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Everything posted by barurutor

  1. that looks pretty good!
  2. katakana roughly translates to glorious rapier LV-7 excalibur fighter/robot mode
  3. brownie 1A was never piloted by a "hero" character AFAIK. I think Mr. March's site or anymoon would be able to list all "hero" valkyries ever made as toys.
  4. TV pilot's a midget *apologies to midget fighter pilots*
  5. OMG that's a voltron gorilla mode LOL Seems the designer does not know basic human anatomy/proportions.
  6. ... sounds like the gunpod handle wasn't pulled out and locked properly when opened.
  7. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    Paid for 2 Hikaru 1J and 3 CF 1A, my wallet needs to go soak in ice for a few weeks.
  8. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    I hope if the VF-1J TV is compatible with the previously released HM-R GBP parts.
  9. impressive poseability on that one. how much does it cost?
  10. Picked one up at amiami, now just need the soltic/battlemaster & tomahawk/war hammer
  11. This. Copy pasting the exact item name into the search produces no results either.
  12. HLJ our savior!
  13. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    N-Y just sent mail, TV Hikaru release moved to 15 Oct instead of 31 Oct.
  14. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    To simulate movie 1a vs TV 1a head
  15. I'm in, just for the BattleTech
  16. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    well, just paid for Milia at N-Y. Finally have a Max/Milia set in any scale.
  17. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    ?? explain please.
  18. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    What are the chances this will remain open until the weekend? Need to round up funds for upfront Paypal payment first
  19. 3 existing molds, actually. VF-4, VF-1 single-seater & accessories (GBP, SSP), VF-19 Kai I hope they have molds for the VF-1 dual-seater (VT-1, VE-1, VF-1D, VF-1D Virgin Road... these are easy money for Arcadia) YF-21+accessories (fast pack, fold booster) VF-11 VF-19 variants (19P, 19F, 19S) Licensing is another thing though... nobody knows what they're licensed to release.
  20. Wow, that's the first time I've seen someone stress mark the shoulder plates connecting the chest and the back.
  21. doesn't look pink so far.
  22. CA = cyanoacrylate super glue is one example.
  23. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    That's an awesome price for the monster.
  24. The Max 1S is still available at jungle (2 of them!) http://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/?page_id=116&do=detail&id=199000001662 there's also a Max 1S weathering for significantly more money too, but I don't like the heavy-handed weathering (even though I own a weathering Max 1A). http://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/?page_id=121&id=1550520
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