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Everything posted by barurutor

  1. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    I have no skin in this game but maybe the shipper box is sized the same regardless of whether you got the stand or not?
  2. Just saw the transformation sequence now while watching. Amazing stuff! Got chills just like when I saw the VF-0 transformation sequence for the first time. I hope they don't over-engineer it to the point of fragility like the CF VF-171 though. And a +1 to the Lego prototype, if Kawamori does ever show it off like the VF-25 one.
  3. No mention of super parts there...
  4. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    Bad-ass Armored 1J squad, too bad all of them have "1" on the chest
  5. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    7346 yen from taghobby (thru Macross Fans of Malaysia FB group)
  6. i'm keeping my Arcadia VF-4 in MIB condition as well, as with their 0D/0A/0S
  7. 1st release with 1J with faulty shoulders - tampo 2nd release with 1J with fixed shoulders - decal standalone armor release - decal standalone armor with launch effect - don't know, ask davidwhangchoi
  8. that looks awesome!
  9. I picked up a cool flashlight... ...but the packaging was ridiculously big, plus it had all these weird extra pieces inside:
  10. The arm armor is different on the TV parts, so they're not completely identical disregarding color difference.
  11. awesome work! too rich for me currently but who knows, maybe in the future...
  12. Bright white of this should go well with the SDFM vermilion squad, I may get one just to continue support for Arcadia (the only releases I didn't get were the original Roy 1S and the 19Kai combo).
  13. barurutor


    It's vf-11b not 11c though. I was lucky enough to find my 11C locally in Singapore for a reasonable price as well.
  14. barurutor


    There's one on Mandarake right now. 28000 yen.
  15. They matched the whites! Now the old Yamato TV valkyries can wear DYRL strike parts!
  16. reissue with Super/Strike parts apparently.
  17. not really unless you want to support Arcadia or need Super/Strike parts at a less-exorbitant price than the secondary market charges on Yamato sets.
  18. Them's fighting words right there . Clown valks and space whales aside, 7 had awesome (if not repetitive) music.
  19. OT: Booby Duck doesn't get enough love! Nice shots of TV Roy.
  20. Informal poll: would you get this if they matched the off-white on the strike parts missiles to the pink-white of the VF-1S? The pink white doesn't bother me so much, but the mismatched white does.
  21. radome looks like taco.
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