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Everything posted by Dax415

  1. Hey guys, wasn't sure if anyone would be interested, but seeing as how many of us now got some shut in time for our own safety.... thought I'd ask. Years ago I worked with the original creator to reissue the 1/72 VF-11 Full armor resin kit. The kit alone weighs almost 2 lbs. While it did come to fruition, I had to make sure the minimum order was met to make things happen. Quite a few members here played a key role in bringing it to action, but in the end.... I had to buy several more on top of what I wanted to add to my own collection and build list. To keep costs inline with the original offer price, no individual collector box was created ....... just a complete bagged kit and printed instructions. I will need to go dig around the storage area for the box with the kits in them, but what I wanted to know is this... how many of you were interested in one? Just a heads up, it took awhile.... but the original creator did create a revised instructions which I was able to get out to a few of the original members who purchased a kit, but not sure if everyone that needed one got one. Anyway..... if there is enough interest, I'll go through my stuff and reoffer the remaining kits with printed revised instructions. I know I have 3 for sure..... not sure how many more there are till I get to the box itself. Let me know guys..... and thanks for reading.
  2. ok .... so i'm admittedly newbish to the bandai 1/48 valk series of toys. .... so let me get things straight.... the valk, fastpacks, and wing missile ordinance are all sold separately? If so, is there any chance down the road these will sell altogether as one set?
  3. Love this thread, was curious.... anyone come across a stampeed or a star crusader vf build from the old school video game in kit form?
  4. Great work on the other kits and this one looks well on its way to being an incredible build as well. Thanks for sharing!
  5. I think the links are broken or something, can't see the pics :(
  6. Great job, can't wait for more!
  7. Ok took awhile, but decided to go ahead post what I had in mind minus a few custom insignious I had in mind.
  8. +1 Exactly why I still pop in on the forum from time to time, lol.
  9. I'm gonna have to go through what's left of my hoarded collectibles and start sacrificing ASAP. Though, through the years.... at this point Cap could probably release a preorder for "Incredible Moscato Kit" and only show a plain box and not much narrative and I'd probably buy one, lol. (Yes, that much faith in both skill and his abilty to choose what would be a cool Moscato kit). ....Just sayin.
  10. Any chance for a Buster reissue?
  11. Great stuff...... 15th year Moscato Anniversary? .... Geez I'm getting old, lol!
  12. Hi guys, been searching around the web and I can't seem to find a blank template of the armored vf-11. Attached is what I've found thus far. I'm thinking a stealthy color plus a light blue for accent... probably keep things aligned with a flat satin style of paint. Which easy to access/use program would be best for recoloring the file to get a mock up paint scheme? Your help and input appreciated.
  13. Lol, you guys are right on both counts of Madox 01 and Gall Force II Destructiom. Dont know what Gasaraki is but I got some catching up to do as I havent seen those fully as well as Votoms.
  14. Ok anime number one, the main character is a ordinary citizen who gets trapped in a mecha suit. It is blue and eat one point he is attempting to eat Ramen while inside the mecha. the mecha sorta looked like a hexa gear ---> https://hlj.com/1-24-scale-hexa-gear-bulkarm-alpha-jungle-type-kbyhg-040 The second anime I only saw a brief clip. There was a space battle and fighter craft with 2 oversized missiles, when it got closer to the capitol ship it launched the missiles which breached the ship. Once the missiles breached the inside of the ship, they each opened up to let out a Robot with a jetpack. they went on to shoot there way to the bridge and blow up the ship then escape where the fighter was waiting for them. --- about all i remember. Any help appreciated.
  15. Hi guys, I was wondering if the Hasegawa Fast Packs on the Battroid can be used on the regular Valkyrie Fighter kits in 1/72 scale. If so, are all the parts there or will there be some scratch building required? Thanks ahead of time. --dax415
  16. Nice looking kit, out of curiosity.... anyone know if its the same scale as CaptainAmerica's Raptor kit?
  17. that's a nice looking kit! thanks for sharing.
  18. Dax415

    Hi-Metal R

    Ugh....missed the VF-2SS pre order ...anyone know where I could pick one up? Or better yet, do you think there will be a Nexx variant in the works? I'm just starting to get into this line as it looks pretty cool and a bit more affordable. Thanks
  19. wow, incredibly well done valk!!!
  20. Hey guys, I keep wondering when a great mass produced 1/72 GBP kit will come out. I've seen some nice limited edition ones like the Wonder fest kit as well as some scratchbuilds. But what I was wondering is which kit and i'll toss in toys... do you think gets it right in regards to bringing it to life? (Please omit kits/toys that are NOT add on armor) I know each kit/toy is going to be limited in terms to the VF sculpt its attached to, but what are your favorites strengths and weaknesses? I am hoping this will turn into a communal thread not only on the title topic, but serve as a inspiration thread on how a 1/72 GBP should look like. Feel free to post pics! Here are pics of two
  21. I know this may be a long shot, but could the broken links in this pinned thread be restored? If not could at least the VF-2SS links and the Hasegawa/Bandai GBP kit bash be restored? I'm them as reference points to a couple of projects I currently have. Thanks!
  22. Hi guys, I would really like to learn how to 3D print but don't know where to start. I'm hoping those of you more knowledgeable/experienced can help get me started and avoid any unnecessary pitfalls. As a first project I would like to make some custom dice. I know the style I want (see pic below), mine will have a wolf head and different styled numbers on a 6 sided die, I like the raised number effect with the color underneath, but don't know how to make it happen. Help appreciated! Thanks!
  23. Make the Fast Packs Next!
  24. Just wanted to check on this project, keep going gw!
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