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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. Now that the topic has been totally derailed by BoBe's avatar... I feel okay by saying that watching the avatar is even more fun if you sing A Flock of Seagulls' "I ran" while staring. Try it. It's fun. And another excuse to stare. And I ran I ran so far away I just ran I couldn't get away - repeat You can do this for about 10 minutes or so without getting too bored.
  2. Yeah I remember that happening. I really didn't mind, it gave me more people to talk to about Gundam MS design with. Not only that... but all the cool toys that have come along because of that popularity... not to mention US releases, etc... Better DVDs... but for some reason the stigma of being "popular" or worse, "recognizable to the average american" is hard to shake amongst anime snobs. If old school Super Robots became the next big kids show on Cartoon Network, you'd see a massive fallout amongst the ToyboxDX fans. Some people are just like that. Others would be totally fine with it. In the end, it's just like Graham said - if you like a design, then you like it.
  3. I've only seen parts of the episode when I taped it Tuesday (I saw Chase getting beaten up), but the situation that Chase put himself in and the danger he has put Jack, other CTU agents, and even national secuirty in is another example of why YOU-MUST-OBEY-YOUR-ORDERS, especially in this line of work. i kinda hope he gets the soldering iron treatment jack got last season. Dude... can we really expect Chase to understand how to follow orders when he was TRAINED BY JACK BAUER? In fact... everyone at CTU is easily the most insubordinate group of employees on Earth... much less for Government Security work. Aside from Jack, whom we can expect to be a rogue, 'cause that just kinda his thing... you've got all of them lying to the president, half the place is moles or enemy agents, and acting superior officers suffering from heroin addiction, gunshot wounds, or radiation sickness. In the first season, Tony was so suspicious of everything that his boss did that I wondered why the guy hadn't gotten fired yet. Jack: Get me that file on Victor Drazen, Tony. Tony: Why? What kind of game are you playing, Jack?!? Jack: Um... I just need to read the file. Can you get it please? Tony: I will... this time. But I'm on to you Jack... watch your back. 'Cause I'm on you... every step.. in fact, I'll - Jack: The file? Could you get it? Please? Tony: Okey-dokey. Okay, maybe it wasn't exactly like that... but aren't these people supposed to follow their superior officers?
  4. I love this movie! Particularly when Westley says "As you wish" and Buttercup is hot and ... Ooops... that's the Princess Bride. Still, this looks like an entirely different, yet enjoyable HK action flick. Thanks for review A7... top notch as always.
  5. I'll take chipped paint and die-cast any day of the week... they don't look better, I'll agree with that. But they feel better. And you can hurt people with them. Yeah!
  6. Oh lord... *sinking feeling in stomach* not this again..
  7. Why do I get the feeling we just gave this guy his first crackpipe? Seriously, I wouldn't worry about being the ultimate collector. Just pick one of them out and buy one, open it, and see what you think. I'd pick the one you like best, don't worry about collector value... if you don't dig it, then sell it on the forums and go back to your reptile friends and buy them some new rats or something. Either way, enjoy yourself and try to not to go bankrupt!
  8. It's not quite so much shaggy... definitely more in the Ann Jillian type. And Ann Jillian's not hot. When I think about Ann Jillian, I think about Bob Hope and Breast Cancer. And that is not cool. She's supposed to be the T&A for the show.
  9. Hey, I'm cool with that... I've just seen it happen before and I wanted to make sure all the folks reading the other thread saw his excellent work.
  10. Dude!... Not in front of everyone else! Would that make AgentONE the Pro-Tranny? Also... just a quick check w/ my girlfriend. She says Viggo is hotness - but not as pretty as Orlando Bloom, her new fave. She also says that Van Damage is creepy and gross. She also says that we're all losers, but I'm ignoring that.
  11. Right. And might I add that it was shows such as TF, Voltron, and Tranzor Z (Mazinger-Z) that ignighted Mech popularity in the US. Sure Shogun Warriors came out in the 70's, but they didn't blow up as much as TF and Voltron. To a lot of people Optimus Prime, not Gundam, not Getter "Fill in the blank", is the quintessential big ass Japanese robot. Which is ironic since it was Marvel that gave a tool in the Diaclone universe a soul. Personally I like the GoLion design more. But I do give credit when credit is due. And Prime is it for 2004. I think alot of the "backlash" over the toy is simply based on Optimus Prime's enormous popularity in the states. It's far, far cooler to buy a toy most folks haven't heard of. Every guy I know in his early 30's/late 20's immediately recognizes Prime. Popularity = Uncool BTW - I love the phrase Getter "Fill In the Blank", JRock.
  12. You also forgot his obvious humility, good taste, and unbridled lust for room entry/exit hardware. I myself come here to watch people get in heated bitchfests over a 20 year old anime. Macrossworld has it all!
  13. i got that FHM.....nice. She was in Maxim too. damn, kim is hot. too bad shes stupid. Hey! Don't pick on Kim! That Cougar snuck up on her from outta nowhere! Now excuse me, I have to see to the new dresscode regulations and my personal "hands-on" training of the world's hottest data entry girl. Thanks for the gig, EXO.
  14. All I'm saying is that if I was running CTU, I'd enforce a new dresscode. Specifically for Kim Bauer. Something like this wouldn't be too bad...
  15. Because his is the mostest special toy ever! We're up to 4 Optimus-related threads here now. I smell some mod justice heading this way.
  16. Looks real good... it could be longer, but the jackstands are nifty. Where's Roller dammit! Seriously, nice job there. Edited to add - Also, you might want to post this in the big MP Prime thread here. This thread might one Optimus thread too many.
  17. To attach an image to a message, go to the File Attachments section of the post and click the Browse... button. The image will load to server and display at the bottom of your post. Or... if the image is already posted somewhere on the web, you can use the IMG button at the top of posting area and enter the image's location (usually http://www.blahblah.com/something.jpg) and then you can post the image anywhere you want within the post. It'll show up wherever you put the tag. If you're a new at this stuff, I'd reccommend using the first option to post your image. Just make sure it's not an enormous file or the mods will smack you around. Gently, though.
  18. Maybe you guys should try emptying your browser cache and/or restarting your browser/computer. BTW, who was that psycho? He looked like Gov. Arnold to me. Or you can very easily hold down the SHIFT button and click the Refresh icon. If you're using Internet Explorer, that is.
  19. You're missing out. There, now that I've said it, you must accept it and move forward with life. I'd reccommend checking ebay and the Macrossworld For Sale section for a good deal. Somebody snagged a VF-1S for 99 shipped today. But you definitely NEED at least one 1/48. It's totally worth it. Oh yeah, and you also NEED at least one set of FAST packs. Because they rock. Completely. Now go breed snakes or knock off a few 7/11's or whatever you need to do.
  20. Heh... anybody notice that the G-man himself got "tagged"? Check it Here. I can only say that I'm proud of the part I've played.
  21. Yee-haw! Got my Prime today... it truly is a magnificent design... I freaking love this toy! As far as UPS goes, it looks like they actually read my note, because they came by about 5:45 today. I wish I could have things shipped to work, but with Paypal and the Confirmed Shipping Address and only one bank account... fuggedaboudit. One question - Mine is the Takara version (long smokestacks, no faux battle damage)... but unlike others I've seen pictured, my windshields are clear, not blue. I don't really care, mind you... but I was curious if anyone knows why?
  22. Okay... then at the very least, she should lose the "office girl" look and be forced to work as a stripper to find information. A boy can dream, can't he? It's not as bad a plot device as Amnesia (See Terri Bauer, season 1), is it? Think of it as Primetime Fan Service.
  23. Would some clever and impudent mod please make this Graham's new member title? Sure, I know he's the boss, but it would really crack me up. Max! Hee! Thanks Milkman. You've made my day. That, and the fact that I got my 20th Anniversary Prime from UPS. After transforming it and admiring the sculpt for the last few hours, it's absolutely no surprise that it won hands down. It truly is a design marvel, the best I've seen since I first got my hands on a 1/48 valkyrie. Also, Convoy/Prime is just such a powerful nostalgic piece to Americans who grew up in the 80's. I can only hope they put out more Masterpiece editions. It's like having a Transformer with the care and love usually put into Gundams or Yamatos. There's definitely a place for such a collector's line.
  24. I think that's the most likely scenario. And its pretty tried and true in reality. Sucker em in with our culture, then conquer em with capitalism. Heh... if you throw in their love of music and Minmei... it all ties nicely into the theme of Macross and human culture conquering an alien race.
  25. Would some clever and impudent mod please make this Graham's new member title? Sure, I know he's the boss, but it would really crack me up. Max!
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