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Everything posted by min

  1. wow! when can we start pre-ordering??
  2. min

    k&M macross figures

    ive been looking around and asking and believe it or not but these are actually sold out in tokyo. i saw a few stores that had them but were trying to sell them for more than double the price. didnt these just come out recently? hopefully ill have some luck at the super festival swap meet coming up but ive already order a set from ve.
  3. man...with that ratio, what are you doing painting??! at my grad school, its more like 50/50. i never have a problem with rain here but whenever i paint outside, mr. nhk always seems to stop by. i wonder how many other members are in japan. i wouldnt mind meeting up. maybe even something besides wonderfestival. are you coming to the next one rob? min
  4. im not sure about worth but i can say that the starting bid is pretty good. i personally like these kits and think that they are pretty nice. the robotech super-posables were based off these kits.
  5. can someone explain to me whats so good about lucy liu? i just dont get it. she was kinda funny in mcbeal but thats about it.
  6. heyy! me and the fiance went to phuket last month too. unfortunately, there was no macross there. i dont think im going back. on the last day, we went to this super cheesy phuket fanta-sea show pictured.
  7. thanks mike! it worked! i also figured out the tail fins too. just lift up that piece of plastic carefully. now if i can just figure out how to dissolve the super glue, i can get those rivets out.
  8. im trying to remove the feets of the vf1s1/48 so i can paint them black and also the tail fins so i can correct the crooked skulls. can someone help out by showing me how to remove the pieces? im pretty sure the proper screws are hidden underneath the plastic but i havent figured out a way to remove the covers. and you know those rivets? is there a way to remove those? they seem to be super glued in. is there a way to dissolve super glue? tons of questions, thanks in advance!!
  9. heyy!! thanks so much! i give it a try!
  10. is there a trick to open the two halves of the jm cockpit? on all the ones i own, im only able to push in and open the front portion of the clear part but the back push thing is always stuck so the two parts do not come apart. any help?
  11. hey! was watching tv and caught the commericial for the game. i was only able to see it once so far and it was a quick spot. didnt know it was a cm for it until the end when the macross logo and info came up. has a little boy in a park looking up into the sky and the force of the sdf-1 (off camera) coming down blowing his hair. then he says something like 'its returned' (kaete kitta) then the macross logo and info screen for the game comes up. i am so looking forward to this game. just a few more days. i pre-ordered it already and its supposed to come with a poster.
  12. min

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    not sure if this has been shown before but here is the back of the flight suit and helmet
  13. min

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    went to the show today. here's a picture of the back of the armor.
  14. went to the tokyo game show today. there were huge lines everywhere to try out the games so was only able to play the game today for a few minutes. also when the controller was handed to me, it was all sweaty and dripping so i really was only thinking about rushing to wash my hands. i played the scene in the tv series where hikaru was in the vf-1j gbp. graphics and controls were both pretty awesome. seriously felt like i was playing the anime. since it was the gbp, i wasnt able to change to other modes but i did get to send out missiles from the shoulder armor which looked pretty cool. other people were piloting the purple vf-1s and it does not look bad. im definately getting this game when it comes out. this game and that transformers game. the macross game is definately better though. im not that much of a gamer so i spent most of the time checking out the model girls for the show. the clothes they were wearing definately gave them extra points and there were so many of them. highlight of the show for me was getting to play this new 007 game. the game itself was whatevers but the booth featured this thing called date gaming. what happens is that you get to sit next to a girl wearing an evening dress and she will chat with you and play the game together with you. thats what i call incentive to check out the game.
  15. i think if you want, you can choose to play as any of the original characters. they only added these new characters/valkyries in to give players something different. anyways, i heard this game will be at the tokyo game show this saturday. ill let everyone know.
  16. kakizaki is definately in the game. was walking by some video game store here and saw the preview for it. had the whole kakizai death scene.
  17. according to toysrus japan, they will be getting more in november. only 3999 yen.
  18. when i was in taiwan and korea, i wasnt able to access macrossworld from both places. i guess this is why i havent seen any members from taiwan or korea. this worries me because ill be moving to korea in about a year and then to taiwan the year after. just letting you guys know...
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