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Everything posted by vermillion01

  1. vermillion01


    According to specs.. VF-11 - Wingspan: 11.2 meters Overall length: 15.51 meters Overall height: 3.49 meters YF-19 - Wingspan: 14.87 meters Overall length: 18.62 meters Overall height: 3.94 meters YF-21 - Wingspan: 15.36 meters Overall length: 19.62 meters Overall height: 4.04 meters so says M3.
  2. vermillion01


    Good point... I was always of the believe that the 19 and 21 were the largest valks (with the VF-0) due to their advanced nature... hmmm time to check the compendium or M3.
  3. I would imagine a prototype pic would be nice right about now... nearly 3 months since the announcement...
  4. Its been kinda quiet in here for a while. Graham, any news on the 'nora'? and do you know if Yamato has responded to the intial quality control issues (i.e. are there offical plans to make a mark2 DD?)
  5. DUH..SORRY WRONG THREAD....actually, come to think of it.. any first reports on these?
  6. vermillion01


    and it should... kinda. The VF-11B is smaller than the VF-19, I think the comparison would be like the VF-0 to the VF-1 (both in 1/60) it should be a bit smaller. Remeber the "19" is a next gen fighter and was bigger to accomodate the new technologies and advanced avionics.
  7. Damn it! cant believe i forgot Wings of Honneamise, thanks for reminding me Ratchet... thats gotta be waaaaaay up there
  8. vermillion01


    This aint no fashion show!!! Just a question of size...
  9. 1.Akira 2.Patlabor 2 (the movie) 3.Yukikaze 4.Laputa 5.Appleseed
  10. That right there.. is some nice work!
  11. yup.. i even tried asking ZOIC where the wallpaper releases were (like the ones i posted earlier) for it. None..nowhere can i find them. bummer... oh well.
  12. Gotcha. Thanks.. we here in the U.K. dont always get up to date on the Galactica slang.. I almost forgot about resurrection ship.. that was a stunner! The "bellyflop" is an amazing scene, but its hotdog's line (and tone) thats the clincher in that scene... "this will be .... interesting". Its the end of that episode i love.. nearly cried. (i'm a 29yr old wuss when it comes to things like that). ooooh Razor cant come soon enough
  13. Um..could be. I used to live in NY (i'm from and live in the U.K.) so I cant say for sure. It was one of the best aerospace museums i've ever been to, I mean, its on an aircraft carrier!
  14. NYC has the 'Intrepid' air and space museum.. I thought that rocked... lots of nice planes on an aircraft carrier.. what more do u want?
  15. Um.. the "beast"? am I missing something? or is this the S2 EP10 Beast that shows up? (dont want to spoil it for Mr March)
  16. I want to see more of this - BIG TIME!!!! "let me introduce you to a close personal friend of mine........"
  17. Funnily enough jenius i was reading through your Toynami MPC and 1/100 reviews earlier today. Excellent non-bias reviews. I know its not a popular idea around these parts but i happen to like the Toynami's MPC series (if anyone wants rid of them, i'll take any off your hands... buyer plug.) and for the money, the 1/100's are great too.. now if only they came with S/S fast packs.
  18. vermillion01


    Yeah the actual size eludes me, but they were advertised and marketed at 1/72. I think like 1/65 is more realistic.
  19. Um... sorry i of course meant season 3! i'm just too excited about S4, even tho its gonns be split over 2 frakkin years!!!!! Grrrrr *angry man* oh well roll on Razor (even tho michelle forbes' char. is evil and sux) And I agree with you Dobber on the Adama thing.. its not really his fault but the episode suggested his involement was only very minor.. (just answering someone elses question) I always liked the way the opening title number changed as poeple died and babies were born. The attention to detail is great. U got a favourate episode? I'm all about exodus parts1+2... and of course the S3 finale (its not actually that episode that shook me, its remembering the journey to that point and how those charcters lives have changedduring their journey).
  20. vermillion01


    the orginal Yamato Macross plus line was all 1/72 scale.
  21. Nah dont believe the hype.. the 1/100 Toynami range is pretty good actually (they make the banpresto's look like the shoddy plastic junk they are), so long as you dont expect the durability of a bandai 1/55. I have 4 of them and i'm happy with all! No problems as yet, anway i think there is a full review in another thread in the toy section.
  22. Ok, you got us all there.. M3 updates is good. In a way you're lucky you're not completly up to date with Galcatica as you would have to endure the pain that is the wait between seasons.. not to mention the silly 10 week break they take (in the US) mid season... thats a killer! After the S4 finale, I nearly died.. could kinda see it coming, but it still hit me with a ten ton hammer!
  23. I always thought there was something not quite right with Gundam....
  24. As some of you already know I'm a sucka for a good wallpaper.. so here's some nice Galactica stuff for ya (thanks ZOIC for the nice images). [attachmnt=45636:BSG_Apr28_004.jpg] I have the Viper and Raptor hi-res images too.. yell if you want them. well DUH me for not arranging them properly!
  25. Never mind.. I think i found it. (if anyone wants a better copy let me know.)
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