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Everything posted by vermillion01

  1. I tried messing around with some more gifs. they are of differing sizes (its a pain trying to keep them under 200k) and quality but let me know what u think. Does anyone else add to this thread? am all alone? waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (cries at being alone) come on peeps, lets see some more funky wallpapers n stuff!
  2. No worries grapetang, I'm still searching the net for better wallpapers/images.. if I find any, you'll know where to look. I'm still in the market for a Boomerang Sq. cap or patch if anyone fancies parting with one, drop me a PM. (ooh, and t-shirts too!).
  3. After seeing someone else use nice animated avatars.. I thought i'd find some software and try to make some of my own, They are free to use, and i'll try to make some more. Any thoughts? I made them within forum rules (200k max).
  4. VERY nicely done. You should get onto Graham about adding those innto the toy review pages.
  5. I think I found the other track from Mac0 that was hauntingme... Track 8 - Wind of falling into ruin. About 30 seconds in it sounds like battlestar galactica, where in the miniseries, they are about to make a hyperspace jump and leave half the fleet behind. Its not as apparent as starship troopers but, its there.
  6. hell yeah.. 2 weeks of beer, babes and bikes. Mad Sunday is the day to go out.. there is usually jhno races and they make the mountain section one way only, NO SPEED LIMITS AT ALL!!! saying that though, we have no national speed limit anyway, so once you get of the towns you can pretty much go as fast as you like.
  7. The VF-1S is available for pre-order.. but the 'J' is out now. http://www.hlj.com/product/KYD01126
  8. Yup... home sweet home. you're right about insane and 'men from boys' LOL I marshall during the races most years and go out for laps whenever i can (on my mates bike.. I broke mine and havent had one in years) You should come over sometime.. I'll take you out for a lap or two!!
  9. Not bad for 20 mins work!, I display mine 'on the deck' with the bay open and APC at the ramp... need another do do the flying pose. say sqidd, you're a road racing nut.. have you ever heard of the TT?
  10. Thanks Valkyrie, but i dont have time nor patience these days for building models (and to be honest, i'm crap at painting them too). you wouldnt happen to know where i can pick up a Boomerang SQ. basball cap from? HLJ say they are out of stock and i cant seem to find them anywhere else. T-shirts look cool too.
  11. Has anyone come across a decent scale toy of any of the Yukikaze fighters yet? or a prebuilt other than the YS 1/144? thats way too small. need something to display next to my valks and "neeeeaeeeeeeeerrrow" and "whoooooooosh" around my house
  12. We need pictures, glorious prototype pictures...
  13. I was asked in another thread to up some wallpapers for Yukikaze, if anyone has some nicer hi-res ones, please post 'em! My apologies if anyone has already posted these. Thanks to the original uploader (on another site somewhere..) Oh, here it is... check it out its really quite good. http://yukikaze.hollosite.com/wallpaper.htm
  14. My pleasure grapetang. No I wish I had nice hi-res scans of the Yukikaze stuff. I have some pics I will post in the Yukikaze thread but they're nowhere near the quality of the macross scans. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...mp;#entry515159 If anyone has some, share away!
  15. Loving your work.
  16. Here are the last of the scans from Hidetaka Tenjin's Valkyries Art Book. hope you like 'em. If I come across any more, I'll be sure to up them. PHEW!! my eyes hurt... someone elses turn now. P.S. Sorry Moderators if this post has too many attachments. and sorry if repeated any from my other posts.. tried not to.
  17. Hey Dante, would any of the wallpapers I upped the other day help? You may have them already but they are quite hi-res.
  18. Looks lijke yopur typical stargate sg-1 woodland set..... with some little hick town. I agree with the colonial marines thing. ( its the only way to be sure)
  19. I second that... A free SV-51 for Dobber is his scheme gets made.
  20. .... I think I need some private time alone to think about that.......
  21. true...true. but damn FOX for putting us through the last AvP (which ruined the timeline), they were doing soo well with alien(s) 1-3 (i dont really rate resurrection)
  22. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. I'd buy that one for sure. I love the russian airforce and navy camo schemes. and as the SV-51 looks kinda like an SU-27 / SU-30 that would be wicked cool.
  23. yup... oh well... maybe Aliens earth war will make an appearance in '09
  24. What was wrong with the story of the original AvP graphic novel? It was intelligent, and fast paced. they should have done that in the begining!
  25. I'm a bit 'on the fence' there my self... as a lover of aircraft in general, a lot of my stuff is displayed in fighter mode, but I agree that the VF-0's are stunning in gerwalk mode (personally, I think they have the best gerwalk of all valks). The solution? Get one of each! I have a VF-0S with the ghost booster displayed in gerwalk mode and a VF-0A (standard... love the missles that come with the standard version) in fighter mode as the low-vis markings make it look more like a contempary fighter. Nice. In an ideal world I would have 3 or so of each version for displaying in all modes... hmmm... need to break out the card again.
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