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Everything posted by Kin

  1. heheheh the Wii is a good way to lose a couple of pounds... I can imagine myself putting some weight into the controller and just get hooked up with a game... playing 1 year and switching left and right sides... and look at the result even better than tellsell! Wii is simply awesome!
  2. My favorite gun movie
  3. jetfire, yamato 1/48, gakken 1/35.... Not only because I like the anime but also facinated about the whole marketing around it... the consistancy of the storylineand complexity in the toylines... the technical dificulties putted in a toy that eventually get bashed by wild kids. but the jetfire and gakken are rock solid. Toys I bought have got a high value of great achievements in history.... my opinion that is.
  4. I'm also searching for an old forgotten anime. It's from like about 1984 and it's about a boy with some kind of robot that likes to eat banana's to get superstrenght or something. The robot looks like a square tin can silver and read with small arms and legs.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnmP5HvMsrw
  6. on the right of the sketch > 42/2 = 21
  7. ahahaha!
  8. Heheh it was on Dutch television... a funny program where comedians immitate famous people. Mainly political issues and the whole terrorist thing. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=koefnoen 3rd on the page.
  9. I took a picture of our hoteldoor with a sign in Italy where we went on holiday... I'll post it a.s.a.p.
  10. omg... my drewl is all over that powdery substance.. http://www.ems-usa.com/Movies/EMS_ZPrinter...orial_Large.wmv
  11. http://www.time-compression.com/x/guideArc...le.html?id=6608 http://www.encee.de/cgi-bin/view/Main/SD300 for 14.900 euro's it would be great if it's possible to split the ammount in 120 months.. to make it affordable. Imagine what you could make wit that machine...
  12. http://paginas.terra.com.br/lazer/projectg.../ship_armo.html wow it's so acurate! id bet the canopy is very difficult to make.
  13. can you put something next to it as a referene to its scale?
  14. wow! awesome! uhm how long did it took you to finish it? Isn't fiberglass a delicate and expensive material?
  15. might as well call mars.. the "red moon" or moon of the sun. Is the sun / moon a planet?
  16. OMG... I'm getting sick.. freakin childporn
  17. You couldn't have said it better.
  18. Who's the marketing genius that came up with that idea? WHY!?!?!?!? 422840[/snapback] To keep us thinking about new improvements... new models... and ofcourse spending your money in an endless continuation.
  19. yeah, the bird and missile launcher.. the only downside is his big head (that goes for other pm too)
  20. Wow, he hasn't been released yet and he's already been bootlegged. J/K 420804[/snapback] BWAHAHAHAH!
  21. anyone notice the screw shining trough the canopy of m-03? Terrible..
  22. The original was always the best...
  23. heheh look out you dork... before I braise you!
  24. Uhmmm... read the thread much? 416698[/snapback] I read the thread but i haven't seen the starscream picture. I think it was the 2chan one someone linked but was gone within 24 hours so i didn't catch it while it was up. But still...TEH HORROR. 416729[/snapback] Sailormoon colors hihihihihihihi
  25. Zidane is just stupid... he thought he could get away with it. Many people think he's a goodplayer... but infact he's just using his reputation to bring fear to his opponents. Go Italy! Hmm gonna check out if any pizza's or lasagna's are low prized tomorrow at the mart.
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