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Everything posted by goldenboy_forever

  1. sorry post in wrong topic
  2. played socom for the psp cool concept with the wifi on line so its like playing counter strike but with real live people . Have the navy seal team and terrorist team theres is even a head set for the game that you can pick up at ebgames so you can talk with your buddies. Pretty intense gane playing but tried out the respanwing mode live die kill over and over and over you get the point I rank this game B+ because of the wifi . from Rich
  3. hi guys just wanted to ask if anyone knows whats suppose to be on sale at certian places maybe do the buying today and recipt adjustment after the sale I'm mostly looking for what places to go for video games. from Rich
  4. dude thats soo tight great job man how much? from Rich
  5. my vf-11b is like a rock the real problem was during production I heard people say vf-11b came with glue in the hip joits so when you moved the leg is would snap the joint. I have no idea why theres glue in there in the first place? from Rich
  6. that sucks man to bad it wasn't a 1.5 version sell the valk get a 2.0 version but keep the 1st edtion box maybe do a shoulder swap since the 1.0 version comes with metal shoulders. Than you have a super rare 1.5 version yf-19 also for better posablity loosen the screw in between the legs just a little bit that way it can do a wider stance. from Rich
  7. taking your modeling skillz to whole new level thats cool from Rich
  8. Awsome work put me down for one please from Rich
  9. holy smokes thats F$%^ UP!!! man I feel hella bad for you man. Is the fast pack okay? Shoot either just take your losses and sell it loose to buy a brand new one or post in the wanted section for a empty fast pack box from Rich
  10. the dvd being sold at target comes with a darth vader coin, best buys is offering a a metal coper color plaqe thing of darth vader but you have to be a member of there video game club only 100 carried at each store. Also there selling light sabers for 100 buck at best buys you save 20 from Rich
  11. Alright guys is there any real real diffrence between psp game and a ps2 game . I have to debate if I should get the game for my psp or ps2. Since a psp game is now 50 bucks. For example the new ssx game that came out is there any diffrence between the psp version and the ps2 version? Are they exactly the same? I'm playing grand theft auto for the psp I like it. Its just like the original for ps2 it also comes with the software up date 2.0 with web browser you use the analog joy stick as the mouse. I also pickup the nyko from frys electronics for 70 bucks. Its pretty cool bulit in speakers that are really loud has bulit in rechargable battery 5hr life span has port for 2 ear phones also charges the psp while it s charging it self(docking station) comes with wires so that it doesn't have to be docking while you play. The bad its one of those rechargable battery that you shouldn't over charge or let is un charge all the way. Say you want to use the speakers on the nyko but its out of battries so you would think that is would use the battery power from you psp but it doesn't. So you have to have some power in your nyko in order to use the speakers. also the battery depleats its self reguardless of useage. So if you don't use it still runs out of battery. usually when you have the ac adaptor pluged in to you psp it still works but say your nyko is out of battery you plug in the ac adaptor you have to let it charge some time or else if you try to use it while its pluged in it still dies out since the out put is greater than the input. very compact just fits your psp so you have to take off your little white wrist strap for the psp. from Rich
  12. http://www.users-side.co.jp/USA_WEB/index.php you guys should check out a user side store near you. I know theres suppose to be one in so cal. They have a whole bunch of japanese games for all consoles, ds psp game cube playstation, they have some limited edition stuff from japan. A little expensive but thats how much you would pay with shipping. Actually the prices for the games aren't bad at all. They have computer stuff, dvds etc its like a japanese electronic store. Its a small store but packed with cool stuff also they have japanese video game posters for sale for 5 bucks a pop. Id probably ask them if they would do a pre order on the psp advant child, or see if there is a American version coming out soon advant child. Im still illiterate on the whole emulator thing sorry late in the game. Can anybody show me to a web site on a step by step process on how to do that? Also the psp9 seem really limited in compressing large files and takes way to long does anybody recomend the sony convertor brand thats for sale on ebay? any diffrence? its like 6 bucks for it. from Rich
  13. I have the fold booster coming out next month it looks sweet it'll fit on the yamato yf 19 of vf 19a you choice. I'll post some tight pics soon as soon as I get the clear parts in for the fold booster. i know its no fast pack but its a fold booster from Rich
  14. Hi guys Any personal reviews on untold legends? I've been wanting to buy a rpg game and this one seems to be the only one out there how is the game play and what type of game is it like. Is it like you run around and than a monster suddenly appears or is it real time you can see the monster coming towards you and you fight than and there. Are the fight sequence real time (exp like street fighter) or turn base on selection like final fantasy. Just wondering if this game is good just fed up buying games and being disapointed . I'm asking you guys because I assume you have good taste since we all love macross thanks from Rich
  15. mine is bretai on the bridge from Rich
  16. hahahahahaha I missed out on that dam I wish I was there. I bet you wanted to Ang BAk egan from Rich
  17. Man san diego comic con was crazy way too much walking . I ask the guy how much shipping was for the alpha he said it wasn't much since it only weights around 80-90 pounds because it was made of fiber glass and it is posable. Way tooooo much free bee stuff at the con. I didn't even get a chance to check out panels. Me nick egan alex patt ate at dick last resort in the gas lamp district crazy places there theme is to be rude and not give a puck they throw napkinks at everybody and the place is a mess. Its a very memerable place napkin fights waiters talking poo place is hella crazy the ribs are great and theres even a claw game thats your suppose to get plush toys but this one you try to catch real live lobster. from Rich
  18. Dude tight -exo- are they made from yamato or the ones from eternal d? ski ski ski ski from Rich
  19. Dude the shirt is awsome I picked one up from nick at san diego comic con and its tight. Even cover up man boobs hahaha! from Rich
  20. ask her if she want BMW -exo- (inside joke)
  21. I just found some sony 1gb at best buys in milpitas 135 and 1gb sandisk 130. I think they just restocked but you have to ask the rep to get it for you they don't have it for display. from Rich
  22. Man I better get my money back if isn't there or get a t-shirt from Rich
  23. haha yeah right I'm flying down to see my buddies not mari from Rich
  24. Hi Guys I work for the hyatt I have a extra room I'll be staying at the West hollywood hyatt California flying into burbank airport on friday 17 check out on the 20th monday. So far Agent-GHQ will be staying there on the 18-19th the room will be 2 beds. If some one wants to share the room with Agent-GHQ let me know you guys can split the rate which is $83.58 total per night. So its like 45 bucks a night if split between two people. The hotel is on sunset blvd so right on the strip of hollywood everything is walking distance. The exact address is 8401 Sunset Blvd West Hollywood, ca 90069 the regular room rate runs for 200-300 per night. If anyone is intrested let me know. Friday you get to relax and settle in. Saturday morning hit up frank and sons, saturday night see Minmay play at a hotel. Sunday go hit up mwcon 5 meet up with the buddies. Monday checkout and fly back home. Most of the people on the mwcon 5 list is in burbank so we'll meet up with -exo-,bobepatt,solscud,etc from Rich
  25. hi guys sorry for the confusion. So untill there's about 15 people intrested or more. Than I'll start taking preorder payment of 50 dollars. The 50 dollar prepayment will be toward the 130 total so by the time the kits are done you will only owe $80.00 . so total ending price will be 130.00 shipped or less from Rich
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