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Everything posted by vermillion01

  1. I think most of us internet savvy folks already know what the image in question already is.... the infamous longcat. It has so little to do with macross its not even funny. seriously.. its just 4chan nonsense. To be honest (and please do not think i'm getting at you), if i was a mod on a forum this was posted in (any forum, not just macross), i would just delete it for spamming - taking up too much space and being damned annoying to scroll through. dont mean to cause anyone any offense, just my 2 cents. EDIT - now i come to think of it... this is.. ...pants. heheheh besides, ceiling cat was always cooler.
  2. If this a desktop? If it is, i think the problem maybe that the restore you are doing will not include the third party graphics drivers.... try switching your VGA cable to the onboard (motherboard) VGA port. I think you will see a difference. If not... sorry for wasting your time
  3. Funny, i think i have one just like it waiting for me too. actually... this is more like what i can expect this xmas
  4. While not strictly about fighters and fighter combat, i'd recomend Wings of Honneamise, and definately about fighter combat is the slightly 'emo' Yukikaze. Yukikaze is pretty good and has some of the most amazing action scenes but beware the slight emo-homo-erotic undertones.
  5. Sqidd is a biker of exemplary skill and taste
  6. Yup... agreed. but bare in mind that $300 is for a mint one. They are pretty rare these days. If i see one i'll let u know
  7. there are still a couple of online retail places that have them but as everyone else has said..... be prepared to pay lots.... try this link blue alpha
  8. some news on "the plan". Well.. not news, but some news, but... oh i dont know.. its all so confusing.. The Plan
  9. R.I.P Majel Barrett Roddenberry. The 'first lady' of start trek passes beyond the great rift
  10. some GITS wepons in airsoft would have been sweet... i know there are some out there, but not in CA quility.
  11. i think a wise LOLcat once said..... "arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics, even if you win, you're still retarded"
  12. Awsome Star Trek vs. babylon 5 fan movie.... Trek vs. B5 Impressive cgi for a fan made movie. Its no I.M.P.S but its pretty good all the same.
  13. I cried a little inside when i heard this one.....
  14. Truly brilliant anime. Every time i see it i think its one of the best series out there, animated or otherwise. If you've not seen it yet, do yourself a favour and find it!
  15. Here's the full step by step guide to how it was done.... BSG casemod Should be of interest to some of our modellers here.....
  16. Right! Time for some thread necromancy The BSG webisodes start up again tomorrow (woohoo) and with barely a month to go until the next full episode.... webisode news Best pc case ever!!! ... and so say we all...
  17. I know this has been floating around the interwebs for a while now but just in case anyone missed it..... Best casemod ever (if you like BSG that is...)
  18. OMGWTF!?! *yawns and goes back to sleep until the thing comes out* although the intel star trek site is quite good... well at least the lookaround the uss kelvin is.
  19. Have to agree with mike. also, i have a WD raptor X in my rig and while its nice and fast, its not that much faster than my samsung F1's (1TB) and they are half the price! my advice... get a couple of F1's and raid them... wicked quick!
  20. Kensai, I've not long built a new system myself... and i hope this will do me roughly 3 years (with maybe a graphics upgrade sometime).. intel Q6600 2.4Ghz (now overclocked at 3.4Ghz) Tuniq tower cooling 8GB Corsair dominator XMS2 pc 8500 (now overclocked from 1066Mhz to 1200 Mhz) Asus P5Q-e (great board for noob freindly overclocking and a good layout for connections) IceQ 4 Turbo HD4850 (comes overclocked and still has room for further o/c) - great cooling fan and very quiet too Kingwin mach 1 900w PSU (modular and looks the bomb!) Akasa Omega case with window side panel - huge inside and not too heavy. It will fit ANYTHING you throw at it, its quiet and has a good cooling. I thought about the i7 but its just too expensive when coupled with the X58 mobo and DDR3 ram (you'll need at least 3gig). The only thing i may need to upgrade in future is the GPU, or buy a second card to run crossfire... You must one helluva budget to looking at the i7 stuff!
  21. I agree with yellowlightman, P2 is the best. Its dark, gritty and moody.. and a bit different to most anime mech shows/movies. Its actually got quite a believable storyline.
  22. Liquid cooling does provide a higher rate of coling over air and thus better for overclocking. If you're just building a system for everyday type use, i'd go for air cooling or even a passive tower cooling (look up a "tuniq tower"). You'd be right not to skimp on the cpu and graphics card, but also save some budget for RAM as it is easily one of the most imporant components and the difference between cheap 'generic' ram and the decent stuff is huge! - i'd stick to ddr2 for the time being as there is no real performance gain for you extra cash on ddr3. Power supply is also somewhere that cannot be skimped on. A good solid power supply can save your system! Always plan ahead so go for something slightly more powerfull than you need right now, that way you will the room for expansion (extra hard drives, new graphics card etc.) As for the other bits, card reader - meh... they're all more or less the same. dvd burner - well, personally, i'd opt for a sata drive as i hate having ot tidy IDE cables, but either would be fine (and to be honest, there is very little difference in price among optical drives so long as you dont look at blu ray)
  23. *crosses taksraven off my xmas card list*
  24. Uh oh... another masterpiece ready for butchering.... Noooooooooooooooooooo
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