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Everything posted by Kin

  1. I watched those series as a kid. I don't like it because I only wanted to see mecha and action. But now if I look back, it has quite a good story. I can remember some kind of friend became an enemy. One got assasinated cause he took a bullet.
  2. larc en ciel / luna sea.
  3. A mini computer.. that's all we need.
  4. lol gettin out of hand...
  5. Uhm.. I've downloaded a couple of G1 series and the voice actor of Shockwave sounds like the gayish butler from Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
  6. I'm happy if they're made of rubber: good for their teeth, no sharp edges, lightweight
  7. Lol hold all of your Legioss 2 meters of the ground and drop it. Now take pictures and compare.
  8. Sometimes you can find a big catch at clearance topics under "for sale" in the MW forum. I'd rather buy something from a MW member than unknown people on Ebay etc.
  9. Finished all parts and checked in fightermode. No loose parts. What you see is what you get.
  10. I'm starting a little Starscream project. A fully transformable papermodel. Goal is to build it in a way it looks good in both modes. I've already made a plan to model the whole thing. Now it's just a matter of time modeling and texturing the whole thing.
  11. I'm a guy with patience. If I see something rare for sale on the Internet and is acceptible for my budget, I'll do everything to get that toy. So far, I'm still lucky. Also depends on where you live. I'd rather ship something expensive to the other half of the globe.
  12. Most cosplay sucks but I must give this lady/guy? credit for such a beautifull starscream suit. scroll down .. http://fanboy.net/akon14/ I came across it after googlin some pics for the starscream papermodel project.
  13. Hey this thread isn't a sticky one anymore. Lack of news?
  14. Not much engrish.. but anyway, better than "awful" misplaced pictures.
  15. I loved to see a Gakken 1/35 commercial.
  16. Oh well....
  17. Hey! Leave 24 out of this! 387961[/snapback] LOL!
  18. uhm let me get this straight:) He stinks!
  19. Everything is almost crap... everything looks the same. Back in the 80's you can easily distinquish the style and story line. What's hot today? > Crime fightin/solving at the speed of light. Forced to do something or you'll be dead
  20. I remember back in 1999 I worked in a company as a graduation project for school, I saw a couple of old stuff like their own company demo on LD.. there's no labeldesign on it and they've just used a black marker. Must have been expensive.. I guess it's made from 1989 or 1990. (European mustaches were hot )
  21. kewl! Hey there's also a link to votom's theme... never seen the anime but I'm curious. and even more! Thnx for the link
  22. heheheh... I had that problem once at the disco... she looked nice, I asked her phonenumber, ask her for a date.... till we met the other day... ohno she looks worse than she was! .
  23. I must admit, I was downloading toy adds/magazine cover images from the mw site like an ubermacross fan.. hmmm...lol I still have my folder on the computer.... lmao! 24 februari 2000, 13:37:10
  24. dante jij bofcunt !
  25. Dang verhicle mode looks ugly... who stole the front wheels? Oh I see them now... Sorry but I get very upset everytime I see a pic of it.
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