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Everything posted by vermillion01

  1. ROFLMAO!!!
  2. I got them already, but you are a total rockstar for doing that. (anyone not seen 3 yet... should!!!!)
  3. heheh i'm almost embarrassed to say but after (finally) watching all of M7, i'd like a sound force collection with sound boosters... i know they have nothing on 'real' valks but i grew to like them all the same. just a shame about the silly faces. but yes.. I'd like to know if there was anyting brought up that took Graham by surprise... now that would be interesting!
  4. I agree wholeheartedly... i dont think we're quite done with the pulse rifle and smartgun.. one outing just wasnt enough.
  5. I didnt really pick up on the ray is gay thing.. aside from the 'pink pecker' SQ (whic is just dumb.. i'd be asking for a transfer like yesterday!) he seemed pretty normal. I wish Veffidas had a couple more lines than the 4 she had. Mylene was easily the most likeable character with Gamlin (after his change of heart) being second... i even stopped hating Basara by the end (still didnt like him tho). Wished we saw Max & Miria get back together properly... but their last flight was cool.
  6. Graham (dont know if you will actually read this but, hey.. gotta try). Outside of all the stuff you cant discuss and as you know whats coming up... you know what has been asked for from fans etc... i'm just curious... Were YOU surprised by any of the news? as you would clearly know more than us so one would assmue you kinda knew about everything already, but was there anything discussed at the meeting that really surprised YOU!?
  7. Finally got around to watching the rest of M7... and for anyone that hasnt seen it or is having problems watching it.. persevere. its gets better. I really struggled with the first 10-15 episodes, i didnt like it at all.. i thought i'd smash my tv if i heard "Planet Dance" one more time and really wanted Basara to die a very painfull death.. but.. sometime around episode 20 (or so) its gets much better. When Basara accepts Mylene and realises that she too has power and even the dynamic between Basara and Gamlin gets interesting. It's still very repetative musically , but they do get new songs (thankfully). Mylene's solo stuff is the best. SO.. if you havent watched it yet, its hard to like at first, but keep going. You will be rewarded for your patience. - i'm off to dowload the soundtracks now. thats my 2c anyhoo
  8. that CMS looks poo. it had better be real cheap
  9. point taken guys. shame they get so testy over this.... its not like they have competition in this field so 'leaked' news would not affect the marketing of other companies etc. if anything i thought the odd leak might increase sales as we would know how many body parts we need to sell for upcoming releases. ho-hum.. sigh. i gues its back to beiong drip fed like a bunch of heroin junkies waiting for our next fix. (joke) although i am surprised that G cannot show prototype pics of the '21 yet as its been firmly established that its on the way, and relatively soon. I'd would still like some more definative answers on the QC issues tho. edit - actually, what would be nice to know is (without naming any items) how Yamato responded to our questions and demands... i mean did they go "hmmm *scratches head* i dont know about that" or did they just smile and laugh or what... do they know how serious some take this? a statement from Yamato like 'thanx for the interest and support' maybe - okay, now i'm rambling and going too far.. sorrreee everyone
  10. good call JW. I'd like to bump my last post of - TELL US WHATS DEFINATELY NOT COMING OUT, we'll figure out the rest.
  11. lets just hope the extra wait will allow for more post production effects (funded via Razor sales) to make a truly memorable event (not that it wasnt going to be already) filled with the best space battles ever seen on TV or film. I feel like once Galactica has passed a benchmark will have been set that few (if any) will ever better. I will be truly sad to see such a great show go. *is listening to some of slower sad tracks on the s3 soundtrack... sniff... sniff... wipes tear from eye*
  12. Have you seen the list of extras on our (UK) release? its sucks! i'd rather have to wait and get a better stacked box set. i mean we didnt even get the 'resistance' webisodes!
  13. Hey Graham, i appreciate the non-diclosure deal.. i have one written into my contract at work too. Although... would i be correct in saying that you can now give us the definitve "NOT GOING TO HAPPEN" list as that would not be covered in a non disclosure? I know a lot of requests/questions have been about items that were previously 'not going to happen', but after you recent meeting you could maybe update us on this. EDIT- i know its a cheeky way of telling us what we can expect roughly, but you wouldnt be in breach of terms..... go on ... you know you want to
  14. I'd buy that... but can you imagine the size of an SV-51 in 1/48? that sucka would be BIG
  15. For no particular reason i thought i'd share a couple of pics i took at our local airshow about 4 years ago.. i like them but they were taken on a pretty awfull camera...
  16. Last time i checked, this was Macross World...... heheh no offence dude. i'd like to know too, but here is not the place for such talk.
  17. You must be a "nugget"...... check back a couple 'o' pages.... we had a quick discussion on fri. / sat. apart from "HOLY FRAK!!! THAT WAS AWSOME! " there isnt much to say... its hard to completely disect a 2 1/2 min episode in detail.
  18. yup.. if I wer Graham, i would post all the relevant information (he's allowed to divulge) into a new locked thread so that its more of press release and not a discusson. its not fair that we bombard him all the time (although he sets himself up for it sometimes - sorry G ) edit - actually, i would like to know how limited the 25th anniversary valks will be. (just curious as i've ordered 2)
  19. I actually just ordered 5 from here http://www.ibuyxyz.com/ Still have to get the YF-19 though... looks like there has been big resurgence of these four models...
  20. misterryno, what gives? I continue do to be impressed as hell with your 1/55 army, especially if we factor in the time it took to aquire them! I'd hate to see you get rid if some only to regret it later. i know i'd regret it. Don't do it dude.. you have a lovely collection there.
  21. misterryno, what gives? I continue do to be impressed as hell with your 1/55 army, especially if we factor in the time it took to aquire them! I'd hate to see you get rid if some only to regret it later. i know i'd regret it. Don't do it dude.. you have a lovely collection there.
  22. I think i read somewhere (maybe bear's website) that he doesnt know if he will do a release of the Razor / flashbacks because "its not interesting enough". check his site out, its really quite an interesting read.
  23. KOTOR 1&2 are some of the best games i've ever played (IMHO), but i find it hard to be sold on an MMO even if it is KOTOR based. I'd like another offline version with a "jump in jump out" option similar to lego SW. No matter hope you try to sell it, i will not buy a game, and kepp buying it every couple of months! especailly with the extortionate rates for adsl these days. I think if you buy a game thats it! you've paid for it. Many, many games have online updates, free mods, extra missions content etc etc that we dont have to pay for, so why should i pay for a game over and over and over and over (you get the idea). Sorry WOW fans, i know its not the popular of ideas but its just one man's opinion. If this new Kotor (if it indeed exists) turns out to be an MMo, i will not be going for it and that saddens me more than i can express. (please, no huge backlash against subsciption game haterss etc, its just my 2 cents) More tradtional KOTOR please!
  24. Just looked for it.. http://www.battlestaronline.com/costumes.html
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