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Everything posted by eming

  1. Just got my Rook Transforming it was so painful
  2. Would it be possible to scale the head down to a 1/60 scale Just asking....
  3. I'm very keen as well... have you decided on the price yet?
  4. Kurt, that's out of this world
  5. Anybody know the estimated release date?
  6. Just a question Why ain't they displaying it with the landing gears down? Are they still twiching around with it?
  7. Yep! the fighter mode looks pretty nice from the pics. But the head looks a bit weird.
  8. Sorry to hear about your loss. My condolences.
  9. That pretty cool What's that valkyrie, below your neat custom?
  10. Hi, I just bought a VF-1A Hikaru with two left shoulders. I need: R-A1 R-A2 And the screw that attaches the BD5/4, as the thread on the screw seems worn-out And if possible a VF-1A manual as you guessed it, I didn't get one with this set. Any help would be appreicated
  11. wow
  12. Paint chipping isn't a big issue, just that I was thinking maybe it might have been better to leave it bare, just like they did on the tabs on 2nd release YF-19 and the swing bars of the Bandai Valkyries. Just a thought.
  13. I've got a few 1/48 Yamatos and I have transformed them a few times. Great piece of engineering. But I was wandering, wouldn't it be better for Yamato to leave the swing bar bare metal rather than painting it. As you all know the amount of paint that chips there is quite consideratable. Just my thoughts. What do you guys think?
  14. Very nice Hope someone does it up
  15. Congrats Graham Life gets more interesting
  16. I'm not sure about the rest of the releases, but the pilots issued with the Re-issue VF-1A/S are the same as the the originals. Block 3 (All fixes, plus updated-curved headrest and new(better) pilot) -Hikaru Ichijo VF-1S -Hikaru Ichijo VF-1A (Reissue) -Roy Focker VF-1S (Reissue)
  17. I just bought GX-14 from a retail store, then GX-22 from a collector shop. I noticed my 22 has a small Gainax sticker while my 14 didn't. It's a small issue, just wanted to know some background on the differences. I asked one of the owners of the other stores, and he told me. The one with the sticker is from Japan and is of better quality as it has passed quality control in Japan. And they are part of the the initial batch of toys. Whereas the one with no sticker is for international market and may be of inferior quality and lesser value. Is that true? Any info would be helpful, just interested to know. He also told me to be careful when buying the crystal bases, as there are many fake ones in the market.
  18. Seen them all. The guy and his studio are visionaries
  19. Thanks for the info Hurin, now I have a clearer picture.
  20. Or is there is any existing thread about this?
  21. Which kind of decals did you use? So far I know there are two available 1/48 sticker/Decals for customisers in the market. Takatoys and Anasazi37. What are the difference between the two, which is easier to apply? Any info is greatly appreicated.
  22. Provided, you are asking this question based on the pretext that you don't have one. Yes they do.
  23. Not the coolest pose. But makes me happy when I see them.
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