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Cannon Fodder

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  1. I think I fit the description here but I'm most likely in the minority to be honest. From what I've seen, the vast majority of Diaclone reboot collectors are into army and/or diorama building and mixing and matching parts to make their own creations. You can refer to these threads on TFW2005 for more information. https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/takara-tomy-diaclone-reboot.1051661 https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/1-60-scale-compatible-toys-rihio-diaclone-lightyear-mft-gundam.1223541/ https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/diaclone-base-building-and-display-thread.1226803/
  2. Great work! The finished set looks great and is perfect for hamfisted bozos like me. I'd like to get a finished set if you're able to ship to Singapore.
  3. Did anyone end up picking this up from Big Bad Toy Store? If so, was the packaging identical to what one would get from the event? I recall there was some speculation that BBTS' stock might not have a slipcover or something like that so curious to see how that turned out. EDIT: MasterScale on tfw2005 confirmed that it has the slipcover and the brown outer box so I guess it's identical. https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/the-macross-thread.101574/page-3802#post-21396029
  4. Mine just shipped today.
  5. Shipping will only start after the sale ends.
  6. dgco86

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Amiami seems to be back in stock. Which would you guys go for? HLJ or Amiami? http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-027032&page=top
  7. dgco86

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Sigh, was hoping for a third Amiami restock but it seems unlikely. By the way, does anyone have experience with Tokyo Hobby Portal / Wonder Craft Tokyo? They seem to have the VF-31J in stock for 21,600 JPY but I've never heard of them and can't find much on the internet about them. http://www.thp-shop.com/ban62981.html
  8. Managed to get my order in before it went out of stock again. Thanks for sharing! Very relieved to finally have one. ... Unless HLJ screws me over. I hope not.
  9. Nice, Nippon Yasan just gave me a partial refund of $15.46 to match the current price on the website. Now if only they'd drop their shipping prices.
  10. Rats, I've already paid for mine from NY. Guess I'll email them and ask if they can refund the difference.
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