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Everything posted by barurutor

  1. Scrawny forearms on the Vf-31. Cannot unsee
  2. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    a bad photoshop, and pic #6 contains the old version stripes more reason to get this even if you have the GBP-1S 1J already, I guess.
  3. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    8800JPY x 1.08 (8% Japan tax) = 9504JPY
  4. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    How different is the new Max 1J from the old Hi-Metal one, without considering the Super Parts?
  5. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    Finally opened 1 of my regults, feels really good in the hand and fun to pose. Looking forward to getting the Glaug out of the box later.
  6. angel kakizaki and roy fokker hungry ghost cracked me up
  7. They might reissue the 0S once the armored pack nears release. Fingers crossed...
  8. Picked up a BIB VF-1D (original release) + shapeways shoulders from a local collector bro here in SG. Still miss my VF-1D 30th though, shouldn't have sold it
  9. Alto 25F armored parts do pop up on Mandarake for around 24-27k from time to time, still cheaper than Ozma's 30-32k. At least prices seem to have stabilized around those points.
  10. Was the box engrish on the 29 Alto always 'Valkirie' and not 'Valkyrie' like the other DX Chogokins?
  11. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    those were CM's figs AFAIK
  12. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    wow that was easy. pre-ordered 2 on N-Y. They allowed more than 1, I accidentally pre-ordered another after pre-ordering 1 at the start. Was able to cancel the additional PO without problems.
  13. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    Saw on FB that the Hikaru TV 1J could have short wing set as well, besides the TV-style hands and chest top gap cover. Anybody else confirm?
  14. ooo, looks like the taco folds twice
  15. 1. Everything I sold off... a lot of awesome MWFers have parts of my collection now... 2. 1/60 v2 Max/Milia 1J 3. 1/60 v2 Max 1S weathering & weathering strike parts (I have a Max 1A weathering, but it's naked w/o corresponding parts). 4. Roy TV 1S+super parts 5. VF-19F... never saw one going for a good price. 6. Gamlin VF-22 7. Arcadia VF-19 Kai gold with Fire Bomber figs 8. DX chogokin VF/RVF-171 with armor
  16. Yeah those are decent prices for VF-25G. Lucked out and got my 3rd one (sold the 1st 2 off) MISB for less than 24k yen though
  17. it's all on anymoon: VF-25S: 14000yen armored parts: 8190yen less than 24000yen for both!
  18. Alto VF-25F + 25G super parts is "canon" as well, the 25G super parts tend to be the cheapest available in Mandarake/Jungle/YJA.
  19. maybe the mods can move the YF-30 SWS check posts to the YF-30 thread?
  20. those are some huge shoulder pads & bell-bottom pants.
  21. You can still get Ozma super parts *relatively* cheaply (compared to the armor parts) though... 11k yen or thereabouts.
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