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Bridge Bunny

Bridge Bunny (7/15)



  1. Look how easy the chest/back come apart in the original molds.
  2. the mistranslation of star mirage is hilarious
  3. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/ondemand/video/2099003/ Full Anime Manga Explosion episode with Gundam's Kunio Okawara and Macross's Shoji Kawamori Neat stuff, including Kawamori transforming a Lego YF-30 prototype he built.
  4. Saw this just before the long weekend last week, whelming movie. Loved the 1st one (even broke my no-Macross toy collecting rule to get DX Chogokin Gypsy Danger), found this one enjoyable. Wonder how they'll jump the shark in the 3rd one if it pushes through.
  5. Mine (N-Y preorder, paid since last year) finally left Japan after the long weekend.
  6. barurutor

    Hi-Metal R

    easy peasy preorder, quite surprised since i've been OOTL the past few weeks.
  7. bring on the PO!
  8. I think all Filipino chogokin/super robot collectors collectively creamed their pants at this.
  9. NY just emailed me, Milia premium finish release pushed back to end of March. More time to save!
  10. Actually the RX480/RX580 should be around R9 290x/390x level performance for less power draw, which makes it competitive with the GTX970 and a fair bit more powerful than the GTX960.
  11. Nice progress, now i have to re-buy a fold booster for my 25g.
  12. I couldn't find a thread for the Sentinel Ride Armors but N-Y pushed back release dates for both Stick and Rey by a month.
  13. Yup, got confirmation that the photographer was paid for the photo.
  14. Just out of curiosity's sake i contacted the photographer (http://www.jaytablantephotography.com/) who did that SDF-1 bridge photo asking if titan comics paid him to use the work. will post if he replies.
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