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Everything posted by vermillion01

  1. Folks... i'm no Moderator, but can we for once keep all the petty squabbling out of this thread? Graham is doing us a great service by opening this thread to voice our opinions/requests to Yamato. He could even open this thread for them to read directly - anyone think of that? lets keep things realistic and on topic. I am interested to see other requests too, I am not however, interested in reading back and forth debates on which valks are cool or not... should they, shouldnt they etc. If someone has a request/idea - post it. if you have an opinion on it - pm it EDIT - sorry mods... just thought that this thread out of all should be clean and on topic.
  2. lol...yeah.. maybe i'm just a bit tired (feels like i been at work forever - 15hrs so far) and i need a cookie. didnt mean to get all battyy
  3. Does anyone else feel like there is getting to be too many "best" threads? seems like everytime i log on, there is another "best pilot" "best tank" "best scifi show" etc....... not trying to have a go at anyone here.. just feels like some are getting lazy and not reading enough of the current threads. lol... tomorrow i'm gonna start a 'best best thread'
  4. I have often wondered that myself. Oh, and by the way... Big Thanks to Graham for taking the time to do this... and i think i speak for all of MacrossWorld. - Thankyou Graham -
  5. ooh.... where to start. I guess i'll begin with the SV-51 - are there plans to address the problems with the first release, and will the 'Nora' be fixed? (a lot of dedicated fans are waiting for a sturdier version to be released before buying) Can we see some pics of the YF-21 prototype? (i'm sure you're all over this one already). Will we see a VF-0D anytime soon? (you know we all want it, and it will sell for sure). Reactive armor for the VF-0? (again.. its a no brainer on the sales front). Could we maybe see Yamato use stronger boxes - I know it sounds silly, but it makes a big difference. Hope i havent bombarded you on this one.... i know everyone else will!
  6. Thanks Steve.. last time i checked HLJ, they just said "out of stock". I have ordered one so i will wait and see what happens.
  7. I wonder... is there some kind of clear coat spray for models/toys that protects agianst this kind of thing? It would have to be really thin to not hinder any transformation etc.
  8. It just seemed like common sense to me. A non permanent lining method... Heheheh.. top tips from the totally unprofessional.
  9. Yeah.. in Trek 6 - The Undiscovered Country... Sulu is captain of the Excelsior... at the start he's doing his captain's log thing.
  10. Hey Ruskii, try http://www.anime-eden.com (its $5 for one month of unlimited downloads - they everything macross there too) or you may try a *ahem* bittorrent site... or the imacross server (there is an english dub of episode one too!) http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=244 Hope this helps! (if u get badly stuck... drop me a PM and mail u a good copy!)
  11. I'm no modeller by any stretch of the imagination... and i'm new to panel lining... i came up with this one on my own.. I use an ordinary pencil for lining. Preferably a soft one like a 2B or something.. works a treat, and if u dont like it... it rubs off - magic eh? n00b skillz
  12. I want to a 12"+ Galctica and Pegasus with removable pod covers (so we can see and use the flight deck) that come with a small fighter wing of vipers... oh and a raptor or two. Not asking too much is it? Aoshima would be good for this task, as their Aliens dropship is an excellent example of a "working" toy/display model.. Does anyone hear my cries??? EDIT - after reading this again.. it would need to be at least 24" ass the vipers and raptor would be tiny... hell make it HUGE!!!! i'd buy it! oh and it has to be a ready built - not a model kit. (hate doing that gluuing painting thing, i suck at it)
  13. IMHO Max = Best technical pilot Roy = Best overall (he was the skull squadron daddy afterall) Isamu = everyones favourate underdog Maverick (from topgun) type hero Basaru = dooshbag.
  14. I have that one too, and it must be said (for any newbies reading) that the subs are pretty bad. The first couple of episodes are in fairness, ok. After episode 3 the subs seem to less and less accurate. By episode 5 its a real mess and near impossible to make out what is going half the time. My advice - get one of the many Fansubs around (i have one titled A_F & A F and its great).. its nice to have the dvd for picture quality sake, but they suck on the translation side... EDIT - Ratchet & Ruskii, i trust you both have fansub copiies already? if not... get some. Its an entirely more enjoyable anime when it makes sense.
  15. Would these be of any use? [att chment=46357:pegasus049py7ga.jpg]
  16. Good catch!!! been waiting for this one.
  17. I know how you feel.. everytime i see this bumped i think WOOHOO - NEWS and its more blah blah blah... ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wake me up when there are some screenshots or something Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  18. Who's the goof in the background?
  19. I found these here - http://members.shaw.ca/decepticon/nexus.htm its a very good resource site for the VF-2SS from MacII I think that the guy that built and owns this is also a member here (wm Cheng?) (if so... i love your work)
  20. Okay, finally found a decent quality link for the flashbacks that we can ALL use regardless of country. http://uk.media.tv.ign.com/media/895/895460/vids_1.html its got a nice trailer with some proper action too.
  21. Not quite Venus Wars stylee, but cool all the same. Sqidd would be the man to ask on the possibilty on a proper monobike.
  22. Check this.. its pretty funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Kve1oGPjf8...ted&search= Needs audio.
  23. Man, thats sweeeet... love the monobikes from Venus Wars
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