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Everything posted by vermillion01

  1. Need some advice on a future purchase.... I'm not really a Gundam fan but i love the idea of the PG kits and would like to get one purely on the basis that i like the technical detail and size of them. i've been looking at a strike rouge but cant find any decent english reviews of it. anyone here got one and built it themselves that would like to share their thoughts? also considered the strike or Mk. II AEUG (but heard the hip joint is rubbish). thanks in advance.
  2. Now THAT is funny! ROFLMAO!!!!
  3. Yup.. more hidden vintage stuff than you might think.. i found minty taka 1/55 VF-1S(FP) a couple of years ago for £6 (about $12ish), and when i say minty, i mean brand new. Like from a shop, not second hand.
  4. Just had the most awsome of ideas... ok, stay with me on this one. .... ask... Michael Keaton to play the Joker!!! hang on a sec... think about it. Not only do you have the interesting past batman thing, just think of Keaton's joker like Beetlejuice! how cool would that be? "i've seen the Exorcist about 167 times, and keeps getting funnier, every, single time!"
  5. Agreed Eugi. In Fact, (sorry to go O/T) the thread in question (hikuru doll pics) was locked and one of the mods showed what i thought was shocking behaviour by posting his final comment directed at the guilty parties which was fine, but then decided he hadn't had enough and posted another final blast a short while later. I know its a mods priviledge to post in a locked thread, but it read badly in his favour. like "ha, you must read what i say and no you cant post a retort at all because you cant post in a locked thread" I was actually on the fence until then... i was so angry i almost pm'd him to tell him that the last post was too far and unnecessary. So who mods the mods? anyway, i am sorry for going off on one here. I agree with a temp ban for the one word/smiley spam posts and and the extra account thing was very foolish of him. As mentioned by someone else previously, what actually does my head in is reading one yamato vs. bandai debate, it fade away... a couple of pages later it the same goddamn debate... how about people that should learn to read previous post before re-hashing the same arguments posting the same crap time after time? Like i said before, THE JOG WHEEL IS YOUR FREIND!
  6. I agree with Totoro... while there may sometimes be too many one word/emoticon replies (we're all guilty occasionally), Ryan is a genuine stand up guy and has contributed alot more than spam to these boards in his short time here. i miss him already. I had a sneaking suspision that it was him that turned up a couple of days ago with a new account and almost pm'd to ask/warn him! As for constant spam, computer mice have jog wheel for a reason temporary ban, yes. permanant, i vote no. I hope he sorts things out with the mods.
  7. First pics of the new megatron... oohh tanklike scary. megatron pics
  8. guys... one thing to remember is.... the more complicated moving/folding parts this has, the more things are likely to break!
  9. Just came across this page with some big pics of the kit. Good pics of the decal sheet and i dont remember seeing any pics ofthe full sprew collection yet. Now we have an idea how many parts are involved! YAY! VF-25F pics
  10. say shenanigans again... i dare you... the next person to say...... sorry for the O/T... i couldn;t help myself
  11. pure awsomeness! "i'm a Derek!..... Derek's dont run"
  12. How about "POSTAL".... oh hang on a sec..... (its not actually that bad for a Uwe Boll movie. Just had next to nothing to do with the game)
  13. Spacehunter - adventures in the forbidden zone Dont forget Ernie Hudson and Michael Ironside too......
  14. Thanks Miriya... just been lurking for a while.. i'm here even if u dont see me
  15. i really loved (and still do..sorry) Arena and Robot Jox. they are unashamedly crap but i love them.
  16. Is that an E-Wing from Starwars Dark Empire? cool...
  17. South Korea... i hear its chilly this time of year... cold plane
  18. ooh... ohh... Killer Klowns From Outer Space! loved it! still got some of the best makeup eva (the clowns)
  19. huge fan of the 80's chees o rama... The Last Starfighter is one of my faves (still to this day) Spacehunter - adventures in the forbidden zone revenge of the nerds 2 - nerds in paradise the secret of nimh (yes the animated thing with the intelligent rats) starchaser - the legend of orin the monster squad (wolfman's got nards!!) Top Gun (it is NOT a long gay joke!!!! F-14's FTW) Ferris Bueler's Day Off (bueler bueler..... bueler....... bueler............) SpaceCamp The Princess Bride (my name is inigo montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!) Howard the Duck (of course! ) oh i could go on for days......
  20. Sorry... i just thought it looked kinda exposed and maybe "loose" was not the best word to use. But it does look like a weak point, as has been suggested elswhere. I love the pose though! excellent shot!
  21. Priceless.... ...although..... that pose does show off how dangerously exposed and loose the shoulder joint is....
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