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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. I would like to see a comprehensive line of ALL of the VF series made at varying scales but all around 11" tall in battroid. This also includes all armor, superarmor, FAST packs, etc for each toy. Enemy mechs would be great too, but I'm a fan of transforming jet mecha foremost.
  2. Agreed. Completely. My two least favorite parts of TTT:Theatrical were the unneccessary "faux death and return of Aragorn" and "the complete screwing of the Faramir I liked from the book". The restored footage gives his character purpose, differentiates him completely from Boromir, and nicely sets up tension for RotK and the stewards of Gondor. He's still not as cool as he was in the books, but it's much, much better.
  3. Meh... I'm not much surprised... Animeigo remastered Macross, ADV has remastered Southern Cross & Mospeada. Splice it together and clean up the audio as much as possible - boom, you got Remastered Robotech. It sounds like a much less difficult job than Animeigo had to do, going frame by frame and digitally cleaning. HG's old excuse about how "Robotech could never be remastered because it was done on tape" theory just sounded lazy to me. As far as actually buying it - I'm actually looking forward to picking up the couple of Robotech 3 disc box sets I don't have dirt cheap from people who feel the need to buy the remastered version. I liked the show strictly for nostalgic reasons - I want to look just as crappy as it did on my UHF TV in 1985. But never, ever be surprised at "The Man" for shoving "Ultimate" "Special" "Extended" and "Collector's" Editions down our throats. As long as we (DVD buyers everywhere) keep buying them...
  4. But then you'd be missing out on Stray Cat Strut, a much better tune.
  5. nah... I usually wait a few days and then there will be Easter Eggs listed all over the web. I did watch the Extended Cut last night, though. The movie rocks even more. Now I find myself salivating for RotK even more... but strangely I'm wanting the Extended DVD of that already. It's great seeing movie fans spoiled this well.
  6. My vote has gotta be for Hardware and Supernova. No votes for Plan 9 from Outer Space?
  7. Nah, the regular extended 4-disc set is fine with me. A Gollum statue? Like I need more geek stuff to take up space on my shelves.
  8. Why blame trilogies? As a general rule - all sequels pretty much suck. There are exceptions, but they are few against many, many, many atrocities of film. Did not Rocky 2-5 suck tremendous ass? How about the Rambo flicks? Or Highlander? Hell, Legally Blonde counts, in my book. Let's face it, folks... most ideas weren't designed to be more than 1 movie. In the 80's (and now) the money people in Hollywood try to replicate success and make more money. It's much, much easier than predicting what new ideas might actually be blockbusters. I pretty much feel the same way about the "remake" trend. But, why let it get you down? There are plenty of other movies to see besides Hollywood blockbusters. EDITED - for no other reason than to piss off the Major. Okay, because I'm a grammar nerd.
  9. Blaine23

    HLJ Sale Again!!

    You can wait all you want for that... But if they have a sale on the 1/48 Max, it'll cause a Macrossworld stampede, I wager. I know I'd come running. Toy-Wave in Hong Kong has the Max 1/48 on sale for $89 US. Expect to pay another $25 or so for shipping, but it's still a pretty nice deal. I like Max, but I'll wait until I can get it for under $100 shipped. If it doesn't happen, then no biggie... but I think it might. HLJ is known to have some pretty amazing sales - I bought my 1/60 Max 1A for $28 bucks plus shipping.
  10. Wow... I'm so blown away by all of these commercials! Thanks, Shawn... you are the man! Man, these vids take me back to a time and place... that I never even got to experience. The funny thing is, when I was a kid watching Robotech and trying to mock up my Jetfire to be like Skull 1 - we didn't have any internet, nor any connection whatsoever to Japanese toys. Hell, we lived in the rural South. We knew that there were Macross toys because of weird ads we'd find in comic books and other magazines... we could never afford them or anything. When we stumbled across some very out of place Gakken Ride Armor and Legioss sets at a local clothing department store, you'd have thought we'd discovered Uranium. It's amazing how the world has changed. Now I get to see the toys I used to dream about... as they were advertised at the time. Thanks a bunch, Shawn.
  11. Blaine23

    HLJ Sale Again!!

    You can wait all you want for that... But if they have a sale on the 1/48 Max, it'll cause a Macrossworld stampede, I wager. I know I'd come running.
  12. It is easily my favorite anime, tied with Macross. I understand all of the complaints - too moody, too psycho-babbly, mecha too organic... but those are the things that make the show work for me. I love that it was so different and so similar to years of giant robot anime. The characterization is rich and completely antithetical (hence the "I hate Shinji the whiner" common complaint) and the story itself is murky and confusing. To be honest, I'm surprised it's as popular as it is.
  13. Awesome collection, CID. It makes my cold little black heart warm a bit to see so much 1/55 chunky goodness in one collection. I'm quite jealous.
  14. Good lord, this messageboard never fails to amaze me with whining and nitpicking. It's a toy company. They can do whatever they want. Quit bugging out and ranting about whatever it is that you wish you could see sneak pictures of. Please. Personally, I'd rather know nothing about upcoming toys until they are a few months from shipping out. That way, there's no disappointment if they change schedule or abandon a design/idea that isn't going to work out. It really is better this way, folks. Not to mention, it's apparently the way Yamato wants it to be. That's reason enough to let all this "please, please, please" stuff die off.
  15. The box is big... but it really doesn't matter much to me. I whip out the toy and store the box in the attic with all of the other giant boxes. Man, that helmet is sweet... but I think I'd rather save that cash to buy the new driveway. Owning a house is just like collecting expensive toys all the time.
  16. Dude, it's like... it looks like one thing, right? Then, it's totally not. It's something else, man. It's like... like... different and stuff. More than meets the eye means that there is more to the toy than you see, at first. It looks like a truck, but it is also a robot, dig?
  17. Cool! More EVAs! Yay! But I'm not buying a Unit05 (the white one) unless it comes with some wings. As for the others, yawn... it's too bad that Bandai hasn't put out any good DX Gundams in awhile... I'm not interested unless it's at least 11" tall.
  18. "And I would have gotten away with it, too! If it hadn't have been for you meddling hobbitts!" Agreed. The whole "Sharkey" bit was out of place, IMHO. Still it was nice seeing the former most powerful wizard in Middle-Earth get trounced by a bunch of wee peoples. The movie should really peak at Mount Doom and wrap up with the ships leaving for distant shores.
  19. Like I said before, Peter Jackson is going to make the movie he is going to make and his instincts have been dead on thus far, in my opinion (and most of the audience opinion - judging by the grosses of the previous films). Here is a statement he made to Aint It Cool news - I dunno, it makes perfect sense to me. Those who don't like changes made to the movie from the books should probably just stick to reading the books, since they'll never be happy anyway.
  20. I love the show... still don't know where the hell they're going with it. I stared recording this one and the repeats of the first season of The Wire about the same time. All I know is that HBO rocks and The Wire may be my new favorite show ever.
  21. Big whoop... I agree with Jackson. It doesn't fit well with the movie, so it doesn't need to be in the movie. The same thing goes for everything he's cut out thus far. And trust me... capitalism is MUCH more concerned with movie ticket sales than DVD sales. Just like the movie studios themselves.
  22. Dude, that rocks! Now all we need is some 8 Track music and we got a party! Seriously, those commercials sound wicked.
  23. WOAH! EVERYBODY STOP! HEY! Let's REWIND back a bit here. THE VF-1A Low Viz is an invention and WILL NOT appear in Macross Zero? I was made to understand that it was! Someone sort me out! Ok. I'll straighten you out. The Low Viz began as a custom toy, then Yamato liked it, several fans liked it. So Yamato made one and sold it. Kawamori said he liked it quite a bit. All the speculation that the Low Viz will appear in Macross Zero is just that. Speculation. There are no promises that it will appear in M0... thus, it is officially (as of this point) non-canon. As far as calling it an "invention" to be praised - if one considered a paint job as drastically different where a new head sculpt isn't... you folks are silly.
  24. Agreed... when the black 1/48 box came out it was right after we'd had a HUGE discussion about the MPC box and great toy boxes in general. The black 1/48 box is simple and timeless. It reminds me of a favorite toy box we'd mentioned, the Dougram. It's just classic, y'all. But the new ones are nice too, I just think they're trendier. Too photoshoppy.
  25. Looks great... now to figure out how to squeeze this one and the VF-1J w/FP in to my budget and we'll be set. And folks, quit whining about it being just a different head. This is Macross, this is a VF-1, this should all be no surprise to anyone with any familiarity with the series or the designs. If you don't like it, don't buy it.
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