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About zeta

  • Birthday 07/13/1988

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  • Location
    Long Beach Calif
  • Interests
    The overthrow of the capitalist state, what else?

zeta's Achievements

ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. hahahahaha I love eva, but thats right on the money...
  2. What the frakk was that!?
  3. That'd be nice!
  4. I liked the concept, a realy time tv show, but the warmed over spy plot sucks horribly!
  5. It also helps to lock the door, hahaha!
  6. I want that shirt!
  7. O.o
  8. Id say correction since he wares em in the cockpit.
  9. I think they used kites to move the blocks.
  10. Since they hit puberty!
  11. I know this is a long shot, but anyone know ancient egyptian for chariot of unimaginable power? Theres a decal!
  12. Kinda hard to get, but good!
  13. Thank you for ruining Empire for me!
  14. 2 or more AK's gets you on a list, your bumped up depending on your friends and family... I wouldnt want an old patrol boat yet alone a carrier! Besides the battles of tomorrow will be fought by small groups well hidden in urban and otherwise shielded areas...
  15. I live in Long Beach so my experience was about the same...
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