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Everything posted by moss

  1. I´ll be glad to see those canopies
  2. Thanks, but the file doesn´t belong to the SuperVF. Today I´ve fund the correct one and upload it on rapidshare.com here is the link: http://rapidshare.com/files/54001012/paper...lkyrie.rar.html
  3. Does anyone have this ?
  4. Looks good!!! nice an detailed job.
  5. Yes zanderwitaz it´s not a ¨perfect transformation¨ but it´s pretty close to one, and yes it´s a ton or more of work ahead but I have no rush to finsh the two Valk´s ( the bandai´s is in the closet since the ´95). But I don´t want to swap pieces between them, perhaps build new ones taking as a reference the bandai model. So I´ve been searching in the forum but seems that nobody has made such things with those models... I´ll be waiting for someone who can bring me more info, thanks.
  6. Hi, this is my first post on this amazing forum for all the macross fan´s. I need some help on my two plastic models : Bandai VF-1S 1/72 (with a broken leg) & Hasegawa's Super VF-1A Fighter kit 1/72(new in the box). I´ve seen this page with a perfect variable transformation made with de Hasegawa kit link: http://www.geocities.com/duom/gundam/hasepv/hasepv.html Now, does someone know of this modifications or have more detailed pics of the process, if it is so I´ll be very thankful. PD: sorry for my english
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