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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. Yeah, she needs to be tried for treason. They could have just destroyed the damn thing or hid it, but NOOOOOO, let's carry this big red bullseye on our back and mark ourselves for death! most defintely! i say the bitch should get tortured CTU style. they could opened the case and tossed it into water or bash the crap out of it rendering it useless and burn the gamebook....they were campers, i'm sure they had a lighter between the 2 of them. Dude... wouldn't that be Jack's mistake? I'm all for hating on women (not really, just trying to seem sympathetic), but shouldn't the Counter Terrorism Field Ops badass know what to do with a nuclear football better than some poor lady trying to have a baby with her husband? Jack: Uhhh... you guys oughta run or something. Oh yeah, that's right... Jack didn't have the codes to open it until they were already pretty much surrounded in the abandoned death factory HE sent them to. Nice work, Jack. Me and the wife were watching this and we both decided that if we found the wreckage of Air Force One and an important looking briefcase, we'd probably have run in the other direction. Gravitas.
  2. All's I know is that the Cingular commercial with Chewbacca was on 24 last night and it rocked my world. That was good... now make me cry! I'm also pissed because I want a Chewbacca ringtone but I'm with Sprint.
  3. The actor playing Arthur Dent is half the reason I'm rooting for this movie to not suck cinematically and not suck commercially. He's Tim from the BBC version of The Office. * Side Note - Anyone who watches the NBC version of The Office should immediately go get the BBC DVDs. The show is so much better, it's unbelievable. Forget about the NBC show and learn to love David Brent. * Anyways, I like him and I think he's a dead on choice for Arthur. The other reason would be Rockwell. There's very few actors who I think could pull off a role like Zaphod and he's at the top of my list. I also wouldn't normally like a rapper as Prefect, but I actually thought Mos Def was pretty charming in The Italian Job. I think it's bit early to say the movie's going to be complete crap. Unlike other flicks, I can't say that the director is a studio hack or that the actors are completely awful. So far, it looks like everyone involved is at least trying to make a good movie. Either way, I'm actually gonna give it the benefit of the doubt. Fans of the original material tend to be the most unpleaseable audiences, so I'm not surprised that the preview audiences have already begun whining. As far as whether it would be a success with American audiences - well, people have loved the books for years. Also, we tend to like wacky space comedies. Hell, I'd never have believed that a movie based on the Men In Black comic book starring the Fresh Prince would gross a gazillion bucks - but it did.
  4. Wow... A1, you've gotten deep lately. I can't think of a better choice than yourself as reverend of the First Church of Ahnuld. Ahhhh-Men.
  5. Well, A1 didn't mention him, because when he watches Conan, he fastfowards to the Ahnuld flexing scenes to pleasure himself on any nearby doorknobs. Or the reflection of himself in the TV screen. He probably forgot all about Thulsa Doom. Anyways, I agree with you that Thulsa's got it going on. Points in his favor: 1. He has the voice of Vader (and CNN!) and relaxed hair long before Lenny Kravitz. 2. He kills Conan's mom. That's cold. 3. He has his own Tree of Woe. Do you? I didn't think so. 4. He can use snakes for arrows. That's just weird. 5. His last name is Doom. You don't get that by being nice. 6. He knows the Riddle of Steel. 7. He send little kids to push a giant stone wheel around for about 10 years. Cruel. 8. No prequels about how Thulsa was once a good kid who said "Yipppeee!" 9. He makes people walk off cliffs to prove a point. 10. Aaaannnnnd.... he can do.... this. I don't know about you guys... but that's pretty f'ing evil right there.
  6. But we already have Prime that looks good in both modes... and thats the 20th Anniversary Masterpiece Prime, or the Takara MP-1. Except for the fact that the truck mode is a mess that looks like it's been driven off a cliff. Repeatedly.... Yeah it does! It's all crumpled up and disjointed and it doesn't have windows or wheels or doors or... Waitaminute, yeah it does. Y'know, it's one thing to quibble about not liking a particular part of a design... but c'mon, the truck mode on MP Prime is fine to about 99.9% of the people on Earth. What kills me is how nobody seems to rag on how bad the old robot modes in G1 toys were. Now those were crap.
  7. [sarcasm]Yeah, I hate it when my giant robot toy transformers aren't realistic.[/sarcasm] Looks pretty cool to me... as did the Masterpiece Prime. Hopefully I can find that trailer at a decent price.
  8. Meh... Naked Mandy is overrated.
  9. Usually I react to the idea of Michael Bay as a director with a shuddering, cold sweat, panicked fever, Milkmanx. But this is the Transformers... not Hamlet. Bay shoots fantastic visuals and with a film about robots he won't have to worry about dealing with those pesky actors and their silly "acting"... might be a perfect fit.
  10. 24... I love it... yet the show makes me hate it sometimes. Why introduce a very hot woman and kill her a few episodes later? And my wife is awesome - she immediately says, "hey that's the girl from Count of Monte Cristo." She can pretty much do this with damn near anyone on any TV show or movie ever. Ah, Nicole, we hardly knew ye. Dagmara Dominczyk - with a face like that, you don't need to have a pronounceable name.
  11. Heh... mine did too, Jackson. I'm hoping it shows that she's awesome. A couple days later, reading through the comments here - I'm reminded of another reason Sin City is a great movie. Having read the comics and knowing (almost literally) what I'll be seeing... I didn't really appreciate at the time what a bold flick this is. Think about it. When was the last time you saw Bruce Willis (or any major character/Hollywood star) kill themselves... even if it truly makes sense? The thing about Sin City is the camera doesn't do that "tastefully turning away" bit that you see in almost everything now. In the typical Hollywood studio world... that sort of thing never makes it past the screenplay. Kudos to Rodriguez and Miller keeping their balls and not trying to make a movie that will please everyone. A good film should show you something new or make you squirm, if that's it's intent.
  12. Doesn't look that bad to me. Of course, I can't hear them talking, either... I'll hold out until I can see more before I pass much judgement. But it could look a lot worse. A whole lot.
  13. I'd have to blame that exchange solely on Madson. He pretty much just sucked throughout the film. Rodriguez should have tried to get more out of him - but damn, he was lame. You could almost see him reading the words off a teleprompter or something.
  14. T minus 4 and half hours to go for Blaine23. Very enthused.
  15. I use: Winamp for audio VLC or MediaPlayerClassic for video Also recommend RealAlternative and QuickAlternative that allow you to play .rm and .mov in media player classic instead of their own goofy players.
  16. I'm simply stunned that there is this much hope that the 3rd one will be a great movie. It's kinda like watching Charlie Brown try to kick that football over and over again. Either way, I'm pretty much in the Hurin camp (which surprises even me ) on my opinions of each movie, give or take a few points here and there on the suck-o-meter. The best I can manage for optimism is that ROTS will at least be better than the other two prequels. Other than that, I realistically imagine it will have some amazing moments and some really clunky ones that will detract from my enjoyment of the movies. So far the only really great scene in the prequels for me has been the duel at the end of Phantom Menace... terrific editing, perfect fight scene... just awesome. Everything else has been pretty blah for me. I'll still watch the OT and pretend the new ones don't exist for the most part.
  17. Heh... "psychedelic" is a word I'd never, ever associate with Sin City. Except maybe "To Hell and Back" which is not a part of this movie, near as I can tell. Gritty, bloody, stark, dark - these are good words for SC.
  18. From what I've read, Tarantino actually directed one of the short segments in film that break up the main stories. I'm guessing the marketing pups at Miramax decided to add to the trailers to get some extra oooomph. Can't really blame them for it, myself. Essentially the movie sells itself with imagery and the spectacular cast... which is good because Sin City is primarily about style, not concept. I can't wait to see this movie. Of course, I've been psyched to see this ever since I started the thread a billion years ago.
  19. My first thought when I read that Lowell was going to be a villain in Spiderman was Eddie Brock. It might be Raimi's way of handing off the license to whoever will come next. The studio and Marvel seems to be behind the black costume/Venom thing, as do younger fans of the comic. I'd imagine you might see Church as Eddie Brock in a cameo role - similar to Betty Brant, Dr. Kurt Conners, etc. That way Raimi doesn't really have to deal with it and the studio gets it's setup for Venom after Raimi's gone. Either way, I think Raimi's decision to stick to the classic villains is a great one. There's nothing wrong in my book with the Vulture, Lizard, Chamelon, Electro, Sandman, Mysterio, etc.
  20. Thin Lizzy indeed rocks (as does your love for the sacred vinyl - go JSA! ) But I can't give them props on the dual lead guitar thing when Duane Allman and Dickie Betts pretty much defined that whole movement. But I can rock out to Cowboy Song whenever the hell I like.
  21. Good stuff Keats. Highlights from my ridiculously obsessive music collection - Modern/College Rock: Uncle Tupelo, Wilco, Son Volt, Elliott Smith, Pernice Brothers, Gomez, Ryan Adams, White Stripes, Beck, Flaming Lips, Ben Harper, Seal, Chris Isaak, Hem, Death Cab for Cutie, the Shins, the Thrills, the Darkness, the Killers, Chemical Bros, Kings of Leon, Cake, Weezer, They Might Be Giants, Travis, Coldplay, Radiohead, Radiohead, and more Radiohead. Classics: Queen, Led Zeppelin, Beatles, Who, Mellencamp, Black Crowes, Pink Floyd, Hendrix, Van Morrison, Clapton, Elton John, Red Hot Chili Peppers, REM, CCR, GnR, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Neil Young, CSN, NIN, U2, and anything by Paul Simon. Eclectic: John Coltrane (anything with McCoy Tyner on keys), Bela Feck, Strength in Numbers, Edgar Meyer, loads and loads of 70's and 80's one hit wonders, Hank Williams SENIOR, Johnny Cash, Some various Grateful Dead, Phish, and Widespread Panic that I enjoyed in college, tons of various techno/DJ stuff I've picked up in clubs after college, and the occasional masterful tune by Neil Diamond. There are many, many, many things I'm leaving out. There is also a reason why I have 2000 CDs, 160 GB of music on my computer, and 39.5 of my 40 GB used on my 40GB iPod.
  22. Hey! I read fantasy novels. But not on a public bus. And I'm not really fat and greasy... But I have seen the folks you speak of. But the idea that you ever thought reading a Star Wars novel was any cooler than reading fantasy is pretty funny, though. Dude, Mara Jade's the bomb... I'd hate to be some dork reading about castles and swords, tho!
  23. Dude... all I'm sayin' is that wookies are pimps. And thus, that ride screams out for a bit of customization. HOLLA!
  24. I can see that. However, it really isn't a very fair assessment, either. Loads of folks, including myself don't get into any of the EU stuff or novels or anything beyond just the original trilogy films... and most people still think Ep I and Ep II sucked donkey balls. The fact is that the majority of people who see Star Wars movies are NOT people who read fanboy novels and fanfiction. So, you can't really write off the disappointment as fanboy outrage so easily. Some people just think the movies themselves aren't all that good. That being said, everybody's entitled to their opinion. And back on topic - I think the Clone Wars cartoons were very fun... the only thing I really hate is having to watch those doofy 5 minute increments. Too much trouble for that tiny amount of entertainment. 15 minute versions sound better... but I'd rather just watch the whole damn thing. Is there somewhere you can download that?
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