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Everything posted by Kin

  1. The cm's looks really nice on that picture. Imo the best overall design. Only downside is: it's small
  2. hmm I remeber 1998/1999.. I discovered this site while surfing on a computer during my boring internship.. i was 19 years old. Then I saw all the art, toy pictures and scans of everything about Macross on this site and I felt like a kid in a candy store. The forum was pretty active those days. It ran on a different forum engine. Many peeps who havent got alot of money bought a joon or jetfire(in my case) because the only full transformable valkyrie was the old banday/takatoku that went $500,- + over the counter on ebay. Joons were like $60,-. But all in all Macrossworld was my first introduction to forum discussion boards and it was/is fun to share thoughts with other macross fans in the world! I once recall a dude here on the forum that owns a toystore in Hong Kong and many members here order the latest stuff from him.. like the yf-21, vf-11 etc.. toyline. Btw the homepage of Macross world is practicaly unchanged which is nice.
  3. lol she's a teenage character... 17 or 16?
  4. lol this time it's not ony my vidcard... probably must buy a whole new computer for this game. Ah well my non pci-express served long enough though.
  5. There's no turning back owning a 1/48
  6. I'm still waiting for someone to have the guts to customize a real motorbike into a mospeada. Ofcourse it doesn't transform.. but it looks so cool.. it's like a military hummerbike.
  7. Rotterdam (the Netherlands)
  8. lol it's funny to see the promocommercial on Dutch television... I find it hard to believe it's going to get full seats. They never aired the anime on TV and probably don't even know it's based on it. Gonna be fun to see how they react on this one...
  9. so when does it come out for the pc? like after 1 year?
  10. yeah the feet of the beagle seem small, but I think it looks very good in bike mode. They got the tires right! It's those bulky tires that stood out in the original design. Well as for the headsculp.. it looks nice and authentic 80's style. I'm definitely saving money for this. How large/tall is it?
  11. Finally! A toy designer that meets the criteria. I'm refering those pics of Stick prototype.
  12. Although I haven't got much time to create the paper legioss, I'm still brainstorming on how to create perfect transformation in all modes.. sketching etc.. The joints are moved only by folding a piece of strong cardboard. So no annoying cylindrical bar joints.
  13. nice review from collectiondx. I share the same critisism. - lack of diecast - useless piece of metal bar which doens't hold it together. - not worth $300,- (mainly the connection problem)
  14. drewl* drewl*!
  15. Hmm.. lol that's not Cantonese. Perhaps Mandarin point of view?
  16. As long the legs look like that in fightermode... I'd rather not cal it "Masterpiece".
  17. I've been out for a while, from which manufacturer is that? It's the best I've ever seen so far (otherwise cm) This one got the tires size right! ...o wait It's a beagle but a newerversion???
  18. I think none of the remakes will survive.. I haven't come across any director that does a remake like I want it to be. Either they are under pressure by stupid PR/Marketing pricks. No more remakes for me.
  19. ... maybe you are banned by the ISP because someone is trying to hack your computer and use it to hack others? Strange
  20. lol what's with the "hornyness"? What are they trying to say?
  21. The story in Clash was difficult to follow because of bad dub.
  22. Robotech messed up the whole thing with 3 different anime's. Made me confused as an 8 year old. I'm glad to watch the original Japanese Mospeada 20 years later... ! The whole story deserves to be more than 25 ep. (lol I just only got the first 3 cd's on the 2nd pic ... but I have a blue gakken 1/35 HA!)
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