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Everything posted by Kin

  1. The government is only good at planning scemes to protect themselves... They don't want to finance on better education and prevention or some parentsprograms. It should go like: All parents are responsible for their children. Prevent your child from possesing, spreading or involvement with mature material. If a violation occurs, the parents of the child will be questioned and assigned for a parentsprogram which helps and monitor to prevent this situation. In this case the child is not a victim of the gamemaker but of the parents. Again... the people of "...." are being brainwashed by the government.
  2. dang I'm dying for news here...
  3. All this thinking makes me hungry... so, who's in for a keramik roasted re-entrysausage?
  4. thnx for the info guys. Another plan which would take ages... to create a man made 30km high mountain.
  5. The ozone layer has nothing to do with any interaction whatsoever, save the interactions already associated with the atmosphere, since the ozone layer is part of it. With no friction (i.e. air completely removed), there would be nothing bleeding away the kinetic energy from the Mach 25 descent speed, and the shuttle would crash to the Earth in a spectacular fireball right on top of Washington. The laws of physics are not easily broken. If one has excess energy one wants to get rid of, converting it into heat is easiest. There's not much else one can do. 316620[/snapback] So... there's not enough rocketpower to slow down the shuttle to a steady halt above some place on earth? ..it kinda sucks If I think about the future of space aviation.. many crashes will occur while soaring through the atmosphere.
  6. Yes, but what if the shuttle travels in a way it just keeps hovering like above washington and fall straight vertically towards the earth? With 0 friction, how does the atmosphere (ozon) reacts with the shuttle?
  7. Hmm... why pierce with highspeed through the atmosphere causing heat and flames? what will happen if you go as fast as the earth's turning outer diameter and drop down vertically? Will the atmosphere bounce of the shuttle?
  8. Ehm... was streetfighter 2 rated? I remember when Honda squeezes Chun Li....
  9. When anti-gravitons are discovered, we'll let you know. 316207[/snapback] oke send me a spacemail to mars.
  10. Some radical ideas of mine... 1. I'm sure there is some way to reverse the gravity of something against the earth? 2. Instead of blasting a rocket... how about using imploding force? I know it sounds crazy but just a thought..
  11. I think the government rather spend their money on things where they create profit... like developing and selling weapons n stuff.
  12. I really wonder... does the atmosphere really burn... or is it purely the highspeed friction? What will happen if u send a huge helium baloon high in the sky and then use light rockets runnin a few mph when in thin air? What will happen if the baloon just touches the atmosphere?
  13. well... probably the best and safe solution I have encountered so far is using magnetism. Ans ofcourse the existing testrail that can reach 9800km/h with missile testing.
  14. I don't believe in space elevators... one crash at the end in space and it's snapped on the bottom.. Or a freat leak will cause all the air of earth to flow into space and suffication.. maybe so big that the suction will cause some sort of a tornado.
  15. Heheh... just take 4 of those big rocketboosters and hook the whole spacestation to it. They are waisting money flying back and forth....
  16. The spaceshuttle is obsolete... NASA should use the existing new techniques. Nowadays, they don't have guts to risk lives.. unlike the coldwar..
  17. hmmm... maybe he was drunk posting this topic..
  18. So is your avatar haha!
  19. what is? 315237[/snapback] A female droid...
  20. Well talking about wrong perspective... it's the worst I've ever seen. Those people should be burned..
  21. Rated M for Mature
  22. You see, comments like that are the reason why you are on a LOT of people's ignore list and the reason they just might not see the content of your post. Stop acting like such an ass and maybe that might change but I doubt you have it in you. 314389[/snapback] Well, it's kind of stupid to go into one of MY POSTS and ignore my topic. DUH!! 314396[/snapback] I think Valkyrie wants to point out that the article "is still on Gamespots website" and posted the link again to refer..
  23. Oooh! Oohhh! Ooohh!! Yeaahhh!! Your're da mang!!
  24. Before Internet even exist... they had some sort of fax device printing text on a paper strip roll.
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