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Everything posted by Kin

  1. Might as well live in an ankered floating home.
  2. I think someone don't like spending money on the rescue operation which cannot make profit out of it.. and I don't want to tell who.
  3. The US government is really being put to the test... unlike the tsunami disaster lots of people asume they can help on their own. If this escalates for weeks.. it would be necessary to get aid from Europe and other continents. There would be a dilemma... do you accept help from outside or can't you bare the shame as a super continent?
  4. http://wss-vip.adv.xc.advection.net/event/...n/0250?ext=.asf Lol he needs sleep! Get away from the computer!
  5. Anyone got a fishing rod? Maybe there's alot of fish to eat.
  6. What hurts me the most watching those video's.. they're always filming black people doing bad things.
  7. Maybe I can interest you people with "machine robo"?
  8. Sometimes I wonder.... that cop with tha shotgun... does he got enough guts to shoot down looters..
  9. Jenius, when are you going to complete you collection? (green one and the shadow toynami alpha)
  10. One advice.... don't visit Amsterdam during the Gayparade.
  11. anyone seen news about the smallsize GBA... ala nes 8 bit controller style? Or is it old news?
  12. Yeah we need pics!
  13. Now THAT's a gif!
  14. Get your mind out of the gutter, he's just ringing the bell. He's just really into it, okay? 321166[/snapback] Lol the lowrider kinda reminds me on the animation technique used in streetfighter 2 turbo Riu intro.
  15. Well... someone on this forum did manage to restyle his gakken and it LOOKS AWESOME... I can't find that topic. He posted some pics using his cellphone.
  16. Lol sorry, I upgraded myself to flash animation
  17. heheh kewl... saw this movie from an old topic here. I considered building an RC Legioss, with ducted fan's, vertical/forward flight. Gonna get some depron material to build it fromscratch.
  18. Well I do kinda miss his old movies with his "father in law".
  19. downloaded the movie but didn't watched it... dunno why
  20. those were the days...
  21. Lol died form some lame strategy game? lol how boring... PLay battlefield... hehehheh
  22. There's this teeny weeny little latch you can grab hold of.. quite teeny weeny though. Be careful of the rear landing gear -- if the foot is sagging down (due to diecast weight) it would prevent the gear from coming down fully. 318315[/snapback] Did you know I'm a proffesional nailcustomizer? Just sent me a cast of your fingernail and I'll make u a fine custom one to let you accurately peel your landing hatch for a lousy $100,-.... just kidding Isn't there a way to tie the hatch from the inside with a thin wire so you only have to pull the rope to open it?
  23. Sounds great! So when do we annex Poland!?! 317436[/snapback] Poland? Annexation? What's that all about? 317747[/snapback] I find the idea of parents being "questioned," "monitored," and "re-educated" in some type of "parentsprogram" simply because their child played/obtained an adult video game to be to some degree. . . hmmm. . . what's the word. . . oh yes. . . fascist. And I don't throw that word around lightly as I think it's over-used quite a bit in the current political climate (especially in the US). The reference to Poland: Germany's invasion of Poland touched off WWII. Ask your grandparents about it. It was sort of a big deal. Especially over in your kneck of the woods! 317779[/snapback] Lol I'm not from Poland...
  24. Sounds great! So when do we annex Poland!?! 317436[/snapback] Poland? Annexation? What's that all about?
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