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Everything posted by vermillion01

  1. *sits in stunned silence*
  2. DAMN! Swoosh, you really know how to take a photo!! Loving your work!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Added myself.. Castletown Isle of Man.
  4. further to my last post (its not warranted)... if they make it..... we will buy it..... cant.. help.. buying... m-a-c-r-o-s-s s-t-u-f-f-....A-R-G-H-!
  5. did u take any pictures of those paintings miriya? (post post post). I love oil paintings (somewhat of an artist myself... well used to be).
  6. if you 'upload' your pic as an attachment, it will automatically be scaled down to a %.. to fit in the post. like this.. (scroll up the page and check some of my posts.. the pic size is huuuge but its scales it for you) http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...mp;#entry515778
  7. I know i felt a bit ripped off at the lack of decent size BSG ships.. but wait.. whats this coming over the horizon... http://www.diamondselecttoys.com/ A 15" Galactica in 2 versions... hideously over priced and underdetailed!!! GRRR... Also at BBTS, they have a larger mkII Viper by the same company http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/menu.as...&company=17 Seriously, if u want a good Viper, get the old skool MkII from Joyride, its mint. And even more seriously, if anyone hears of any more 'decent' BSg toys, larger than the titaniums, post a link here!!!
  8. I too agree that a movie is not warranted.. an extended special edition episodes would be good, but no movie. I think the Mac+ movie works, but i still prefer the oav.. a live action Mac+ movie, now thats a different story... (or thread lol)
  9. You may also want to check out the Joyride Studios original series toys.. I find the titanium series a bit small (about 3"), wheras the original series toys from Joyride Studios are about 7" and IMHO are a little nicer. Anyone got any heads up on larger BSG toys from the new series? Mr March, you may want to look here for ideas.. they are a bit pricey though. http://www.cmdstore.com/baga.html
  10. Ok, Knight.. i understand more what you're saying now. I was asuming our freind deadghost has thought long and hard about his descision.. 2 years i think he said... as someone that has plenty of tattoos, i would always recommend that you think seriously before getting one, what to get, and where to get it. deadghost, I too hope you know what you are doing, and (not to be partonising) are old enough to know what you are getting yourself in for. Yes, you may have some employment issues with a tattoo (although this is less common now, and can be taken as prejudice), and yes some people will always be against it - you may want to think about the future. I hope you do get it done, and would love to see pics of the design before and after! If its something you really love and has made an impact on your life, and you have thought it out properly (i'm glad you are going for a one off custom design), i see no reason not to. Just thought i'd give my moral support, but also follow Knight's (sorry if i got you wrong) words of caution. Look before you leap, think before you ink.
  11. Hey man.. not nice! I have a Spiderman tatoo that i absolutely love (it has won awards in tattoo shows)! Tattoos are like a living storybook of your life, they can tell a story of where u were, what u loved etc.. so if someone wants to put an anime symbol (something he obviously loves and is a part of his life) on himself, so be it. Just because you dont agree, does'nt make it wrong. Have you nothing so little going on in your life that you must judge others for their actions? (this isnt meant to be an argument, i just dont like people judging when they dont know all the facts and have no frame of reference)
  12. 1. Remote control R2-D2 (see here - http://www.play.com/Gadgets/Gadgets/4-/332...html?P36=5TF2HB ) 2.Original Gatchaman Godphoenix 3.An AlphaÎ’ combo (preferably 1/48) 4.A real lightsaber 5.ummmm.. i'll get back to you on that.
  13. Hmm tough question. the short answer is everything that doesn't hit the charts. hahaha. I do not especially like rap, dance or pop music, but everything else is good. faves.. Nine Inch Nails Alice in Chains Miles Davis John Williams (the film score composer) Kenji Kawai The Mighty Mighty Bosstones The Clash Louis Armstrong Eric Serra Debussy Orbital The Orb .... pretty much anything.
  14. I dont think that will ever happen.. not a toynami one anyway. (they havce no licsence to make macross zero toys)
  15. "BSG is lucky to pull in 4-5 million viewers per episode, yet some of the crappiest shows in the Big 4 pull that in easily." Yup, you're not wrong there! For a minority genre show, Galactica has managed to break out of the classic sci-fi mold to be rated along side shows such as 24 and Prison Break.. quite an achievement.. (was'nt trying to argue or anything).
  16. The Toynami masterpiece (MPC) are usually frowned upon due to some bad quality control issues, but personally i have never had a problem with them and i have 4. The Bandai 1/55's are totally superior in quality and size (the Bandai's absolutely dwarf the Toynami alphas), not to mention the fact that they are a "classic", so i'd go for one of those first. The Toynami MPC range come in the most beautiful boxes ever designed and are now also quite the collectors items. Its a choice between quality, style and cost, so like i said.. if I were you i'd get a Bandai first and then a Toynami. Hope this helps.
  17. It is something to do with their age and what they represent... they are a remake of the first transforming valkyrie. try these guys.. they are probably the cheapest online place for Bandai 1/55 reissues left. http://www.chibitokyo.com/index.asp?PageAc...mp;Category=511
  18. It was some of the early YF-19's that had the wonky gunpod thing... mine are fine. The original 1/48 VF-1S (skull leader) had some BP-8 issues, but i believe nearly all those problems are now fixed. All the current 1/48's have these fixes, so dont feel that its only safe to get the max version.
  19. Welcome Lukas, You're right to start with the 1/48's, but regarding your other selections.. I think the SV-51 (although i do not have one myself) may be too complicated and it still has some QC issues, wait for the second release. The 1/60 YF-19 is great (my personal fav.), nice and big too.. it has some QC issues but none of mine are affected. - highly recommended!!! The VF-0's look amazing but the regular VF-0S is a bit 'loose' and all have fragile shoulders. I guess it depends on how you want to display them. If you havent already, have a read of this page on the main site... Graham's reviews are ace!! nice pics too. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/_toys_yamato.htm If you want a 'tough nut' valk to play with.. have a look at the Bandai reissues - make sure you're looking at reissues and not the originals.. they should start at about $45 -$60 and are all 1/55 and tough as nails.
  20. Oops.. should have thought of that I'm actually really looking forward to the next set.. great little toys.
  21. I've spotted that on Yahoo and Amazon Japan too... wouldnt mind a copy but i'm just as fuzzy on the whole thing as you are. I cant get my PC to translate properly so its even harder to see whats going on
  22. The main reason Serentity was greenlit is because of the outstanding dvd sales of the Firefly box set.. of course his reputation with another girly vampire show might have had someting to do with it....
  23. You mean like this one? (thanks jenius) http://anymoon.com/blog/2007/03/07/toynami...yries-series-1/
  24. It is true that ratings fell somewhat during the mid section of season 4 but by the last 5 episodes the ratings were back to normal (and some of the highest ever for BSG), I think this could be reason for the mothballing of the proposed prequel show "caprica", as we now know, 'caprica looks set to recieve a green light at last, and with the scale of production on Razor (its gonna be BIG.. lots of vfx etc) i think its safe to say that the decision to split the last season of galactica was not one of money and ratings. From what i can gather, they (sci-fi chanel) just didnt want it to end - its been their biggest ratings succes in years and has brought many new viewers to the network and helped to revive the genre in general. It was Ron Moore & David Eick's call to end the show at S4, and i can fully understand why. It was the network's call to 'spread' it out accross 2 years (the swine), and i can still understand why. Anyway, whatever the reasons.. BSG will be sorely missed when it goes. UPDATE - found this on TV.com "Next episode: Razor mini-sode series In this ten-part series, a young Viper pilot named William "Husker" Adama uncovers a Cylon weapon during the first Cylon War. Each mini-sode (a Sci Fi Channel term) will run about two to three minutes. They will air throughout October and November 2007 as a prelude to the special two-hour event, Battlestar Galactica: Razor. The videos will also be available at Sci Fi Pulse, the online video site of the Sci Fi Channel. Airs: Friday October 5, 2007 " looks they bumped the webisodes from pre S4 to pre Razor... woohoo!!! only 11 days until some BSG goodness!
  25. I just watched Patlabor 2 again this evening, and to honest, its my favourate of all Patlabor movies/TV.
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