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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. Bought them online and from other MacrossWorld members in the For Sale section of the board. Online stores - Blastotoys.com - great prices, great service, great guy Valkyrie-exchange.com - same as above Bigbadtoystore.com - good store, very reliable hlj.com - the bomb, but the shipping/waiting is a bit weird and stressy ebay.com - be careful, but keep your eyes open for some really killer deals
  2. My first Yamato was the VF-21. I saw the prototypes at the San Diego Comic Con and talked to the Toycom folks who promised me that if the Mac Plus valks sold well, they would make a VF-1 next. I had all three Toycom valks on preorder through Robozone... then all the crap started and I eventually got reimbursed since the toys were apparently never coming out. I never even considered importing them. I didn't even know you could. Some time went by and I saw some import VF-21s for sale and I bought one. Loved it. Started lurking at Macrossworld. Bought the VF-11. Was scared to death of it. Bandai, Yamato, and Toynami all announce plans to make a VF-1. I start posting at Macrossworld. And here we are. I never got a YF-19 because I thought the originals were overpriced by the time I started collecting and I've never been a fan of the baby blue VF-19A version. I've Yamato stuff on preorder all over the place... but I still want them to put out another YF-19, dangit.
  3. Sweet, sweet Monica Bellucci (Persephone) is definitely in the trailer. And she's definitely still very hot. Go rent Brotherhood of the Wolf if you want to see more (an awful lot more, if you know what I mean... she's very naked) of her. I dug Reloaded, but I didn't enjoy the cliffhanger ending or the lack of fulfillment on Neo's speech at the end of the first movie. I'm hoping this one will totally redeem it for me. The trailer looks great. POTENTIAL SPOILER - Am I wrong or is that Joe Pantaliano (Cipher) opening his eyes, laying down, in the trailer? It's a close up and it happens during the first flashing images? It would be interesting to see how they bring him back.
  4. Now that I've seen the pic I recognize. Excellent work, cw.
  5. Ah... but what you (and possibly Yamato) is missing is that they've sold buttloads of 1/48 valkyries and even more buttloads of 1/60 valkyries... so there are potentially several buttloads worth of customers out there. So that one (or two if they made 1/60 and 1/48) mold could potentially sell better than any single mold has done thus far, except the VF-1 mold. And with the far less moving parts involved (ie - no transformation) the mold shouldn't be nearly as complex to pull off. Any Yamato valk owner would most likely buy one. Many would buy more than one. That's good math for a toy accessory. Which brings me to my point about why GBP armor is cool. Aside from all of PC Valkyrie's original points, is that the GBP brings an additional amount of fun and play to the VF-1 toy. Just like the FAST packs do. Sure, I've got a 1/60 VF-1D, but my favorite thing is to have it steal the FAST packs from the 1J so I can "upgrade" to a more badass VF-1D. And with GBP armor, there's an awful lot of "badass". It just makes the toys more fun, regardless of how long it spent in the show, or how useless Hikaru was in using it. It looks cool and any VF-1 valk can wear it. It's the perfect accessory toy. Personally, I'd buy at least a few if Yamato were to start making them. And as fan-oriented as they are, I believe it's only a matter of time before we see them come along.
  6. Turn back now... while there is still hope for you Abombz. Once you've seen it, there's no escape. You're different. You'll never be an innocent again.
  7. Lessee... my mom named me Blaine - so I'm stuck with that. My lucky number is 23 and I tattooed it on my leg after a long night of drinking - so I'm stuck with that. Really I have no other options. BTW - Good to see everybody back, particularly the long-missing Yoshi. This new board is way groovy.
  8. Well obviously there will be the improved nosecone and flaps, first introduced on the Max 1/48. I'm sure we'll also see the improved 90 degree capable elbow joint, and redesigned easier opening front landing gear doors introduced on the Low-Vis as well. I'm not sure what other improvements we will see, if any. I was hoping for painted panel lines and optional swapable hands, but it doesn't seem like we are getting those. Graham As much as I like the idea of more panel lines and such, I'd happily buy this toy if it was the exact same as the Hikaru 1A release. I think it's great that Yamato's putting it out there. 'Bout time, really. And as far as the head's panel seam goes... it really looks much worse in pictures, I can barely even notice mine on my Focker 1S.
  9. Yup. The VF-1 is a far more superior fighter. The VF-0 just looks more modern because of the design elements and the difference in the animation.
  10. Blaine23

    1/48 VF-1A CF

    I dunno... I always considered the 1A to be most obvious choice for the brown bandit. It's just so generic and perfect for the name "cannon fodder". I was under the impression that the cannon fodder 1J was an Animefriend invention.
  11. It's all about the Monster. I loved the design even before I realized how freaking huge it is.
  12. This discussion... been there... done that... bought the T-shirt. The fact is that it's all illegal and unethical. The other fact is that it is the property owner (and licensor) who should bear the burden of bringing that long arm of the law down on the HK folks. I only get PO'd when they try to tell the fans that they shouldn't support HK discs. If they want the problem to stop, they need to start prosecuting.
  13. 1/72=2 1/60=3 1/48=2 And because no one asked Bandai/Taka 1/55=9
  14. I heard that Yamato was also known to sneak over to those peoples' houses and steal all their beer.
  15. It's no Space Gandam V, but it'll do nicely for a $5 bootleg. Joon's bootlegs were actually pretty good and used to fetch pretty good money. But the Space Gandam V had style. And style goes a long way.
  16. Blaine23

    Meeting with yamato

    Come on, man! Didn't we go through this with the 1/60's? ... We've got a 1/48 Hikaru VF-1J confirmed, plus neat new stuff like the Low Viz. I'd say these are pretty good times for Macorss collectors. Does anybody really doubt that a M&M duo is on the horizon? You just have to be more patient. Yes we went through all of this with the 1/60's... One must be patient. Believe it or not, folks, some people out there have a completely different opinion than you (shocking, I know)... and they actually like the DYRL schemes better. Some of us like 'em both. So be patient and I'm sure Yamato will get around to making your favorite valkyrie. Hell, they made the VF-1D, so I'm a happy boy.
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