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Everything posted by min

  1. takumiAE86, which 2 do you go to in tokyo? try toyrus, last time i was there, there were still a bunch.
  2. im going!
  3. min


    that figure makes me want to get the q-rau!
  4. im so happy to see another custom 1/48. there was a dry spell for awhile. looks sweet! i hope to see more from you.
  5. min

    Macross Jack

    i think the jacks are pretty damned cool. great job nick!
  6. toysrus has a release date of 2004/12/30 on their site.
  7. looks beautiful. i like the weathering on it.
  8. i hope that wasnt the first time you said that to her! great find nick! both on the gf and the toy!
  9. i live in tokyo now. close to shibuya. if you wanna meet up, just contact me. send me a pm. i can take you guys to a few places.
  10. hey! that actually looks pretty good painted! better than any paint job i did as a kid.
  11. min

    Part 2

    remember in the first series there was a winking mao and a regular one? i got a misa that only has one shoe on. im sure its just a factory mistake this time though.
  12. min

    1/48 TV Pilots anyone?

    just got my recast of the dyrl pilots today and i have to say they are of excellent quality. thanks so much! these were recasted off the 2nd release with a better sculpt than the 1st. highly recommened! im sure the tv ones will be of the same awesome quality. im gonna get a couple!
  13. if i can get parts BP 4 and BP 9, please let me know. thanks!
  14. wanna know whats funnny? i got my order from hlj. came like last week. oh, not funny? sorry...
  15. Are you kidding? Ive seen what you guys have done to the cosplay threads! I will take more pictures and try and put up a review soon though. On a note that's more in tune with the topic, the clear fast packs are out! Just got them in a few minutes ago. Check out the picture. Looks really nice, sealed in baggies and comes in a well designed box.
  16. its $5.50 for one box and 10 figures in a set (5 regular and 5 clear version.) thats really a great price. i remember when those were selling for double, triple that price.
  17. min

    1/48 BR "blue camo"

    most excellent! keep up the great work!
  18. btw, i have no room for this in my apartment. what was i thinking?!! actually...i knew what i was thinking, at the time i just got engaged and i knew...i knew that if i dont get all the toys when i can, i probably wouldnt be able to later on.
  19. peek inside the box
  20. picture of the package received from yamato. notice the macross kite on the side. thats a nice touch. love the spellng also.
  21. a little update and apology. sorry for jumping the gun but the package i got wasnt the clear fast packs. it was from yamato, macross, definately pretty cool but not the fast packs. im sure those will be coming soon.
  22. i just received a huge box from yamato with the macross logo on it. im not gonna open it until the relatives leaves sunday but im sure its what we've all been waiting for.
  23. awesome job! and thanks mr. anonymous! i would be interested in both kits if there were recasted.
  24. well, if you go to the site, you'll see that it is indeed the homepage for liquid stone. was kidding about having to enhance the photos. i took down the info when i was there. clarified.
  25. that does look pretty cool! too bad i didnt see it but i was only able to attend the festival for an hour this time. had a flight to catch and the lines and the crowds at the festival almost killed me. i did pick up this mospedea ride armor that i dont think i will ever be able to build.
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