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Everything posted by goldenboy_forever

  1. wow I post minmay would be there and now all of this haha you guy crak me up. Anyway If you want her autograph (not her porno pic ) its tons of money to get the vip. From Rich over grown zentradi-I'm sexy do I make you horny baby Minmay-(scream) NoooOO! Hikaru-Can I accidently grab you right boob? Minmay-Sure(slayer!slayer!slayer!) Lisa- Bitch slaps hikaru Me,hatrist, myerjesse, Exo,yellowlightman,Datpincheharo,polidred. DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! best buck I spent to see hikaru get bitch slap by misa
  2. the battle pods are around 3 inches . They should be 1/72 scale because they came with the 1/72 musasiya kit that has the vf-2ss. Some people say they are non scale, but from a model perspective they look great next to the 1/100 scale bandai vf-2ss. From Rich
  3. yes they are from Rich
  4. Macross 2 fanatics Rohby has taken up this fantastic oportunity to reproduce another flawless enemy resin kit for you. We will be producing Mardook enemy battle pods from Macross 2. The size of the Mardook battle pods are about 3 inches. The Mardook battle pods are originally from the vf-2ss musasiya kit. Each Mardook battle pod is made of 6 simple parts, and very easy to paint and assemble. As you know Macross 2 enemy mech are pretty much impossible to get or even find. That's why Rohby was kind enough to take on this project for us. The Mardook enemy battle pod will come in sets of three. Shipping for the battle pod will be cheap because of the size of them. If your interested in these please post your comment. I will let the pics explain the rest. (*sidenote these are not my pics but they are from starship modeler.com the modeler is Darren Bertrand) Here is a pic of the Mardook battle pods from the instruction booklet here are some pics of Mardook battle pods with a vf-2ss valk (pics are from e2046.com) From Rich&Rohby
  5. I doubt it to late to register it like 35 for admission but 135 for vip crazy huh I've never been to one but I might be small not sure. Hahahah I really wonder what would happen If I call her minmay hummmmm oh -Exo- I'll tell her you said hi. from Rich
  6. Woops haha sorry your right I just checked out the first episode again my bad. mods if you can erase this thread please From Rich
  7. AHHHH! I C I C thanks for the swift answer From rich
  8. Okay if this question has been asked please direct me to the answer or if this should be in the newbie question section mods please move this post. Anyways Heres a question thats just hit me why would they make a transforming air plane in macross zero when even the sdf-1 hasn't hit the earth yet or has it? Didn't they make valks to fight over size aliens know as the zentradi and why would they need destroids and monsters in macross zero? I mean you don't need over size mech to destroy humans, and the alien monster in macross zero wasn't even a zentradi I think? In macross Roys tells hikaru that the valks main purpose is to fight over size aliens to level the fighting plane. Well just wondered what you guy think? I hope this doesn't sound like a complaint becasue I've been a macross fan for long long long time just wonder if I miss out on some vital info on this. 1.)Sdf-1 equalsl transforming valk 2.)no sdf-1 in macross zero 3.)so why the transforming valks? From Rich Let me know what you guys think?????
  9. Does that mean that all the valks on this display stand can't have a gunpod or just the vf-19a? From Rich
  10. Just want to let some people know that minmay will be at anime over dose convention I've never been to one but just a heads up to any one in northern california area From rich
  11. hey guy I just email toynami about my blue mpc alpha fighter. They sent me a email with a return address. So if you guys have ay defective mpc just return it to. Toynami, Inc. 15315 Magnolia Blvd Suite #216 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 if this is old news sorry for jumping the gun I just didn't want to go through the 100 plus pages on mpc complaints here is the original email I sent and recived Dear Richard, Please send your blue MPC alpha to the following address: Toynami, Inc. 15315 Magnolia Blvd Suite #216 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 I hope this is helpful to you. Happy Holidays, Customer Service Toynami Inc ----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Kim" <goldenboy_forever@hotmail.com> To: <info@toynami.com> Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 9:30 AM Subject: Re: Want to exchange blue MPC alpha for a new because of Q.C. problem/accident Dear Customer Service, Thank you for your response to my email I greatly appreciate your helping hand. Can you please provide me with the address I can ship the mpc alpha to? Also on the shipping label what department should I put it to? Lastly is there any other special preparations I should know about or include in the shipment before I send the mpc alpha back to Toynami? Thank you again for taking the time to read my response. Sincerely Richard Kim From: "customerservice" <customerservice@toynami.com> Reply-To: "customerservice" <info@toynami.com> To: "Richard Kim" <goldenboy_forever@hotmail.com> Subject: Re: Want to exchange blue MPC alpha for a new becasue of Q.C. problem/accident Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2004 17:46:38 -0800 Dear Richard, We're sorry to hear about the trouble you had with your Robotech Masterpiece Collection Scott Bernard's VFA-6H. If you ship the original figure back to us at your own expense, we will happily replace it for you with a new figure. Best regards, Customer Service Toynami Inc ----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Kim" <goldenboy_forever@hotmail.com> To: <info@toynami.com> Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 5:27 PM Subject: Want to exchange blue MPC alpha for a new becasue of Q.C. problem/accident Hi my name is Richard Kim and I have more of a paint quality issue. When I bought my mpc bernard alpha in L.A. the paint at the foot was doubled layered almost peeling . The damage is really odd its as if a piece of metal accidently landed on the foot while it was on the production line then it got paint over with the little piece of metal stuck to the foot. If there is a way I can exchange my mpc alpha for a new one I would greatly apreciate it. If you are the wrong person or department to email please send me in the correct direction so I can resolve this Q.C. issue. Thanks you very much and Happy holidays From: Richard Kim
  12. AWSOME vf 1s Custom!!!!!! soo envious . I saw the up side down un-spacey decal on the gun pod in the third pic. Does any know a way to not make a decal not glossy?? Man I wish I had a custom like that in my collection From Rich
  13. thats pretty cool idea his little red nose barely fits in the helmet looks great From Rich
  14. AHHHHHH!!!! soo which one is the best one?????Say money doesn't matter. The syphon air brush and the gravity air brush has its pros and cons. There must be a air brush out there thats the best of the best does anybody know???? when some novice like me and some other people dont know anything, but want a qucik and honest answer(I'm sorry for being a lazy azz I promise I'll do research later) forgive me what would you recomend or what should the artist to be look for in a air brush just off top of you head. Or does the airbrush not matter but its all about SKILLS which I don't have yet From RichyRich
  15. Noel aka black aces should have this kit for sale. shoot him a pm he might have the instructions good luck From Rich
  16. Wow looks awsome I actually can't wait for a member here to finish his custom armor for the yamato vf-11b if anyone can still remember a year ago I wonder if he finished? great job From Rich
  17. I know that meyerjesse made some recast of the vf-2ja in batilod and fighter mode. I'm not sure if he still has the molds, but I know a hobby store that has a original for sale it like 150-180 give or take but I need to double check if they have any more. Send me a pm let me know if you want the original. From Rich
  18. KUKU for COCO valks thats sick!!!! bro such a awsome valk so how much you want to sell it for j/k From Rich Great job
  19. Actually Rohby recasted the fan racer give him a p.m. From Rich
  20. Where is all this awsome talent comming from? I'm digin the clean paint job. Will you keep it clean or weather it? Anyways they look tight your making me jealous From rich KEEP IT COMMING PLEASE!!!
  21. Haha let me explain thats actually the Bp7 on the left of the pick and thats little metal pin at the bottom middle and the desk at the right. See how I place the Bp7 on the desk so the metal pin will slide out when hit the hammer then the sewing need will drive the rest out. Ment to put the pic with the previouse explanation. From rich
  22. ah so sorry bro bye the time I was done typing the previous post you type the bp7 before I saw your post. your right I tried the pliers but It was to slippery and I didn't want to leave teeth marks on the metal rod. Thanks a bunch From Rich
  23. Actually the pin isn't stuck in the bp8 but in the back pack hinge Bp7 The easiest way I just removed it was step 1: you need a hammer, a sharp table edge, a sewing needle, and a helper step 2: hold the bp7 over the edge of the table but let the metal pin hang between the Bp7 and the edge of the table. step 3: While holding the bp7 with you left hand over the sharpe edge of a table hit the pin with the hammer in your right hand. This makes most the pin hang out on one side of the Bp7. So basicly the table provides a upward force on the bp7 and the the hammer will provide a down ward force for the pin step 4: Now use the left hand to hold the Bp7 over the sharp edge of a table and use the right hand to hold the sewing needel above the metal pin. Step 5: Tell the helper to lightly hammer the sewing needle that you are holding over the metal pin in the Bp7. Hammering the sewing needle will drive the rest of the metal pin through Bp7 hole. Make sure the helper puts his or her left hand under the pin so the helper can catch it when it fall out. This took not even 1 minute to do. This way there will be no teeth marks trying to remove it with pliers From Rich
  24. Yo Bobepatt for sure I'll come down to LALA land again. If your 6'1" and 230 no wonder your nick name is gozilla and you have a collection of valkholism about the size of a giant monster about to crush everyones elses collection godzilla I don't know if you want a taiwanese girl from the HaKahNees Clan there bro but I'll see if I can find one to apease the GODZILLAS apetite you sure you only need one? Man if your a 6'1" chinese guy your hella tall for a asian person. I'll try to use the hair spay soultion with a straight face I'll see about that pin what the easiest way is to remove it. I don't know why the pin is so stuck Hey Hatrist was it glued in there, and was it a pain to actually remove the bp8 from the valk? Any pointers just incase I might do some thing hella crazy to already broken valk? From Rich
  25. I tried to remove the pin from the bp8 but it seems like its glued in there. Haterist when you removed the pin and put it back was the pin loose? From Rich Wow eternal D I know there a lot of messed up korean guy in so cal but I don't like to hang around those kind of people too much drama. It's stupid and bad for your health trust me man I've been there done that and it not worth it. Hope you like the spider tank you bought from me. To bad I missed the chance to meet up with you at anime expo. Maybe next year
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