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Everything posted by vermillion01

  1. Ok peeps... no spoilers until its officially on the Scifi website for all to view... then its your fault if u read a spoiler. (side boob? )
  2. I'm sure i heard that about the armour somewhere too. I like the idea.. it makes perfect sense that as the Galactica was in its final few hours of active service, the ship was stripped of most of its armour... hell even a launch bay was turned into a gift shop! It may not be lore from the writers but its a damn fine idea... now back to the BSG site to check on that "mini-sode"....
  3. I'm in the UK so we wont get it live here, but it should be on the officail site by now... GRRRRR why isn't it up yet?!?!?!?!? Grrrrr.
  4. OKay... is this VF-0S ghost combo thing supposed be some kind of limited special one time only edition? I have read of people getting ready to get the 25thAnn. valks and take them out to display, transform and customize... so why the hell are people being a bit girly with this realse of the VF-0S? I mean, sh*t! if Graham is not taking his out of the box!! SOMEBODY please give us a quick heads up on the quality of this one so the rest of us can go forth and order and make it extinct. (sorry PsYcHoDyNaMiX.. just saw your edit. U gonna get another to open up?)
  5. Yup, just checked it out.. you're right, your pics dont really do it justice. it has to be seen to be believed... WOW. thats a nice addition to any collection... i want one in my fridge...lol
  6. vermillion01

    Graham's Sig

    Last spotted about 30 mins ago on this forum... check "view new posts".
  7. Thats a whole lot of rare chunkylove you got there. I like.
  8. vermillion01

    Graham's Sig

    Does anyone else get the feeling that Graham is sat somewhere reading this thread, laughing maniacally at the attempts to guess what his signature means, when in fact, it probably means nothing at all and just likes messing with our heads? Care to comment big 'G'? can you confirm or deny that you still putting hints in your sig? We can all speculate until the cows come home, but until Yamato give the magic word, we aint hearing s*it (i'm a big party pooper... P.S. there is no tooth fairy/...P.P.S., i am the easter bunny )
  9. First thing i noticed was the exhaust.. Its a nice toy... a very nice toy.
  10. Thems some nice wheels my man.
  11. Thought this link could do with being posted here.... excited much?? http://www.scifi.com/battlestar/razor/ less than 24 hours and counting...........
  12. Happy Birthday Jo.. and Happy birthday Macross!
  13. I kinda like that version of 'all along the watchtower'.. and as for the final 4 (maybe 5 is you count starbuck?!?... maybe) yeah i saw it coming ut it still had a hit, The way the set us up fo rr those last few scenes was awsome. Lee's closing speaches were perfect and the battle between father and son is reminicent of the pilot and S1. I think it was a textbook finale... in the sense of, "if you want to know how to end a seseon. Watch this!"
  14. You mean you haven't finished yet!?! How could you?!? watch them now!!!!!
  15. Almost forgot.. now that Mr March is upto speed i can post the only halfway decent pic i could find of the beast.
  16. If i'm reporting old news here, somebody slap me. I stumbled across this fan movie site for that "other show".. Its quite a nicely done site and there is a trailer which is an impressive piece of work, but ultimately, very shadow chronicles... a few liberties with the designs too (although this may have been legal mumbo jumbo at work). Check it out and come back and poke fun....(kidding.. - credit to them for trying.) http://www.robotech.united-earth-group.com.../view/1111/283/
  17. I may get flamed for this but... IMHO you are not a true Macross collector/toy nut unless you own at least one 1/55. There! I said it!
  18. i watched those last 2 episodes (well, the last one really) about 10 times and i was still giddy/shocked/amazed/satisfied/in awe. They could have (although i'm glad they didnt) ended nit right there and i would have been ok. sad. but ok. The wait is a killer.
  19. wait for it..... wait.... (can anyone else feel the anticipation pouring off Mr March?). Did you check out the old school vipers? they are a more reasonable 7" size. ANd not too long to wait for some new BSG goodness... friday in fact!! (ok, its only a wee small bit ) Please post your thoughts when u finish the season, as its great to read your BSG virgin reaction to new stuff. ( i mean that well.. i am excited for you - NO... NOT LIKE THAT! )
  20. I've never seen Gundam, nor do i really want to, but after looking at these PG kits a bit... i really want to build one! They look sooo nice. Does anyone happen to know if they is something like PG kit for a Patlabor? i would kill/mame/garott/trip-up/hurt whoever i had to for a PG Patlabor in a decent size
  21. Yup, nice stuff squidd my man. very nice.
  22. They are nice aren't they. I have 5 now, but i think i may pick up some more so i can do the squadron pose from the original show. By the way peeps... TV.com lists RAZOR mini-sodes as starting this friday (but i'm, sure you all already knew that)... WOOHOO...5 days and counting....
  23. No offence dude, but the A7 babe 'o' the month sucks....
  24. I found them on the Evilbay, they were listed individually but i got the seller to combine the shipment, so it cost me about £15 for the lot. Good catch eh? I usually luck out on the sweet deals too. in case you're interested, it was 2x blue sq. (the light ones) and 1x sliver spar (weathered/battle damage). Keep an eye out the UK bay, they still popup at around £5 from time to time.
  25. vermillion01

    Graham's Sig

    Oops.. my bad. Still a nice thought though........ I honestly hope we have something more substantial on the horizon than a bunch of re-paints (except maybe Minmay's guard -that i would buy). A full overhaul of the 1/48 mechanics with more diecast would be okay.. We already know of the '21' but what "new" items can we expect... Less re-paints Yamato, more new stuff... and a helluva lot more R&D on the quality side. thankyou.
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