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Everything posted by Dax415

  1. This is a full kit, not a add on to a existing model.
  2. Update: December 21 The first batch of kits will be ready for shipment next week! A tad earlier than expected but that's great for us right? Here's how things will work, final payment of $85 per kit goes directly to me, then your shipping payment goes directly to Andy who will pack and ship your kit directly to you. If you have any questions feel free to let us know Update: Ok the $70 part of the payment will be due this week, the sooner the better. It goes directly to the caster to get started on the project itself. Will be completed approx 2 months from now, around early to mid Jan. If you have questions feel free to ask Hey guys, been talking to Andy about doing another run of this kit. First to ask permission and get him involved, so everything is in the clear. In order to get things rolling we would need interest in 20 kits. I will ask Andy if he still has the pics of it or if someone here has pics of it, that would be great to add to the thread. Keep in mind the earliest this can get casted is about 2 months. Will be getting a cost estimate from Andy soon. So for now, anyone interested? UPDATE: August 14, 2015 Cost per kit $155 USD What you get: The kit will be supplied with a brown carton box and photocopied.instructions. Shipping stateside will be: $25 USD a kit (will ask how much if more than one kit) if outside the US, prob a little more. Interested: Dax415 x3 Spitfire_BR x1 Bolt x2 Heavy Melder x1 dbh1973 x1 THOR x1 Neptunesurvey x1
  3. Not sure if anyone clicked the link and then scrolled down, but someone in the modeling section years ago made a transformable modded bandai 1/100 VF2SS without Fast Packs. I was just saying the transformation style seems similar to the new toy. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=26951&page=3
  4. This toy reminds me of what someone on here did with a 1/100 Bandai model kit. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=26951&page=3
  5. I bump this thread every now and then, anyone want me to start this back up?
  6. Sorry to bother you guys, but was wondering if someone would be kind enough to brig me up to speed. Has the series been redone? Is there anywhere on the net I can watch it if it is? I tried reading random pages but couldnt find the answer, thanks in advance.
  7. Sorry this kit just doesn't do it for me the one Exo posted is spot on.
  8. I think its pretty cool, curious about the price as well.
  9. Glad its yours Captain and not someone recasting your kit, I was a little worried for a moment there.
  10. Saw this on ebay and was just wondering if it was the Captain's or a completely new sculpt or even a recast. Anyone know? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Genesis-Climber-Mospeada-1-48-Inbit-Gurab-Robotech-Invid-Shock-Trooper/291185255783?_trksid=p2050601.c100125.m2672&_trkparms=aid%3D555012%26algo%3DPW.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140212104718%26meid%3D8154681281933663782%26pid%3D100125%26prg%3D20140212104718%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D121375790018%26clkid%3D8154686689437994001&_qi=RTM1562570
  11. Was just wondering if the kit was designed to be removable once it is built. I see there is a full Valkyrie battroid, but is that included in the kit or is the kit simply and add on? Thanks
  12. hmm so this is a Frankensteined Destroid Monster? either way glad to know the background on this guy so I avoid him.
  13. Wait is this the old kit that was put together or a completely new sculpt?
  14. I had a feeling it was Mike's kit....I recognized the legs right away. Probably the only the only thing holding back the recasters using John's Destroids is the injections kits are out.
  15. Have you guys seen this kit? I don't know anything about it. Its not mslz's kit is it? ...
  16. Hi guys, .....looks like I wont be able to make it to this years comic con. The good news for me is I have two friends that are going. The only problem is I don't know how to find out about all the comic con goodies for sale. I am looking for Halo action figures, Transformers, GI Joe, Star Wars....anything macross of course. If someone could point me in the direction of how to find the goodies and where they might be located at the con that would be great. Depending on how much room they have, I could also ask them to get an item from for you. But that is a maybe cause I don't know how much time they will have to get me stuff. If they are able to ...they will get it to me and I will then ship it to you with a very minor extra fee going to them. Thanks for any help
  17. Now that you guys mention it....rainbow 10 sounds like them. The website didn't have a cart system...you could browse through it then manually type in your order then send it off to them.
  18. Does anyone know the Sprue and part number the VF-1J head is on? Also the clear lens for the head too, thanks.
  19. Thanks for the suggestions guys....there was another Japanese shop I used to buy from, but its been so long I forgot the name of the place. They had a few airsoft items like hlj used to have as well. Maybe you guys know of another good Japanese online store? Would be nice to find the one I used to use.
  20. How much do they sell for at the local shops in USD?
  21. The yellow sub kit was superb......I just never had enough money to get one which is why I was looking for this kit. Wish Cap would do a GBP.
  22. Armored Valkyrie Conversion kit for Hasegawa Battroid http://www.hobbyfan.com/product_info.php?products_id=4800&name=&title=1%2F72+Macross+VF-1J%2F1S+Full+Armored+Super+Valkyrie+conversion+set+w%2F+decal Thanks
  23. Damn....missed the Quarter and the VF19.....maybe next time
  24. Great job!
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