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Everything posted by vermillion01

  1. Yup the animation is seccond to none (in the macross world). The first time you see the VF-0S transform.... well... all i'll say is that I was stood in a puddle afterwards.
  2. Kinda... but the names were not changes to protect the innocent.....
  3. Loving your work. Would love to see more.... keep it coming!! Welcome to Macross World.
  4. Both the VF-0A and VF-0S appear with ghost boosters in the last episode Macross Zero (seen leaving the carrier before the final battle)... Watch it... its awsome... watch it NOW!!!!
  5. As I am rubbish at making decent gifs, would you be in the mood for making an animated gif thread, for users to download? would be a nice feature no?
  6. vermillion01

    Monster 404

    Excellent smithers..... exxxxxxxxxcellent......
  7. Dobber is that SV-51 wearing a paint scheme from an SU-27? looks awsome!
  8. Even after reading, and reading some more, and drooling over the size comp. pics everyone has done... i want to see Graham's review up and online before i buy one. (and i reeaaaaaally want to buy one). I know I should wait for the second release or the 'nora' but I've just got to have one of these! (i prefer the DD black scheme anyway) Review up around the weekend you say Graham? cant wait.
  9. off topic i know.... Disney are remaking G-force?!?! how did that slip by me?
  10. I kinda liked STEALTH in a saturday night cheesy popcorn knid of way.
  11. No probs. I'm at work still but i'll be back with more hi-res goodness soon.
  12. You lucky people... a bumper collection.. wont be able to put more up for a couple of days as i'm still in the graveyard shift from hell.. (3 more 14hr night shifts to go before my week ends )
  13. Here are a few more nice hi-res scans to play with... there are more... think i'll up the lot a bit at a time. Zinjo, I cant find the rest of my Mac+ section and as i dont have access to a scanner at the moment, it might be a while before i scan it again. If there are any moire specific pics you want, let me know and i'll see what i can do.
  14. Funny, I think the track VF-0 from the Mac0 soundtrack is waaay too similar to Starship Troopers the movie, there wa another track that escapes me right now that sounded a lot like something else too.... Please let me know if this post is in the wrong place)
  15. Just been looking throught the rest of this thread.. and i have to say Kensei - you are my hero! that is one truly awsome collection of valks. I am honesly jealous.
  16. I know what you mean. I have just redecorated part of my house, the other part got put on hold when I recently rediscovered my Mecha fetish...(saw robotech box sets really cheap then got Macross too). Now my bathroom is bits, my bedroom has waaay too many shelves and i have loadsa empty boxes that need a home! (just got a payrise so that aint gonna help)
  17. vermillion01

    Graham's Sig

    Isamu wasnt in the audience for that concert... that was Eden... so that means we need another 1/60 Yf-19 in that diorama.. There goes my left kidney and possibly an eye. (will only need one to look at it all day)
  18. Nice looking Jazz... didnt think much of the new movie toys (except utimate bublebee) but that one looks neat. by the way guys... hope u dont mind i stole that sig. too. sooooo true. need t-shirts though.
  19. Not that i can see it happening, but wouldnt it be great to have some Zentraedi Revoltechs to do a nice battle pose with? I think it has been mentioned already but a YF-19 / YF-21 revoltech would also be great for dual poses.... ARE YOU LISTENING Kaiyodo?
  20. WOWZER!!! Good catch! Thats one of the nicest customs I have ever seen!
  21. I didnt get xhance do up anything today... I am in the middle of 6 12hr+ shifts back to back so I was a bit tired when i got in last night, but i'll definately sort them out for tomorow (finsh at 5am GMT so check up around 6am GMT)
  22. Congrats Kyp! My 1/48 VF-1S ROY is one of my favourate things ever.
  23. Thanks Zinjo i think so.. i'll have to check up when i get home (at work..12 hr night shifts...zzzzzz). If i have it, i'll post it. and i'll start putting the rest up a few at a time. watch this space.
  24. Thats pretty damn big alright!
  25. In DyNo's last pic...; is that a humungus looking gap?, should that part not sit flush? (behaind the head in fighter mode.
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