look pinkish under certain lighting conditions, but your experience may vary.
  19. from rnurmin's flickr, rotated:
  20. Already posted a few pages back
  21. fold-effect VF-1! Looks like they're trying to go after the massively untapped & extremely lucrative Special Coating Version fetish market
  22. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    I wonder if you can use the small wings from the VF-1S on the GBP 1J. Didn't the DYRL movie show Max 1S have small wings in the Milia dogfight?
  23. ok, but why? I suppose you could pretend it's a CF squad... 2 angelbirds and the 30th 1J would look pretty cool IMHO though.
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