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Everything posted by vermillion01

  1. That "rumor" is was circulating early last year... i dont think it should be paid any heed... even the wikipedia entry is listed as november 07. besides i think i'd rather suffer a total protonic reversal than watch Akira get murdered by hollywood.
  2. And i almost added the obligatory Blue Thunder quote too.......
  3. I'm sure most of you will have seen this already but for those that haven't.... its pretty awsome. Red Bull heicopter showing off its no Lynx, but its pretty impressive nonetheless
  4. Has anyone ever seen or know where to get this elusive "second coming" footage? i've dying to watch it for errr.. years!
  5. quick cross post from the Dark Knight thread... Batman's "tumbler" as a transformer IMPRESSIVE!
  6. The Tumbler transformer.... dont know if its been posted yet.. but wow! IMPRESSIVE!
  7. Maybe you should read the last couple of posts including my own.... NO! This is not due to be released for months and months yet. I think November ish was the last estimate.
  8. Has anyone looked at their "store" site? (toysonline2002) They have 7 unreleased macross items listed from the new 1/60v2 (including seperate SS parts), the 1/60 destroid and 1/55 bandai's!!!! all apprently released within 30 days WOW! Should this be a small lawsuit waiting to happen? nowhere on their site or on their auction does it say "pre-order" just "This item will be available for ship within 30 days from the date of purchase" this stuff p155es me off! Back on topic... these cant come soon enough!
  9. Came across this on DIGG.... hmmmm methinks i need to start saving for a new weekend hobby.. could it time to say 'goodbye' macross toys? nice toy
  10. The trailer for 3 looks infinitely better than the second movie... ok so the bugs cgi does look a bit pants, but on the whole..... ok it looks crap. But better than 2.
  11. Hiriyu, Try everest from lavalys. It should take care of all your needs and more. I use it on all of my systems.
  12. Well for those concerned about seeing the resurrection hub, the next episiode is actually called "The Hub" and... taken from tv.com - "Colonial Viper pilots plan an attack on the Resurrection Hub with their Cylon rebel allies." so expect some fireworks...
  13. Good to see that there are attachment points on the wings for extra ordinance.....
  14. *ahem*.... vf-27 kadun....... ftw
  15. Dunno if its been suggested yet... VF-27 KADUN (yes.. mac zero reference ahoy... )
  16. Are those Yamato 1/60 valks in the second picture? its looks like it....you can just make out the pegs in the nose where the swing bar attaches, and they have the slightly stubbier nose and the more forward cockpit too. could be wrong... anyone else know for sure? if they are.. YAY! a hikky VF-1S strike and a Max VF-1A
  17. Sorry amigo.. you're a few weeks late on this.... (thanks though)
  18. always happy to help (i tend to go through a few keybourds that way)
  19. Yeah.. MW members have their own "de-limiter" mode... *tears leg off in anticipation*
  20. Random Curiosity's page has updated with screen caps.... WIN!
  21. Oh, and welcome to Macross World, where every thread is a landmine... you can enter or open one and ........ KAPOW its all about the bitching! Seriously, take a look here macross toys and decied what you want first. Tough and durable (bandai 1/55) or steaming hot looks and slightly more fragile (Yamato 1/48, 1/60) NOTE - hey guys, although it always amuses me, this guy just wanted some honest advice... not another debate lol
  22. I'm of the opinion that everyones first valk should be a Bandai 1/55 chunky! They are just so 'playable' and you never have to worry about breaking it either.. just worry about it breaking you (dont drop it on your foot or anything.. oh and watch those landing gears! ) But, here is another alternative for you... this sale has just started, and at these prices i think EVERYONE can agree its a no brainer! mega cheap 1/48 Good luck in whatever you decide. EDIT- spelling doh
  23. Hikuro, have you tried ebay? i know it sounds like a dumb suggestion, but i've had a ton of CM macross figures from the evilbay over the last year. I just did a quick search and theres loads up the moment! try these links - Ebay cms NET BOEKI cms
  24. I'd like to know what that scan says about the "YF-24"! its in there.... and also, call me crazy, but now with the name "messiah", the first thing that entered my head weas the ship from the movie Deep Impact (awful i know), but i got to thinking, and from behind, the two ships do share some similarities in engine placement. or maybe i've been awake too long and my pain meds are messin with my head
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