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Everything posted by Dax415

  1. Thanks for the review, found this to be real interesting.
  2. Mega Road is pretty cool....shows both human and zentraedi construction. always wondered why a anime storyline was never developed for this timeline other than the brief glances we got.
  3. Just curious.....anyone have a guess as to when we will know anything about the future of our macross toys through Arcadia?
  4. Here are the pics.....there is a problem with the VF-1S heads....the small parts that hold the antenae inside the head are missing. You will need to improvise and use some putty for the gap. Sorry I did not notice this before....today I have some time to go to the hobby store. I will try to find a solution for this today.
  5. Thanks for the response I will put the pics up tomorrow and put it in the for Sale section with price. There is some trimming and light sanding that needs to be done, but I'm sure its not too hard. I'm on the straight shooters list.
  6. No I do not have a large inventory I bought these years ago on here and never used them. They are VF-1S Low Viz color head, VF-1S white, VF-1J white, VF pilot in black. Just wanted to know if it was ok to sell them here. Thanks for the help.
  7. more pics http://s144.photobucket.com/user/dax415/library/
  8. Hi guys, Wasn't sure whether or not to put this up in the for sale section or ebay. But I have a millia parts valk with missing parts. It is in great condition otherwise, stiff joints and was never transformed more than once. It is missing; the head, gun pod, fast packs, missiles, nose cone, and pilot. I'm pretty sure if I look around I can find the missiles and pilot. The BP-8 part is dissasembled but not broken as far as I know....I just didn't know how to put it back as this was suppose to be low vis custom.
  9. Thanks Gabe Q ....not sure if you were referring to me. But if memory serves me correctly I think someone else bought the masters to the Captain's Spaltan sculpt. Dont want to post the instructions up cause they dont belong to me. But i'm sure if someone needs them they can contact you to get them.
  10. Hmm....can't help you with that one. Gonna have to ask the Captain for it or wait to see if Wave is gonna release it at 1/72 scale.
  11. For those who do not have the instructions to Captains 1/72 Destroido's here they are: http://s144.photobucket.com/user/dax415/library/destoroido%20defendarr http://s144.photobucket.com/user/dax415/library/destroido%20pharanx http://s144.photobucket.com/user/dax415/library/destroido%20tomahawk Just so you know I purchased the masters from the Captain years ago. had to get used to the new controls on photobucket, let me know if there are any problems I have three destroido tomahawk's left and will list them on the Sale section if anyone is interested.
  12. Hey guys, just hit a snag that I'm working on trying to fix. I originally had lined up an order with a store for 10 kits, plus the 10 kits from here to give the project a go. Problem is the store backed out and now I'm finding it hard to get orders out to fill the other 10 spots. The more kits sold also affects the price I can get these out to you. My goal was to get these out without marking them up much from the original price point. I'll check back in if there is any more progress, thanks for your patience. Dax415
  13. lost attack scenes? man i just finished the series and i got jipped already. .... was wondering towards the end of the show, they did a flashback with adama. he mentions that he has commanded 2 battlestars and 3 frigates (if i recall correctly). was there any glimpses of other military vessels besides battlestars? i'm curious what a frigate would look like since a battlestar is a battle ship/carrier rolled into one.
  14. I'm definately looking forward to this game mainly for the playability factor, the graphics could have been better and it would be nice if some of it gets improved but oh well. I dont play MMO's that often and was wondering how secure the game will be to play? Can I expect someone walking up with a hacked/juiced up character that will take my stuff in a blink of an eye or have a combat round cheated combat values switched? Do they do a good job of policing stuff like that or will it just be an eventual free for all?
  15. Just waiting on my caster to get back to me ..... i missed out on this kit as well the fist time around.
  16. hopefully i didn't pass a thread already for gen1 questions. if so please move this post to where it should be. towards the begining of gen1, it looked like the transformers would also have "superpowers" that played into the storyline on a regular basis, but they never really materialized after the 2nd season. was wondering if there was a reason for this as i liked smallish transformers like cliffjumper who had a ice cannon, or hound and his ability to form illusions, mirage and his ability to teleport and etc. was there ever an official answer why that aspect of transformers simply died off?
  17. Hello everyone, Just wanted to start up an interest thread for the Destroido Pharanx kit. This is a reissue of the original 1/72 scale kit created by our own captain america here on the boards and NOT recasts. (these are casted from the original masters he sculpted) I need an order of 10 to make things happen, please chime in and let me know, thanks!
  18. wow, i do hope they release a 1/48 vf-25, that would be cool. although that deformed vf egg plane looks real familiar though... looks more like a custom i've seen before.
  19. cool details, a really great model over all
  20. i've been thinking about this project.... i've also thought about two other kits but dont remember what they are called. Both of them are from the Patlabor series and the other is a blue badguy UC mech with a wip. i'm not sure if the scale would work though.
  21. went to my sales thread from the link i made to it in my wanted post, but when I went to bump my sales thread the post went back to my wanted thread. probably a fluke, but just wanted you know if somebody else has a odd experience as well.
  22. I voted Spartan... Destroids rule! The gnerl would be my second choice.... either way you do great work so I'm looking forward to whatever comes about.
  23. When looking for a good airbrush and you price compare, dont forget to check online beauty supply stores. They use airbrushes on women's nails and their is a competiitive market out there which means you might be able to get a Iwata, Badger, Paasche airbrush for a great deal. From what I've read and noticed, eventually most airbrush users have 2 airbrushes, either as a back up or one for all around duty and the other a fine detail airbrush. Heard Sotar airbrushes are pretty good with detail, but I'm not sure if that's a brand or specific airbrush model.
  24. Wow this is coming along really well! I was curious how you molded the nose cone? Was it an extension of the 1/48 nose cone grafted to another nose cone? Was also wondering how you did the vent covers on the leg? Was it scratch built or a piece from a model kit that was modified? Was also wondering how you did the molding for the extra missiles on the leg (not the missiles themselves, but the additional half cone shapes that form up the shape holding the missiles)? I actually wanted to build the other gundamish vf-x-3 starcrusader in 1/72 scale at some point cause its only a 2 mode valkyrie my skills might have a chance at pulling off
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