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Everything posted by Kin

  1. wow coooool!.. Yeah I'm sure it's gonna float.. imagine how hollow a piece of lego brick can be. I remember I used to have a red lego ship a long time ago... it floats but I lost the lower parts with a couple of weights to keep the ship from capsizing.
  2. To be honest... the wc is totally fcked up... lol I'm glad im not into betting for money.
  3. heheh... lucky germs...next time they will lose anyway..
  4. Suckamundo! Worst WC ever...
  5. thank god it's photoshopped:)
  6. some ugly total waiste of money.. ::mod edit:: Please don't quote pics, especially ones that fill the entire screen.
  7. that old version of bumblebee looks good with a happy meal...
  8. Lol the G1 toy shows how Prime looks like if he skipped 3 months of fitness training.
  9. well... it's not that bad?
  10. Wow.. it says "diecast" on the box. Is that 100% real? Heavy and lethal enough to throw towards someones face?
  11. Gakken blue Legioss 1/35 $220,- (non anime stuff > AA pro-sport fieldtarget airrifle $700,-)
  12. Jesus. What do you do for a living? 397159[/snapback] Competitive eating.........NOT! So. Cal. real esate flipper and stock options. 397173[/snapback] heh... !
  13. I saw the toy commercial of Jetfire... so who's got the honor to draw the cellanimation of the "valkirie" for the commercial?
  14. So... got any financial plans here? I bet most of you can save enough money for M-03. Like 3 or 4 months..
  15. What happens to airplanes if the onboard computer crashes? Does it fall down like an f-16 brick? Let's say, how many airplanes don't have flybywire these days?
  16. Photoshop... different character, look at the "O" it's thinner that the O's from the sentences above.
  17. miami-vice.org yeah I'm an 80's fan... the site is down more often than mw. Dang windows server.
  18. Looks more like a foam dartgun for kids.
  19. Oh wow... they both look like a crappy gun. Do you really think Hasbro bothered to copy the crappy Time Crisis gun? 395164[/snapback] Welcome to 'America has too many real guns and people can get shot or arrested for waving around a fake real-looking gun'. You should have heard the guy over at the GI Joe forums who was assembling a bootleg G1 Megatron he had just bought from the flea market, while sitting in his car. Until he saw a guy in a car opposite to him reach under his seat for a real gun. Assuming Hasbro wasn't forced to change the colours already - make a real looking gun and by US LAW they'd have to make it bright orange. 395169[/snapback] YUK!!
  20. those missilepods were aways facing down in fightermode in the tv series. pretty akward to place the engine blades in front of it. it makes no sence in mp-03
  21. Lol i thought (s)ega was dead.
  22. Lol I declare war to Kawamori
  23. I'll try to implement that in my papermodel... ghehehehe...
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