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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. I'm still chuckling over my other big voodoo non-success in predicting that the "big mystery secret" would be either a 1/48 Canon Fodder 1A or M&M 1J's. Well, it wasn't the big mystery secret... but my voodoo is still strong! Y'all had best learn not to mess with me and my chickens. Jobu don't take no prisoners. As for sabotaging Kev's next order w/ my voodoo chicken sacrifice... I think he might come after me and leave me worse off than the chicken... so I'll hold off for now! Still... if Kev wanted to take "damaged box" preorders on the M&M's... he could sign me up today! I swear, this time, no voodoo!
  2. My Prized Possessions Macross: 1/48 VF-1S with FAST packs 1/55 Hikaru Strike Other Anime Toys: Mospeada Ride Armor Masterpiece Prime Gundam Wing Zero DX 12" Completely unrelated: Englehardt Upright Concert Double Bass 1972 Martin D-28 Warwick Thumb Bass These would be the first things I'd start carrying out of the house, in the event of a disaster. I'd let my girlfriend carry herself and the dogs.
  3. I'm sorry but I'd put 1 1/48 against just about anything else. It's just the best design for a valk, period. Of course, you'd be an idiot not to buy the kickass FAST/Strike armor for it. The 1/60 is a good toy, with or without armors. But the 1/48 is a great toy.
  4. Heh... and here I was thinking that we had moved past the days of speculating what HG puts in its infamous "contracts." My only point is that they seem to be moving forward with the RT Remastered DVDs and there's no court cases, so we can assume that Animeigo knew what they were getting into.
  5. It's been said before, so shall it be said again. Animefriend, you suck.
  6. That's a well written article... I also remember when they were primarily responsible for pr0n! Whoever works there has been pretty saavy about licensing and marketing good titles... you have to give them that much. Who knows if the Eva movie will be any good at all? I'm still waiting to see who's writing, directing, etc..
  7. Heh... I kinda like it. Very silly, completely goofy, and absolutely not something I want to spend $50 on. But I kinda like it.
  8. I must be in the minority, I actually liked last episode. I think Nina in this episode makes a lot more sense than her appearance last season, plus I ultimately have liked season 3 so far better than season 2 or even 1. Yes, the show has it's soap operatic elements - it always has, though. Nothing so far has been as bad as Season 1's amnesia or Season 2's Kim vs. the Cougar. As for office retard Chloe's infant... seems like an obvious set up for future peril, if you ask me.
  9. For the Hikaru 1S, definitely Strike. I had my Roy 1S in Super mode, until my Super 1J arrived yesterday. Now Roy's showing his Strike abilities. It's such an easy switch. Why not change your mind everyday?
  10. This list hath inspired me... I just bought a bunch of Gundam DVDs... thanks for the recommendations, folks.
  11. Hmm... top 10 lists rule. 1. Neon Genesis Evangelion 2. SDF Macross 3. Cowboy Bebop 4. Macross: DYRL 5. Macross 7 6. Macross Plus 7. Escaflowne 8. Mobile Suit Gundam 9. Macross Zero 10. Lodoss Wars
  12. I'm far from an HG defender, but it's obvious that HG and Animeigo had some sort of agreement. HG owns the license and as it is, they contraced Animeigo to produce the Macross discs. So, basically buying the Animeigo discs is also giving HG money... even though most of us choose not to think about it. <_< Either way, I think the whole project is stupid and yet another example of HG's obvious fear or cheapness. Why they keep trying to mine the same source material (Robotech and the 3 series that begat it) instead of create something new is pretty sad. Personally, I picked up the 9.99 RT boxes that I didn't have at the RightStuf sale too. If I want to watch RT (which I occasionally do for sentimental value), I want it to look as funky and scuffed up as it did when I watched on UHF at 10 years old.
  13. I hate scale. Scale is best for model building. And, as any model builder can tell you, there is no "magic scale". The toy/model generally comes in whatever scale best represents and allows for the mechanics of the toy/model. I say make everything around 12" tall and I'm happy. I simply could care less. These are display pieces that I enjoy one at a time. I won't be building any dioramas with trees, etc on my shelves.
  14. Hmmm... gee, do you think Yamato will release it Green or Blue? Of course they will. How many damn VF-1's do we have? Sure it would require a new face (not Milia) under the pilot's visor... but each VF-1 has a different head, some have different armors... My guess is Yamato will put out at least 3 versions of this toy, over time. That way they can maximize the cost of the sculpt, molds, productions, etc. And very likely each version will be "updated" and "fixed" to be a better toy. We've seen it enough times to know how it goes, don't we? This one is looking better and better to me... a good review and some pilot pics might seal the deal.
  15. My 1/55 army sustained a major fall onto Stone tile from about 5 feet when a shelf collapsed. No problems. I'd say the only weak points (if you can call them that) would be the head lasers or landing gear. Those are what always seem to be broken from heavy play on the original 1/55's on eBay.
  16. Take a few deep breaths and explain the problem to us. There's folks on this board who can come up with a fix for most anything. But you do have to realize that Yamato is a Japanese company and their obligation is to their customers in Japan. If they were allowed to sell toys legally to the rest of the world, then I'm fairly certain you would be able to have better luck getting your part. Seriously, what part did you break? Maybe someone here on the boards can help.
  17. We'll get a box and we'll place one black stone inside amonst many others. He who draws the black stone wins the lottery... hee.
  18. Y'know, Mechamaniac, I was willing to cut you some slack, what with your far superior knowledge of 12" Gundams, etc... But then you had to go and cast disparaging remarks toward Pabst! I'll take Pabst over Bass any day! But if you were to mention Samuel Smith vs. Milwaukee's Best (the Beast)... then I might follow your logic. S'okay, though... as I've said before and I'll say again - Diff'rent Strokes rule the world. Personally I dig the old animation better, it just has a classic quality (like Disney's Bambi or Dumbo) that new anime just doesn't seem to measure up to. I like both, but I can see where you're coming from with your preference. Just don't dis the PBR again!
  19. There is only one answer to that silly, silly question, JollyRogers - No. Milla can never, ever be naked enough. Hours and hours and hours of footage could be shot and I'd still be watching avidly. But the movie is crap.
  20. I believe that... on my second transformation of my Takara Prime, the backpack piece square just popped right off. Nearly gave me a heart attack, then I took a look at it and realized it comes off very easily and no damage or stress marks were on the toy. So I just popped it back on.
  21. That depends...how much do they whine about the many toys Bandai produces? Surely you jest? More products = more whining.
  22. Hmmm.. The only great news about Seed coming to the US is what I read on Figures.com today I'm sucker for a good 12 inch DX Gundam. Particularly when they're sold domestically.
  23. Bah, nothing is on par with Macrossworld.
  24. Mascot? My vote goes to Chunky Misa.
  25. Definitely Jetfire... But the first valkyrie I ever got my hands on that was actually Macross was a Joon's Milia valk. Still got that POS somewhere.
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