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Everything posted by vermillion01

  1. i dont think the gunpod is wonky, its just the arm behind it and the lower split half that gives that impression. The nose landing gear on the other hand.... Woah nelly!!!! just look at the nose on pic OMG! I really hope thats just a case of 'peg not inserted into hole' correctly (no 'that what she said' jokes please)
  2. Paging Dr David Hingten.... 787 gets its wings err.. clipped? AWww SNAP!
  3. Inspector Gadget original cartoon theme for the ringing tone and... "SPOOOOOON" (courtesy of the TICK) for messages.. and since my phone is a flip open (Nokia N76), i have the transformers transforming sound for when i open/close it... (2 different sounds) which i know is oh so cheesey but everyone that hears it thinks its ace and i end up bluetoothing it to pretty much everyone.
  4. More Akira news... and surprise... it isn't all terrible! AKIRA NEWS
  6. as it happens, there is some real news on the Akira front... well, not much but still, its good news.. NO DiCpario in the movie! akira/ninjascroll update
  7. i have just lost so much respect for you........
  8. Here it is! The remake of Akira!!! AKIRA REMAKE...OH NOES!
  9. Budget airline graveyard
  10. That my friend is a Lancia Stratos.....
  11. Details on the new Star Trek trailer due to appear sometime between now and the the 14th... Trek trailer news
  12. cute usb gundam drive
  13. Ahhhhh.. so thats why the site was down for hours and hours.... *EXO takes pants off - the world crashes down....* i blame EXO!
  14. Ok.. so not a toy, but definately Star Wars.. FANBOYS... FINALLY! looking good
  15. Aye, it purty alright.... shame about the paint app tho
  16. Since i sold my PSP last year, i dont forsee myself being able to play this unless it sees a PS2 release....but..crazy idea here... why doesn't someone start a "strike a pose" thread for MAF screenshots? personally, i'd love to see all the craft in action!
  17. The subscription cost is only half of my problem with MMOs. I like to play a game at my own pace and skill level (i happen to think i'm a pretty good all round gamer) but with an MMO, i cant really jump on occasionally because all of the other players (this is assuming they are on a lot more like in WoW) will be 20+ levels ahead of me and kick my ass. Games like the battlefield series aren't too bad because you can get your unlockables relatively early on and develop your skills in the first few days and then just hop on whenever you feel like it and not have to worry about getting a super high levelled super wepon dude pull a BFG9000 to the face too much. I guess i just dont like the idea of "having" to go into the game just to keep myself in contention. Maybe i'm wrong. And lets not forget that we call WoW "the plague" for a reason... i like playing online very occasionally.. i just cant deal with all the whinning and crap.
  18. As much as i really (and i do mean REALLY) want another Kotor game, this is still a moneysuckingrootofallevilsaygoodbyetoyoursexlifemmorpg which i just cant get behind. I just cant justify the whole MMO thing. I guess that there is now no chance of a single player (or multiplayer) offline kotor.
  19. ***early warning alarm bells*** The addition of the fast pack on the wing in batroid mode looks dangerous. Weight + small plastic pin joint = Imminent failure. i do think they look ok though and if i pick one up it will be Ozma's full armored edition (i hope)
  20. Top Gear (UK) reviewed it weeks ago... a nice black one too. Apparently its very pretty, sounds nice, but totally pants. (as in no good)
  21. Just came across this little gallery of customs.. quite nice. Transformers customs TF's start on page 2
  22. So.. which box art is it?
  23. Um... nice theft of image... not. But seriously, just post a link to the hlj page...
  24. I know... just making a funny.... CF's generally explode.... a lot.
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