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Everything posted by barurutor

  1. this. how will the plane take off if the rear landing gear doors scrape the runway when it pitches up? or is this catapult/carrier launch only?
  2. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    Just paid for mine @ amiami, JPY4020 for SAL to Singapore
  3. for customizers/low-viz fetishists (no offense intended....)
  4. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    The Bandai DX Robot Spirits VB-6 Koenig Monster seemed to be fairly popular, it got 3 variants (regular, SP, and Wings of Valkyria version) and still commands good resale value. You really should check jenius' site for release pricing:
  5. ^ was there any problem with the color of the Yamato DYRL packs in the first place? I plan to treat this as my TV VF-1S anyway and slap the TV Super Parts on it.
  6. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    spanner was that for 1 monster to AU via EMS?
  7. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    US$100 for 1 monster to South America (Mr. Bomber is in Ecuador) would mean the package weighs around 3kg I only budgeted up to 2.5kg package
  8. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    cool box but need space to hide it!
  9. nice. going to panel line and decal it?
  10. NSFMTC - Not Safe For Macross Toy Collectors
  11. it's always been like that, see http://www.macross2.net/m3/sdfmacross/vf-1j-gbp/vf-1j-gbp-lineart1.gif
  12. DX chogokin getting pricier now
  13. The JPY32400 should be with 8% tax, so it should cost 30k yen+shipping for foreign buyers. Still quite expensive anyway.
  14. Nobody has any insight into whether Arcadia will actually re-release other DYRL valkyries apart from the Roy 1S Strike, which leaves you with the Bandai Hi-Metal R, which as been relatively easy to get after release so far. Eliminating the second hand market will make it much harder for you to complete any line though, considering that many second hand items found online are very well kept, almost mint even.
  15. ozma head is the best 29 head IMHO
  16. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    nice, building the Max/Milia hype!
  17. Who knows? Maybe the front landing gear strut may have a peg which slots into a hole in the "back bone" in the DX version.
  18. I'm good, noel . I've got the Yamato 19Kai (bought new) and soundbooster already.
  19. Want those soundforce valks even though I didn't get the gold reissue...
  20. You need at least 10 posts to access that thread/section. 25F's/25S's go around 17k-21k yen in Mandarake. Add currency conversion costs and shipping to your neck of the woods.
  21. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    ^ EDIT: what they said.
  22. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    gone at amiami & hobby-search got 1 at hlj though
  23. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

  24. Just received payment requests for VF-1S/VF-1A from amiami.
  25. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    google translate says there'll be a max-themed stand as well?
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