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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. The whole idea of berating everyone to NOT discuss prices is terminally retarded anyway. People will discuss what they want, unless Shawn & Graham ask them not to. If I got on the boards and asked people to "please don't discuss toy boxes! It upsets me!" I'd fully expect to be reamed for it. First it was Yamato who was setting the price too high... now, it's the "middlemen"... Let's face it, Haterist, you're just mad that the things you want cost too much and you're ranting. This conversation has lost what little value it had to begin with.
  2. Honestly.... I don't see how this could be a reasonable explanation. I just fail to see how something like that would cause viewer confusion. Seriously.... ppl can't be that stupid to be confused with different credits in an intro sequences. Were IQs really that low back then? It was HGs choice on how to handle the crediting and the intro. I'm simply saying that certain "jobs" should have been credited.... main character design. You're right, that's not what I meant exactly, note my edit. But, it does bring up another point. Back then, creating titles meant a heafty expense in the editing room, now it's easy, but you had to rent a seperate piece of equipment to do titles. Creating one set of credits limits the cost during post-production. That's no excuse for why they haven't corrected the credits since then. A mistake made in ignorant times I can handle - the continued blatant discrediting of the original creators for 20 some odd years, I can't handle. Seems to me ADV could have easily thrown in proper credits when putting together the RT DVDs at very, very little cost. But then HG wouldn't be HG. And we wouldn't all hate them for being giant asses.
  3. Ray? Straight. Basara? Obsessed with music. Everything else is a distant, distant second. But nobody... and I mean, nobody - doubts the masculinity of Kinryu. He had 2 bridge girls. At the same time!
  4. Need to go back in time? Just "slingshot around the sun"... because that makes an awful... lot... of sense? I also hate "the magic food dispenser", the "holo-deck" or "battle-room", and windows that let you look at stars going by.
  5. Get a grip, kids. The toys cost alot because 1. they aren't made in super-high production numbers 2. they aren't licensed for release in the U.S. - so we have to import them at high cost 3. they are very detailed, great sculpts, and complex to transform - ie -difficult to manufacture properly 4. folks at Yamato like to make a profit just like any other company, American or Japanese. Yamato empolyees have kids, like to eat, and go to the movies, etc. 5. they cost what they cost because we buy them. Now, if you want to stop spending so much - stop buying toys. If you don't like that - then, tough noogies. It's not as though they could sell 1/48's here in the US for $50. They can't. They would either lose money or make crappier toys. You do realize that Macross collectors paid ridiculous sums of cash only a few years back to get their hands on vintage imported Takatokus, Bandais, etc... now, you don't have to. $150 for a 1/48 is a freaking dream to most US Macross toy diehards. Seriously... can we stop whining about how Yamato doesn't make exactly what we want, when we want it, and then have the audacity to try and make a profit from it?
  6. If you're gonna unite all over the place... try to form some sort of mighty robot like Voltron, would ya? Otherwise... it just sounds a bit frilly. EDITED because spelling things correctly is fun.
  7. Who hires an unknown to play a comic hero? I dunno, but Hugh Jackman kicks plenty of ass as Wolverine and I wouldn't have known who the hell he was before X-men. From the imDB... Who the hell is Thomas Jane? He's been in some good flicks... and some really terrible ones. Good movies - Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Thursday (actually, a really good one, if you've never seen it), 61, and arguably Deep Blue Sea Worst movie - Dreamcatcher. The Sweetest Thing. Original Sin. Overall, not a bad track record for an "unknown"... he's got a lot more going for him than Jackman, who'd been on some Austrailian soap operas.
  8. if that were the case, he wouldn't have his little cassettes anymore. All digital now! Say that again? Yup! Soundwave would be cool, especially with a working and transformable memory stick. But it was more fun when they were cassettes. It's a good thing they didn't come out in the 70's because records are hard to transform. For the kids out there, records are real big CDs. You should take a look at soundwaves copyright sometime. It's 1974. He's probably older than most of our members. Blaine23 looks at his "ancient" 1974 birthdate... he then runs to the drugstore to start taking his geritol. I think they should go straight retro and have Soundwave kickin' some bigass 8 tracks.
  9. Seriously.... most of the chicks (ahem... female action stars) on your list have done nothing other than look pretty and hold a gun. CGI and bad writing does not make a Revlon girl an asskicker. I'll give special passes to those who actually did martial arts training. But let's face it... "Selene from Underworld, cuz she's hot" is not a real ringing endorsement of how far women have come in cinema as action counterparts to men. I'll take Ripley or Pam Grier for being among the first to really change people's perceptions of women. I'll take Foster as Starling simply because it is the best female characterization and movie brought up this far. And I'll take Angelina Jolie, because, like EXO, I am just a man who loves that nutjob.
  10. A really, really, really high dollar value gift card from Lowe's or Home Depot. Unfortunately toys & anime have taken a big ol' backseat to renovating the house I bought this spring. Oh, yeah... my new business would love to ask for several very large jobs, in order to pay for all of the above.
  11. My original Jetfire (my link to the past) Joon's Hikaru 1J Joon's Milia 1J Joon's wacky blue canopy 1J Bandai Strike 1S Reissue Hikaru 1J Reissue Focker 1S Reissue CF 1A Reissue Hikaru 1A Reissue Super Focker 1S Reissue Max 1J Reissue Milia 1J ... and Jesse's recast GBP armor and Strike armor All I really need is a SuperO and an Elint... and a custom 1D... Okay, I'll admit it - I still have serious love for the chunky monkeys.
  12. Blaine23

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Sweet! Go Yamato! Yep, this is definitely a 1/60 item that I will gladly purchase. Now I just need to get back to work... time to make some more money - because I must have that GBP! Great news and thanks for the photos... I'll bet the 1/48 version is gonna be even cooler. Imagine the detail on those shoulder missle packs!
  13. Quoth Sting: Free! Free! Set them Free! It's a toy, dammit.
  14. There is a distinct difference between something being 'good' and something being 'popular'. Just beacuse the masses like something, does not make it good. The Spice Girls & Britney Spears are two examples that spring to mind. But anyway, I digress, that is a discussion for another time. Graham (not a Harry Potter fan). I agree. I enjoy Hary Potter, but Graham is right the formula popular = good is a false one. Look at pokemon for a even better example. Welcome to the wonderful distinction between entertainment (popularity with the masses) and art (popular with critics and peers).... Either way, I actually dig Harry Potter quite a bit... I enjoy the writing, the films, etc. So to me, it would be both "good" and "popular." But to each their own opinion. Heaven forbid if any of us were swayed by those who feel that anime is crap and Macross is, in particular, old crap.
  15. Seriously... this is one of my all-time favorite bad movies. I have a very good friend who is completely obsessed with it and quotes it incessantly. It's just so terrible that it works on levels that no one ever imagined.
  16. I'm not quite up for the shoe-style execution... but I think whomever is responsible should be completely liable for loss of revenue for the company. I just get sick thinking about all of the folks employed there and their kids, bills, etc. This will have a HUGE detrimental impact on all of them. And I'd love to see some Hacker buttwad have to find out he's liable to the tune of several million dollars. BTW - Thanks for the informative post, Ladic... that really breaks it down better than I previously understood the issue.
  17. Congrats Arnie (and your biggest fan, AgentONE) ! I'm still disappointed that he hasn't stated his official platform as "Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentation of the women."
  18. Well... the fact that no Bandai/Taka 1/55's are being released right now has an awful lot to do with their lack of presence on the forums. Not to mention the fact that we almost exclusively talked about 1/55's for over 10 years... there isn't much left to say that hasn't been said. All that being said, as much as I love the Yammies, I still miss me the Bandai die-cast goodness of a Chunky Monkey. And I desperately wish they would finish their reissue line, even if they have to charge twice as much and make fewer toys.
  19. I think it got a bad rap because of that retarted kid they had in it. But hey, I liked Raw Deal, I think I may be the only one that liked that one. Blaine23 is going to blast me for liking that movie I won't blast you... simply because Raw Deal might be the most fun to say in Ah-nuld dialect. "Rahw Deahl!" But it is a terrible flick...
  20. Ahem... "political discussion"? Seriously, before you go dogging liberals, democrats, or whomever... let's face facts. That bygone era you mention was the late1800's/ early 1900's. That's when the American dream meant something to millions of immigrants... Not 1970. Folks around the world have been viewing America with distaste long before 1970. Let's not make him a saint, okay? He's a bodybuilder, not Fieval. Arnold seems like a great guy and I have to agree with Max on this one. I like his movies, some more than others, and he generally kicks ass. But I don't expect him to rebirth the American dream or anything. Favorite Arnie films - Conan the Barbarian, Predator, Total Recall
  21. I'm curious... does anybody know who designed the Full Armor version we're talking about here? Is it the same as the original EVA designer? Either way, I kinda dig it - just because I dig armor. I gotta think that the chest fin is a weird touch, though.
  22. Seriously... I've waited for this toy to exist since I was 11. I'll definitely buy the Japanese release... there's simply no telling how the American release might be. I want mine to look just like those pics. Smokestacks.. feh.
  23. Wow... I agree with all of you! It is incredibly contrived. But it rocks nonetheless. Mainly I loved the way that this film affected me in the post-Columbine, post-9/11 environment. In a time when everyone in media was scared to death to be violent or outlandish, this movie was like CPR to me. Still holds up - campy? Definitely, but not as much as you would think. You totally get the feeling that the characters believe it's real, and that is really the most important thing to pulling off a film like this. That and you simply have to love any movie that would never, ever, ever make it to movie screens in the U.S. simply based on it's violent premise.
  24. Word to that. Actually, from what I've read about the script is that it takes most of it's inspiration (and even a few characters) from the Ennis run. That's good news. Other than that, we'll see how good or bad it is when it gets here. All I know is that I won't guesstimate on how much it'll rock/suck based upon the size of the guy's arms. [sarcasm] Because we all know that muscle-bound actors usually are soooo very good at acting! [/sarcasm]
  25. M.A.S.H. - not anime (actually a 70's sitcom - for all you kiddies out there), but widely regarded as one of the best series finale's of all time. Newhart - See above explanation Neon Genesis Evangelion Macross Cowboy Bebop Escaflowne (TV version, of course)
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