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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. Who cares about Mandy, Sherry Palmer, and Nina (my evil girlfriend dream come to life)... I'm simply watching the show at this point to see the further adventures of office moron Chloe. Everyone I know who watches the show despises her, but I think she's easily the only realistic thing left on 24. What office doesn't have a clueless goob? Still - another thought on Season 3... What the hell were they thinking giving Kim Bauer (my dim hot girlfriend dream come to life) the awful Ann Jillian haircut/wig for the entire season? After 4 minutes of episode 1, I said outloud, "They ruined her! I have to look at that for an entire season?" Where is the justice? As it is now, I'm currently praying for her subplot to involve going to a stylist or something. Edited to add: I suppose I should be happy that she's not being menaced by a cougar. Or a militant weirdo who lives underground. Or a rake left lying on the ground.
  2. Must... stay... out... of... conversation.... Arggh... I picked up Wolves of the Calla at Christmas and decided to re-read the previous 4 before diving in. Of course, now I'm halfway through Wizard and Glass and I'm dying to get into the new stuff. Don't want to spoiler myself, though. I'll check back on this thread in about a week.
  3. You know that comment on irony I made in my first post in this thread? I'll let you in on a little secret: most mainstream SF are really westerns. It's why we call them "space operas." The term comes from "saddle opera," which was used to describe western stories in pulps and dime novels. Firefly just happened to actually look like a western. True, but what I hated about Firefly is the idea that these guys can be zooming about the galaxy in starships, visiting high tech space stations etc, and then they land on a planet, where the entire cast is dressed in rejects from the costume department of the Outlaw Josey Wales. I just do not believe (and yes, Sci Fi is all about suspension of disbelief) that an advanced society would have that much of a dichotomy going on. Alot of the same elements are there in Star Wars, and yeah, Star Wars is also a Space Western in alot of ways, but at least the backwoods planet of Tatooine had a high tech bar, and people dressed in their own period's clothing. Huh.... I have to disagree with that, MM. We easily have that much of a dichotomy in our society today - even if it isn't the "advanced society" of SciFi... Go visit the rich areas of any major city in the U.S. - then drive to projects. Hell, contrast any american city to the third world... you'll notice a very heavy lack of technological advancement in poor African countries. Seems to me that believing in a more equal society requires more suspension of disbelief. I always hated future utopian visions, personally... not realistic at all. But, all that being said - Firefly is still a kick ass show.
  4. Crapnabbitt! After tracking my MP Prime for days on UPS, I apparently missed the delivery guy by about 10 minutes yesterday and got the stupid "package could not be delivered" notice instead of the Toy of the Year. I even left early from work to try and be there, then drove around the neighborhood looking for the big brown truck after I realized I'd just missed him. How sad is that? I hate stupid UPS... who the hell gets home from work by 4:45?
  5. Blaine23


    Dude! Don't ask about the pilot sculpt! Macross pilot sculpts are always disappointing. Happened on the MPC, the 1/60, and the 1/48. It'll just start a new round of whining... and I'm not quite ready for that yet. Just when everyone here was happy and acting nice to each other for about 30 seconds.
  6. You guys are a bunch of losers. What's a Macross? I only check in here to mock you relentlessly.
  7. God... I think everybody has a story like this. Mine went when I rented my first house after college and decided I would rescue my Transformers/Robotech collection from Mom's attic. I know that I had full sets of Constructicons, Stunticons, Arielbots, Protectbots, and Combaticons. Along with Prime, Megs, Shockwave, Jetfire and about a billion others... Of course when I got there... Missing an arm or leg or accessories or whatever from EACH of them! Luckily this was about 8 years ago, so prices weren't outrageous yet on eBay and I pieced them together. To this very day, I have no idea why so much was missing... I blame it on overzealous garage sale tactics from the folks, but they swear they didn't sell any of my stuff. At the very least, they didn't mess with my treasured Gakken Mospeada Cyclone. But, I still would love for Takara to rerelease Shockwave and Predaking, so that I could feel complete inside.
  8. I loved hackers also. Ceral Killer was funny. Hackers is worth multiple, multiple viewings just for the young, short haired, unearthly beauty of Angelina Jolie. But I can't really say that Cereal Killer was all that funny.
  9. Heh... and some of you folks thought the Sound Force color schemes were as ugly as possible... Guess not.
  10. If I only had a nickel for every time I heard that. True dat... but few here understand just how tender you can be when romancing the knob... I suspect if one took a peek into your obviously troubled soul, they might see this -
  11. Blaine23


    Damn... gotta check the trigger on that thing. Maybe next time I'll use Britney Spears as bait. That'll snare you but good!
  12. Sweet! But, alas, I was not the winner. Nor, even a bidder. You aren't kidding around when you say "you just need the body!" This is very, very, very true. I also like hair and the ability to move a bit in my Natalie Portman clones. Keira Knightley would be a good enough substitute. Edited to add - Still, I'd take that mask... beats making love to door knobs!
  13. And if IMDB is correct: Holds a master's degree in chemical engineering. Was offered a Fulbright scholarship to study at MIT He may be a shitty actor, but you at least gotta give him props for not being a total moron like Van Damme, or a total fake like Seagal. Heh... who knew it took a master's to deliver famous lines like - I must break you. Heh... it always comes back to Stallone, in the end. The ultimate meatball.
  14. Blaine23


    I've been attempting to collect all the moderators to complete my collection. Right now I'm using a warm ham sandwich under a carefully hidden cage in a tree. Either way, I think I'll most likely pass on the Q-Rau, not so much because of the price, but because it's easily my least favorite enemy mecha in Macross. I'll hold out for a Regult.
  15. Don't forget that Hikaru also piloted the GBP-1J in the Macross series as well, just so you know.
  16. He is Director/Lead Designer. I cant wait to play this one myself. I have been a Metal Gear fan since 1988. Agreed. To me, his "overly cinematic" style is what makes Metal Gear what it is. I can think of about a million sequel videogames that don't hold up nearly as well.
  17. Great show... but what can you expect from Whedon and company? Haven't got the DVD's yet... but I got a Best Buy Gift Certificate and a full tank of gas... Hmmmmm..
  18. Heh... I actually saw that movie in the theater. Drunk. The crowd cheered when he died. Also I laughed my ass when one character said very dramatically, "We're going to have to call the president... [long pause, then looks directly at the camera] this has to be an EXECUTIVE DECISION." Golly, I love bad films!
  19. My favorite toy this year, after the Masterpiece Prime. If you're a fan of the mecha and you don't whine like Graham does about purple and green, then it's for you. Or really any of the colors. Highly reccommended.
  20. Give it time, Leb... the sweet and tender romancing of door knobs isn't something you can just rush into. Ask AgentONE, he'll tell you. To woo a doorknob takes time. First there is poetry, candlelight, a little slow jazz on the stereo... a glass of chardonnay, some whispered promises, then the doorknob seduction is complete. Once consumated, however, the mood dies quickly. The doorknob barely has a chance to say, "you will call me, AgentONE? Won't you?", before he's zipped up and on his way to the house next door.
  21. I've never understood why fans of something get upset once more people get into the same thing. All of sudden, it's not cool anymore and "posers" are ruining it, etc.. Silliness. You either like something or you don't. If I happen to enjoy the same movie/book/song/show as someone I hate, then so be it. And, as with all trends - that which is highly popular now will eventually drift back into a less popular position naturally. Or, basically the same thing JELEINEN said... Still it is fun to remember the "Japanimation" section at Blockbuster. They had 3 episodes of Robotech, Clash of the Bionoids, and MD Geist. Ah, those are the good old days?
  22. on many many levels i can agree with your wife on this one. Word. Can't you use your Sith powers to get her hired as Yamato's pricing agent?
  23. As do I, sweet woogums. Sing along with me, folks!
  24. Definitely primarily toy purchases. But I've been known to plunk down for DVDs and Books. But to be honest, look at what is available - 99% toys & models, then a few things here and there, mostly vintage. Transforming mecha toys/models is pretty much the beating heart of Macross, merchandise-wise.
  25. Well... just from looking at it... I'd say the "inputs" did not seem the right fit for a cassette tape. Maybe 8 track.
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