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Everything posted by vermillion01

  1. Just when i thought that i was slowly converting one of my mates to the macross toy collector addiction, even opened him an ebay account... i think something got lost in the translation.. he's been looking at tractors. and tractor parts. now i'm scared....
  2. its for linking the gun to the arm... you pull the gun apart and insert the disc thingy so that it can clip onto the arm armor.
  3. Needs more Emilia..... she was hot. (for an anime character)
  4. Should'nt the initial run be "25" episodes? - 25th anniversary, VF-25 etc.... Love the style so far, but i do have some M7 worries.. i like M7 but see it as an excusion from the macross norm. The idea of the megaroad 1 turning up is great and hope they bring in some older charas not just as cameos but as regulars maybe later in the show. Has there been any announcement on an airdate for the 25th "special" yet? I beleive it was mentioned (in translation) as this winter...
  5. I'm sure most of the trek 'vets' know about this site, but if you've never checked it out... do so! http://www.ditl.org/
  6. the new flashback (No.5) is actually in Razor.. and we see what happens next too!
  7. the full Razor movie / episode is available for *ahem* download at some *ahem* torrent sites.... but i wouldnt recommend getting it as its *ahem* illegal and all. (its great!)
  8. yes (and yes i'm kinda ashamed).
  9. Well said F. (i watched Gobots too)
  10. Now i understand u... ok, i'm with you there.. just beacuse lots of people like something, doesn't make it great. Sorry, for the confusion.. sounded like u were saying 'anyone that liked this is a moron' or words to that effect. lots of people liked Hitler, and he was an arse!!! Anyhooo... if you liked it.. great! if you didnt, oh well.. not the end of the world. everyone has the right to their opinion.
  11. I liked Transformers! does that mean i'm a moron? I also like reading amusing posts from idoits that speak before thinking. If you intended that as a bit of humor.. fair enough. But please, dont generalise. One man's shitty movie is not everyman's shitty movie. Depends on taste. vision. patience. TF was by no means an "amazing" movie.. it was however, a good attempt at something that was in reality, quite hard to pull off. so... am i a moron?
  12. Great work misterryno, i love that last pic... kinda like the Elias from Platoon pose.. Inspired me to get off my ass and do some more myself.
  13. Trust me... it gets better. around ep 22 onwards... the first ones are the most difficult.
  14. UNlucky amigo.. i thought the lack of replies to this was because everyone was watching/bidding heheheh.... i wonder if it was one of 'our' crew that got it.
  15. WOW! that thing was a steal for $56! I honestly thought it would get over $100
  16. If its not too expensive, i say buy it.. then give us a quick review. Then we'll all be bugging you to get us some I have to say, i want one... even if its only for modding purposes
  17. i love the 'pimp my valkyrie' section, but to be honest i thought it would be an interactive feature.. kinda like the DIY southpark figures site ( http://www.sp-studio.de/ ). maybe there's an idea for the future... i know its probably way too much work though and bandwisth issues a plenty. Would be cool to Pimp your own valk model though... still loving the site!
  18. LOL.. ok u got me there. but you have to admit, its the way things will go eventually. I want to see "stealth" (movie) units with ucav wingmen... the fanboy in me would love that. heheh.. but like you say it wouldnt take much for one to go 'SPLAT' into some meatbags.
  19. i'm not in favour of taking manned fighters out altogether.. but i do think that smaller multi role strike units made up of 4 or 5 planes plus a wing of maybe 2 Ucav's each would make more sense. its not just the expense of making manned fighters, its the cost of training too. and to be honest, as a lover of fighter aircraft (i cant beleive i'm saying this), i think we (as a planet) spends waaaaaaaaaaay too much money on military development. Wars are getting less and less frequent so why do we have to spend more and more money on making military power... - OK I'M GONNA STOP RIGHT HERE... THIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR A RANT LIKE THIS. anyhoo, back on topic, i just think that modern military aircraft are too expensive no matter which way you cut it or how many you produce. I want to see more oney ploughed into space programs (dont we all). Do i need to remind anyone of how we developed between 1961 and 1969 - ok i'm off on one again.... sorry everyone.
  20. Agreed, laptops are a royal pain in the a$$ to fix. I have done a few in my time, even down to replacing a processor or two. If your only options are the sledgehammer (ie. getting a new one) or paying an extortionate price for a "pro" to 'try' and fix it, i'd say go for broke and try it yourself. One thing i will say is to watch out for wires that can easily be pulled while removing parts.. unfortunately some laptops have a really stoopid wiring arrangement so be carefull when lifting out parts to make sure there are no wires attached to the underside of the part you are removing. And yes, the screws can be a batty to remove and they will get lost very easily. If nothing else, you will only gain experience from trying this yourself and lets face it, laptops are cheap these days so teh cost of repair may only be a few dollars short of a new machine. use the force dude.
  21. slightly off the weapons topic... Big F can back me up on this, a certain UK television station likes to censor naughty words in funniest ways... when they used to show "aliens" i used fall over with laughter at the bit where they are being briefed on the Sulacco and hudson asks the question "how do i get out of this chicken sh*t outfit" for us that said "how do i get out of this chicken outfit"!!!!!!!! LOL! and of course every 'f**kin' was changed to a 'freakin'. Come to think of it DieHard had some real beuty censored lines too.
  22. Nothing to do with the fact that the raptor is ridiculously expensive in any number.. next gen fighters shouldnt be needed in such vast numbers.. i think smaller multi role strike units (think 'stealth' movie) are the way forward. even our Typhoon is hugely expensive (not to mention years late), and i cant see conflicts of the future warranting such large air wings. I love your idea of one or two raptors controlling a small wing of X-45/X-47 style UCAVs. That is the way forward. just my 2cents.
  23. You Sir... are an absolute star. loving your work!
  24. Do you mean one of these ClickyLinkyThing (Item number: 160173068971 - in case link dont work)
  25. dammit March.. you beat me to it! the Aliens technical manual is a great read.. you do really appreciate how much thought they put into their 'toys'. The tech. behind the smartgun was awsome.
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